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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Just to get this out in front, my post here has nothing to do with US getting involved with personnel. People are telling Israel to let it go with Iran and get over it since no damage occurred. Don’t escalate the situation. What would the response be if the Iron Dome wasn’t so effective and Israel sustained damage from that attack? Would they then have the right to counterattack Iran? it seems that Israel is in a weird situation in that their defenses are so very good that so many folks just expect them to continue to take incoming fire and not be aggressive back because Israel doeant get demolished.
  2. You must have missed the Michigan chants from last week or so
  3. Did Iran ever spend money on humanitarian aid prior to this? That’s was pretty awesome to see.
  4. She’s a modern day martyr for the Left. Going to jail for peace in the Middle East by spitting threats against others. Beautiful
  5. It’s not impossible to fix. No politician has the appetite for the fix, and the general populace b!^@hes and moans when their benefits get cut for the greater good. No one wants to feel the necessary pain.
  6. Yes, Republicans are excellent stewards of financial prudence and have very little responsibility for this. Did you miss the words “thanks everyone”. As in all political parties and politicians.
  7. Agree….since the debt is some mythical figure to most everyone now a days, let’s go back and give refunds to those who either paid back on time or if they didn’t go to school, give money towards their car debt, home debt or CC debt. For the struggling and even stable citizens.
  8. He literally told you why he considered them the biggest winners and I kinda agree. A Household with $315,000 of income should be able to pay of $25,000 in debt in two years max. No idea why those households need debt relief. An income of $85,000 should easily be able to pay off $3,600 of debt within 2 years max. No need for debt relief on those loans.
  9. It’s not a talking point. He’ll just listen to Biden’s pressers when he literally is saying “I’m not supposed to do this or I’m supposed to do this or I know I’ll get in trouble for this”. He’s basically a figure head with mental capacity issues.
  10. Yes he actually would have dominated the Republican primary based on polling data if Trump were not a candidate. He is also a MUCH better primary candidate than Trump. If Trump ends up anywhere near Biden this election, DeSantis would have been President if not for Trump.
  11. Buying votes one student loan forgiveness at a time
  12. Might have missed Carefully worded General Election piece. He was top second choice candidate after someone’s primary choice just prior to Iowa. Not my opinion just fact. If Trump were not a candidate DeSantis would have run away with the primary.
  13. No way this passed. Trump wasn’t for it and we are told he is running the shadow government!!!!!!!
  14. I agree. DeSantis would have dominated this general election
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