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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Will Gavin be showing his homework on these numbers or just puking them out of thin air.
  2. Ya, I’ve said as much prob three times now. I’ve also said if you want to complain about Thomas trips, then let’s follow through and complain about all justice trips.
  3. Why don’t they just identify as a non minor attracted person and let it be so. That’s a thing now I heard, that you can just identify as whatever you want and you are automatically it.
  4. The guy isn’t a murderer at this point. You have a weird view of accuracy!! Good thing you don’t work in the fact checking business gotta carry the water for the far left though I guess
  5. That’s a weird conclusion about bias since I don’t care that any of the Justices have taken any trips
  6. Well of course it’s not “the trips”. If it were, the left would have to “trip” over themselves to avoid talking about the patron saint RBG or Breyer, or Kagan, or……..but they don’t want to do that.
  7. Pretty inappropriate thing for the Congressperson to be tweeting out.
  8. Instead of the “minor attracted person” label we could go with “piece of s#!t and stay away from kids” label
  9. In relation to SCOTUS, no I don’t. I don’t really have an issue with the Justices taking this trips and I assume they are big girls and boys and their general law mindset is already made. Most conservative justices take a conservative view point of the law and vise versa with liberals. A few tend to be swing justices. A trip or two a year hasn’t seemed to change their mindset based on voting patterns. This isn’t a shocking revelation to most of us. Well except for people on this board.
  10. I admit this is true. On a side note I could get behind a military exemption to the 25 yr old rule as long as they passed a post deployment mental health check with no PTSD as an example. You should also be able to buy beer at 18 if you sign up for duty. Perks for serving in my opinion.
  11. It’s weird that the Democrats are the true election interferers when that’s what they continually harp about. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/hunter-biden-laptop-letter-recruitment-email-joe-biden-talking-point-trump-debate
  12. Yet you still don’t reference the hundred plus trips RGB or Breyer took. Your schtick is getting old. it’s quite funny I earlier referenced liberal justice trips and yet you still want to just go back to try and suggest I only compare a publishing deal and by the way a case that she presided over with said publishing company and Justice Thomas issues. Pfft.
  13. I’ve already posted about what I think in this thread not too long ago. Seems You didn’t read it
  14. He didn’t, nor did he address them like he did the Thomas stuff. Hence my post
  15. Georgia has gun backgrounds checks done by NICS.
  16. No, it was a run on sentence that pertained to what Thomas has been accused of. He compared the Sotomayor story to the Thomas story never linking in liberal justices. He knew what he was doing.
  17. So the lavish liberal justices trips don’t count
  18. Also kinda reminds me of the “walls are closing in” Russian fake news.
  19. There is no way this can be true? Can it?
  20. 21 seems like a sensible compromise law for long guns like the AR (I would even prefer the age to be 25 like a car rental is in many cases).
  21. One begs to question why propublica is only looking into “conservative” leaning Justices?
  22. Welp, guess we won’t have any SCOTUS justices soon.
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