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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. If Gaetz is found guilty of sex trafficking, he should be put away for a long while just like any other person would be.
  2. Does it also tell you what you need to know when the Senator who got caught says yes she got caught?
  3. So you know they sent that video to Daily caller how exactly? Or is it maybe Innovo Kitchen posted it on social media and was picked up by outlets and you just assumed because……
  4. NO it’s actually a video from a restaurant for f’ sake. An employee of said news outlet just happened to post it. And you still seem to avoid what the restaurant manager said about the politician in the tweet thread. So I guess if you are calling the employees who work at the restaurant as secret Daily Caller employees waiting years for their chance to catch a Democrat Senator violating a mask mandate then you possibly maybe might have a point. BUUUUUUUTTTTT, they aren’t!
  5. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s certainly an issue amongst the Democrat NBA players to not push back on China for a this issue because it hits their pocket book. This guy I guess at least admits what the rest are thinking too. If he’s a MAGA in disguise, feel free to move the post.
  6. If it was legit it would be published in reputable source LOL I wear one for work everyday and no I don’t ever forget it. Nor do I ever not put one on when a store specifically requests it. I always have some in the car. You fall in the rules for thee but not for me category huh. I don’t live in that area so bothers me to the extent it’s annoying to see those politicians force so much on business owners but not comply with the rules they set forth. Luckily my state and county isn’t a bunch of idiots. But that restaurant owner sure thinks it’s a big deal!!!!!
  7. It’s a Covid thread Seems as though it fits perfectly. I guess I didn’t realize every thread needs to talk about Trump and or Jan 6th?
  8. Ya, maybe take into account the owners version of the story. But you continue to make excuses for those Democrat hypocrites
  9. The Covid hypocrisy never seems to end when it involves Democrats in leadership
  10. “They were just hungry and looking for bread” so says AOC and the Squad.
  11. This kid is really good but OU tends to own Wichita area
  12. You must have listened to a fantasy version of Fauci. It wasn’t till maybe the end of 2020 where Fauci started to finally be a tad bit assertive is saying kids need to be in school regardless of the Covid situation.
  13. Kavanaugh must be doing a good job evaluating the law according to his knowledge/belief because talking heads can’t seem to figure out if they like him or not. And that’s a good thing.
  14. No kidding. And people actually thought our Democracy was literally at stake through the actions of idiots like that. Arrests should continue to happen for those that broke the law, including Mr. Epps.
  15. Anecdotal evidence here but was wondering what others are hearing…. Of the people that I know are boosted, well over 50% and the number is probably close to 80% have gotten Covid since mid December. Thankfully every single one has done relatively well with it and no hospitalizations. I’m just surprised at how inefficient the booster is at preventing simple infection. Vaccines and boosters seem to be doing the main job well still!
  16. Not much else was different in 2020 vs any other year except Covid lockdowns and school closures. In many places, there was pretty much zero effort to keep schools open or re-open schools because of the teachers unions. I can’t think of many pediatricians off the top of my head that didn’t think locking kids out of social interactions was harmful to their development and mental psyche.
  17. It will be interesting to see what the 2021 numbers show with Delta in there. It was always such a crime to lock kids out of their social interactions after the 2020 school year ended. I understood the need in March and April, maybe even May to finish out the year , but beyond that it was insane for the Fauci’s of the world to cow tow to the teachers unions and not demand kids back in school for their own well being.
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