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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Her ya go @NebraskaHarryand @Scarlet a few laughs faces to see who done it.
  2. Going all in on the fake Steele Dossier was the beginning of the end for Buzzfeednews. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/20/business/buzzfeed-news-shut-down.html
  3. Common sense https://www.yahoo.com/news/house-aims-bar-trans-athletes-142600523.html
  4. If one is going to make a partisan point and try and dunk on the other party, one should expect a rebuke and call it out for the partisan post it is. I guess it’s a shame that the other kids who get shot aren’t important to the poster as you said since he didn’t post about them not getting phone calls from Gov’s or Presidents. There isn’t a poster on this board who isn’t partisan or pushing an agenda so pointing out inaccuracy or hypocrisy is fine in my book.
  5. Seems like a few people don’t understand what the main goal of the Starship launch was for today and what was gonna be icing on the cake. LOLOL
  6. Well since you brought up WI and PA, the only GOP candidate to win those states recently was the unhinged one Romney couldn’t even win his home state. And PA is getting to be a pipe dream based off the Philly machine that is insurmountable just about every cycle.
  7. It’s more than stupid imo. It’s quite pathetic to punish responsibility.
  8. That’s a positive sign in the Baker recruitment I think. Not predicting he’s gonna sign here yet but bringing a teammate to show the school on a visit is good.
  9. LOL. I had a post within the last two week that only said I agreed with @sho and three people put the laugh face on it. You gonna get to the bottom of that one? Or pretty much any of the posts that people put a laugh face on but don’t reply. Happens quite often yet you don’t seem to reply to those Matter of fact, there have been 3 posts about random people and child molestation charges in the Republican Utopia in the past few days yet I haven’t seen you ask the poster why they posted it. Curious as to why you only have an interest in one thread about why people post or for one poster why they use a board reaction when others use the same one?
  10. Really!?! Now being fiscally responsible gets you penalized when buying a home?
  11. Certainly this. It’s great to get any four star talent in state to sign, but I agree that KC and STL present much bigger opportunities that the program hasn’t had too much success in outside of a few players here or there.
  12. I pointed it out, (Not make a big deal unless you believe every post on HB is now considered a big deal) because it isn’t just “a random twitter guy”, it’s a guy used multiple times as a source who is only making the post as a political statement on the situation. He didn’t make that same post in regards to the cheerleader shooting story that had just happened though. Maybe tell that to the OP who was more concerned with who was calling who. Sorry but I guess I don’t think ANY kid shooting is just another shooting. Regardless of race.
  13. Ya it’s funny. You must never have heard of mutually assured destruction. I’m not worried about Russia Nuking us. It’s the lone terrorist organization that would worry me more. They don’t give a s#!t.
  14. Ya, I’m not even talking about Nebraska with this, so there is that. My post makes USC the logical destination in terms of development and historical winning program. He would come to Nebraska for the other two reasons. Play right away and it being a family favorite program. Georgia is a great program that probably presents playing time opportunity but has shown little high level NFL development and no family ties. You seem to be the only one taking about NU and UGA in comparison terms.
  15. I remember when this dude was gonna be a savior of the Democrat party in Florida.
  16. Well no one’s gonna proclaim him the brightest bulb in the house. About that IQ test for politicians. I’d like to get that going.
  17. Not sure what you’re so worried about. Obama told us it ain’t the 80’s anymore remember?? Russia isn’t a threat based on his genius assessment.
  18. LOL Gotta give Brian an A for effort I guess in his description.
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