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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Gary Pinkel used to play his backup QB for a couple drives almost every single game I believe just to get him reps in case the starter went down and to prep for his turn at the job
  2. He’s played very well the last three games, but he was a major reason we lost to Illinois
  3. Yep, I’m pretty sure Scott Frost didn’t call for 2 sacks on purpose. Nor do I believe e he called for av2 rd pass in the middle.
  4. Expand on this game, keep getting better and figure how how to be efficient in 2 minute offense and this can be a pretty decent year.
  5. I learned AM has had three pretty good games in a row. I learned this team should be 3-1 one and lower top 25 ranking I learned if SF doesn’t hire a special teams coach in the offseason then he should be fired for incompetence I learned Austin is not much of a coach I learned we still have problems with 2nd and long and 3rd and long
  6. Good effort Boys. Special teams cost the team the win unfortunately. 9 point difference if ST’s actually make the basic plays. 3 on the missed field goal. 3 on the Extra point mans 3 when we had to go for it on 4 and 18 instead of being able to kick.
  7. Should be a 1 point game. Better be a wake up call for SF
  8. Good lord our offensive line has no idea what they are doing. Passing off dline to no one else????
  9. Sure. Give me a day or so. Not much time today
  10. I believe some of that is in the link I shared to @NebraskaHarry . I think previously infected Covid people had better immunity to Delta than vaccine immunity
  11. Boebart could use being primaries for 2022 election
  12. These are funny. Makes me wonder if this set of people would be the Covid vaccine skeptics now if Trump had won the election. Their past comments suggest it’s political for them so I would think yes.
  13. One other point to make, it’s good to understand the price the manufacturer is selling a prescription product for, and the price an end user pays for that product. Shop around pharmacies. You will find quite the disparity in prices amongst pharmacies for certain drugs. Especially generics.
  14. The FDA is the regulating body for a Pharma company, along with the SEC if they are publicly traded. Good effort on the funny though. No, not really. Proud of what I do.
  15. The industry doesn’t self regulate, which you know so not sure why say otherwise NVMD your narrative doesn’t fit the facts so I do know why
  16. Oh hey perfect example of one of my points. Guess who would have been the group to lead the enforcement action against Pfizer? Yep you got it, it’s the FDA!!!!!! You know the government agency you all say is in the bag for “Big Pharma”.
  17. Yes, I do have a deeper understanding of this subject than you. It’s not a bad thing as I wouldn’t expect you to understand it. If you have looked at it before then why don’t you speak to all the relevant information about the patent period instead of just spewing 20 yrs without context of what that means. And Why are you so concerned about my job? You keep bringing it up
  18. How long does it take to bring a drug to market? I’m hoping you understand that the 20 years is not from drug approval. Television ads do not affect drug cost, please be more informed if you want to make accusations. The 80’s version of events between industry and Physician doesn’t exist anymore. Your “kickback” statement doesn’t apply, unless you have information to share. If cases like that present themselves, they are almost always prosecuted and the company’s heavily fined. Pharmaceutical companies are probably the most regulated companies in the US and for good reason. No need to worry about my job, which I know is a load off your mind.
  19. I thought you were done talking about this? BTW, have you gotten around to letting us all know which government officials and their spouses are making lots of money from “big Pharma”. Keep in mind, not a single Rx can be given to a patient without the express approval of a Prescribing Physician saying it is what they believe to be right for the patient.
  20. In case you were interested in furthering your knowledge level on the subject. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/development-approval-process-drugs/frequently-asked-questions-patents-and-exclusivity
  21. Appreciate it. I will continue to saves lives, you do, well whatever it is you do.
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