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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Good point. Tip of the cap to you!
  2. Do you mean to tell me that printing trillions upon trillions of dolllars out of thin air the past four years causing mountains of debt has caused an increase of corporate profits?!?!? Shocker.
  3. Kids need two parents heavily involved whenever possible. A father figure and a mother figure. Doesn’t mean it’s always gonna be in the traditional sense.
  4. That would be annoying. Best to ignore and carry on with your dinner which it sounds like you did. What’s with the grits by the way? Awful stuff I’m on the road with overnights one or two nights a week usually. I hardly ever eat at the hotel bar/restaurant. The one exception is the Waterford in OKC. I like the bartender and food is decent enough. Otherwise I try and find some local places to try.
  5. Can’t we say that with just about anyone when comparing intelligence to her. She might be one of the dumbest humans, and that’s saying something considering she sits at the same table as Joy Behar.
  6. The only person finding rage is you, and it's because I don't hold the same position or outlook as you do. This is what I believe. I am in the center. Excellent assessment
  7. You’re onto something here! I’m 99.999infinity% sure.
  8. That's the thing. It's worth what the market will bear. So if someone makes you an offer, that is the market price. If you want a buyer to offer you 10 times what you paid for your house, you can sh!t in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first. Stewart's wish hand just happened to fill. And again, the two examples discussed are vastly different circumstances. This is a great example of why the Trump case is/was lawfare. Trump found a bank willing to loan him money based on what the banks market would bear. He made offers for a loan, bank accepted them after doing their own due diligence. Bank was repaid, bank wanted to do more business with Trump Org.
  9. Everything you said in your post I agree with which is why I’m glad you are agreeing with how silly the Leticia James case is. Bringing in John Stewart and his situation was meant to highlight things from a different perspective. The over-inflation of property value is very nebulous thing to say because value is basically what someone is willing to pay. In the case of the banks, it seems they were willing to accept the value presented to them based on the fact they accepted the deal and were willing to continue to deal with Trump. The factual representation of a property being wrong (overinflation of square footage) is something I could get behind. That said, I would have to believe those types of cases have been brought before and it would be nice to see the fines in those cases. From my understanding, correct me if I’m wrong, this is the first time NY has used this type of case before and I have a hard time believing it’s a first of its kind case. https://apnews.com/article/trump-fraud-business-law-courts-banks-lending-punishment-2ee9e509a28c24d0cda92da2f9a9b689 This case amounts to lawfare, unless LJ starts inquiries into every other developer in NYC and the values they present for their properties.
  10. I’ll check that out. And agree with what you stated above. The one lady really wanted to go down a rabbit hole with him using false talking points and he skillfully got the conversation back on track.
  11. Got a question for you because, I think you probably live in a very Republican area like me where so many of your friends have supported Trump and most still do. I live in an area with a Democrat as House Representative just fyi. Been a Democrat more often than a Republican since I’ve lived in my house. I can quite honestly say I don’t really talk politicians with any of my friends. If we talk about things outside of sports or kids it’s generally about news events. The discussions sometimes have a political bent to them but usually not and usually doesn’t incorporate a specific politician. My arms length acquaintances wouldn’t have a clue about what party I support and i like it that way. My close acquaintances know which way I lean when it comes to politics based on discussions about life, but I have never in my life had a heated discussion with a friend or family member to where politics has affected our feelings towards each other.
  12. I enjoyed listening to this clip and gonna go find his book to read. I would love to see him continue to get an audience. I’m certain we all could learn from him, if nothing else how he presents an argument for his beliefs.
  13. I saw it in a movie. Scientists are super smart. Scientists do great work. The climate does change. Glaciers so melt, and freeze. Humans do have some effect on the climate. I’m pretty sure nuclear war is a greater threat than climate change, so yeah, I guess I take it up with them. Damn tree huggers ruin everything. Yes less horses#!t but it ended up changing the climate to a serious 10 on a scale of 1-10. Sounds like we should have stayed with the horses#!t.
  14. My man! It took awhile but now you’re catching on. (but you are arguing with ghosts)
  15. I only get out on Tuesdays between 9:45 and 9:57. PM that is. so you agree with me it’s ludicrous……but feel the need to post a novel about why I’m wrong? Seems legit
  16. Thinking about this further, even if some skinhead dork/loser put 100% on a shirt, all that would make me think, is that he’s a 100% douche!
  17. Well, it depends on how many and who the some people are along with whether or not the racism is fake or not.
  18. Did you say something? I must have missed it
  19. We as a society need to do a better job of calling our real racism, and stop trying to create fake racism to push some agenda.
  20. If by ghosts, you mean posters on this board, then, well, yes I would agree. That’s actually “not it”. Because you know what happens next. Next time someone the everything is racist bros don’t like uses 100% for something, that crowd then states it a dog whistle. Next thing ya know people need to not use 100% out of respect for the marginalized community. Same s#!t happened with the okay hand symbol.
  21. Nope, actually Ron knows how to get things done for the betterment of his citizens when he is in charge. Something Trump had a problem with.
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