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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Well I guess they’ve moved from kids to……..animals Well done Democrats
  2. Consequences of a policy that doesn’t deter criminals. I remember someone saying harsher penalties don’t work. Apparently lenient ones are those that don’t work.
  3. The last 20 seconds of what Rove said is exactly what Trump wants and the media always gives him.
  4. Those same CHAZ defenders seem to defend CCP lately also. Strange yet predictable.
  5. What book is banned in the state of Florida that isn’t banned in any other state. What Abortion problem. It’s an individual state issue. If people don’t like the Florida law they can move a state that is more liberal with killing babies
  6. I finally found common ground with the IC liar. We both think MTG should be out of Congress.
  7. Found this thread interesting, it’s about the size of different countries and our perception of that size based on how maps show up. Not necessarily environment as we see the thread, but it fit here best.
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/media/ex-obama-staffer-blows-whistle-biden-kickback-scheme-hunter-joined-burisma-malfeasance-office
  9. Ok Victor we won’t. Thanks for the advice though
  10. Maybe, but that doesn’t answer the question either
  11. How would you know if you did the blocky blocky thing? Hmmmmmmmmmmm
  12. I get it on the cable bundling. I’m just not a big fan of the calling the advertisers thing that group does. The easiest way for him and others to drop fox revenue would be to just unbundle no need for the boycott nonsense and they get what they want. (And yes, the right does the silly boycott game too) Just my three cents.
  13. Thanks for passing along the media matters thread. It was kinda interesting to read and probably learned a few things on how Revenue is generated. A few things you might be able to answer as the thread wasn’t clear. 1) where did the Tucker commercial graph come from? 2) the media matters guy made a big deal about how much Fox charges vs CNN and is only second to ESPN. Why would Fox charge the same as a company that it dwarfs in terms of eyeball watching? Makes no sense. 3). The media matters guy says fox cheats by having this type of revenue model. How is this cheating? 4). The media matters thread turned more interesting once we get to bottom and realize it’s just a dude? advocating for people to boycott Fox and harass advertisers. 5) Instead of trying to be the television police, maybe media matters dude could put on counter programming and compete for viewers?
  14. He’s a paid social media influencer for Democrat party
  15. I’m not following along onto what’s masterful? Is that a judges job to try and dunk on politicians
  16. What you probably don’t realize and what I should have shared with you in my last reply to you is that I agree with the basic concept of what you are saying in many cases. The issue I have with you is that I name a few things that would be great for both parties to work on (making no judgements on either side about who has done or not done what) and your first sentence back to me is it’s laughable. The GOP politicians should quit with grievance and backward looking politics. I get why normal citizens do it, but politicians should be better. The GOP does need to get rid of MTG’s of the world, the GOP does need to push back at the BS bills Fems make that have good compromise solutions with dumbass poison pills in them just to make the GOP look bad for voting no on the package. The GOP does need to be the bigger party and not just be focused on investigation the other party to stall an agenda like the Dems do. But it’s pretty hard to find any common ground with folks like yourself (who you and I are probably more aligned than you would like to think) when you think ideas are laughable that a poster proposes just cause there has been inaction on a national scale.
  17. Well Victor and poster, this is awkward but Ummm…DeSantis is term limited after his massive 20 point win in the swing state of Florida. So anything he runs for would be him getting elected, not re-elected.
  18. Oh…..you were saying. I think your post was the laughable one unless you have some homework to share instead of just general blabber. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/community-family/conservative-house-republicans-roll-out-post-dobbs-family-policy-agenda https://www.postandcourier.com/politics/during-abortion-debate-gop-pledged-focus-on-kids-do-sc-speakers-adoption-bills-deliver/article_31659e68-9777-11ed-88c8-8fbb0dffef53.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/08/upshot/child-care-republicans-democrats.html
  19. 1) on a national level the GOP cannot address anything without the DEM involved to pass legislation or budgets. So the NEED part means they have to work together. Some states have super majorities with a party so it would be incumbent on a single party to pass legislation. 2) We already have sex education in middle and high schools (and yes parents who freak out about that are dopes and doing their kids a disservice) and parents need to address ways to educate their kids at home on the consequences of being sexually active. It’s not a “GOP” issue. 3) No one is forced to keep any baby. It’s why we have an adoption process and so many families in the US are waiting for children to adopt but never get the chance. And yes, the adoption process should not cost what it currently costs. 4) improving the foster care system would be a great place for politicians to work together. Both Dem and GOP. 5) not sure if you have kids or are aware but kids who can’t afford school lunch and breakfast already get it free. it some states, millionaires kids get free breakfast and lunch 6) Daycare solutions for those under a certain household income would be welcome for both parties to come together and figure out.
  20. That’s were Democratic inaction caused an Ambassador and 4-5 other to die.
  21. I’m starting to wonder if you aren’t reading the English I write or if you are just being intentionally difficult. Im not alleging an injustice, I’m actually making fun of the ridiculous CO lawsuit and called a potential Tennessee one clownish. They would be the same frivolous dumb court draining BS. New Rules, thems the rules,etc….ever heard of Bill Mahar?? Good grief
  22. The Colorado law didn’t apply based on the bakers religious beliefs. Just as a Tennessee law wouldn’t apply if a case against the florist came through. Both would/are frivolous lawsuits. Exactly as my original post says but for some reason you are trying to obfuscate the issue even though you agree.
  23. That's not the "rules" according to Tennessee state laws on public accommodation. By and large, sexual orientation is a far more protected class at the state and federal level than political affiliation is. Not all beliefs are created equal. The Colorado baker won his case despite all the faux rage. Sounds like a similar outcome to what would happen in Tennessee if a case was brought forth
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