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Everything posted by Caveman

  1. Come on, you can do better than that. What inhumane qualities are automatically transferred to the lucky owner of each new hat?
  2. This. The demonization of MAGA hatters is unfounded and not healthy for political discourse. Trump voters I personally know supported his American worker's first, secure borders, and "drain the swamp" platform. They didn't vote explicitly for separating families at the border or alienating our international allies.
  3. I disagree. Analogies do not need to refer to topics of equal magnitude.
  4. The analogy is not based on the motivation for purchases, its based on the injustices being overlooked.
  5. It's a strong analogy. A main criticism of Trump supporters is that they are either 1) racists or 2) indifferent to racism. An argument can definitely be made there must be some indifference to the less-than-sterling labor histories of these companies, thus the people proudly wearing the Swoosh or camping in line for the new $1000 iPhone are guilty by association. For reference, I love my iPhone and Nikes.
  6. It's true that the definition of organism can become contentious, especially when discussing viruses, but sperm (and ova) do not have that burden. Us, human beings, are the organism. Our gametes are just one of the many cogs necessary for propagation of the species. They are no more organisms than our own white blood cells or tree pollen (also reproductive cells). My background is in science, but I am not expert in zoology. I will say though, media reports often are poorly worded/confusing when it comes to subjects in science and medicine. Not necessarily enough to alter the main point, but enough to muddy in-depth discussion and debate.
  7. This is FAKE NEWS. Gametes are sex cells necessary for reproduction, but they are not organisms. You will never find a self-propagating colony of sperm roaming the countryside, living off the land.
  8. I don't think delivering a baby early is considered abortion. And for reference, when I was in school several years ago, 24 week premies frequently survived and were considered viable (might be even earlier now). So if the mother's life is in danger later in gestation than that, it's hard to argue for aborting the baby.
  9. Although, I do have a burning question. If the mother's life is in danger at 38-39-40 weeks, why abort the baby? Why not just deliver it? OB-Gyn's can perform an emergent C-section in 1-2 minutes.
  10. Yeah, that changes things. Carry on
  11. Late term, indeed. It would be interesting to know the public support for the law.
  12. What do you mean by this exactly? Examples? And do you think they will sabotage her efforts?
  13. To be honest, I do not know the attendance or demographics for the event, but a pro-lifer wearing a MAGA hat shouldn't raise too many eyebrows. True, the women were disgusted. Although I would argue that many people (especially on social media) treat others of differing political opinions with extreme contempt and hostility. Reactions are often not proportionate to the actual or perceived wrongdoings. These partial video clips are useless for establishing facts, their posters only seem interested in viewership and bolstering their own beliefs.
  14. I disagree, I feel the video adds nothing to the conversation. 1) It's difficult to determine if its the same group. 2) The video only shows the young women walking away- perhaps they said nothing as they passed, perhaps they mocked Trump.
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