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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/watch-police-officer-pulls-pilot-out-of-crashed-airplane-seconds-before-a-train-slams-into-it-yes-you-read-that-right/
  2. Jennifer Rubin is in the media. Used to be the self proclaimed Republican commentator for WAPO.
  3. There are over 200 Republican Congresspeople, yet they get all the oxygen from national news. Why is that. They get more press than McCarthy. Why is that?
  4. If you don’t consider a President spying on and trying to derail a future Presidents campaign as something close to that then I don’t know what to tell you. Not to mention a two year campaign afterwords to try and impeach a President because the spying didn’t work out so well. So yep there’s that.
  5. Nice spin. You should run for office. the Congresspeople you mentioned get all the attention and oxygen because the national media gives it to them. And you of a people understand why. Some of those same Dem’s crying a river about not verifying an election are the same ones who voted to not certify an election in years past. Sometimes multiple times. Hmmmmm…. in 21 years, God willing I’m still alive, I won’t have s#!t to apologize for regarding any votes. But it will be fun thinking about how much you wish it so.
  6. Don’t pretend Democrats quickly moved on. They didn’t. Unless you think 6 years and still playing the illegitimate card, still blaming the Supreme Court 22 years later, is “quickly moving on”. I mean, if that’s the case, we still have 21 more years to blame ballot harvesting for the 2020 election.
  7. You may not have realized this, but the top men in the mob either went to jail or got “whacked”. RICO actually did get “the Godfather’s.” As far as the hoax goes, what exactly did those lower level guys get nabbed for?
  8. d!(k and Liz are hoping their past sins of wishing to nuke the Middle East will be glossed over because of this. Serves a good purpose for them.
  9. If there is any there there, well then one would assume the current DOJ would be all over it
  10. I have no doubt you would be correct here. Ever since 2000 it’s what political parties have done every election but 2012.
  11. True, but He outran to two angles which was kinda impressive though
  12. No, I actually bought Biontech pre-vaccine though. BTW…if you have a 401k or any mutual funds, I could almost guarantee that you own Pfizer. Maybe your a MAGA??
  13. Did the Mueller report conclude that Russia influenced the outcome of the election? Did the FBI do a forensic analysis of the DNC servers? Or were they not allowed to? If not why? Is $200,000 in Facebook ads a “social media campaign?” The” Russian government believed it would benefit from a Trump Presidency” and worked to get that outcome. Sounds similar to what the IC’s said about China and Iran for Biden and Russia for Trump in 2020. Wonder why no 2020 Mueller report. HRC’s campaign manager was phished like a moron. None of the emails released on Wikileaks were false or with misleading information. HRC lost because she didn’t campaign in the rust belt. But Russia must have made her not go there I guess.
  14. You actually can’t buy stock in Viagra as it doesn’t exist.
  15. Look at the wording of the Mueller report. I believe (possible I may be mistaken) it says Russia tried to influence the 2016 election. It does not say they did influence the election. I’m pretty sure they were confident Russia had no bearing on our election outcome. Do you honestly think 2016 is the first election Russia tried to influence?
  16. No but we actually pick the candidate we want to win and make it happen at times
  17. Well, a lot of points to unpack and help you out with so here goes nothing… 1). It’s a Utopia thread. Lots of moving discussions. Just check out the Republican one for a point of reference. 2) Both POTUS and VPOTUS agreed (wrongly) with the assertion presented to them that Trump was an illegitimately elected President. Hypocrites the both of them. 3) No other country should be allowed to impact our elections. And we should get out of the election influencing business too. 4) you would be insane for agreeing that he was not legitimately elected and would be a part of the current problem if you do believe that. Russia didn’t change a single vote. HRC didn’t campaign in the Rust Belt and that’s why she lost no matter how many times she claims Russia Russia Russia 5). HRC continues to say the election was illegitimate, Obama had the Fess spy on Trump’s campaign. Not to welcoming it seems. 6). Pointing out Democrat hypocrites is kinda fun that’s why.
  18. Frank Luntz is a dolt. No amount of testing was going to curtail Omicron variant. To say a shortage of testing is not ideal is fine but to say a shortage of testing is why Omicron spiked is just not being smart.
  19. One week before they expired. A letter was written 4 days prior to expiration to cover for demand that rose quite quickly I’m sure you are aware. This isn’t really the dunk you pretend it to be
  20. Mmmmmmm k They expired once before that and it was to be the second extension.
  21. Wait till you hear what the other sides justices made up…..
  22. You are quoting a lawyer who does cosplay as the grim reaper it was the second extension on the expirations date. Facts kinda matter. You fell for it a g a i n.
  23. See we agree, all those things you discussed were horses#!t
  24. Same posters fall for the same type of Dem spin e v e r y s I n g l e time
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