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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. It doesn’t agree or disagree with me in regards to the article I linked to. I have no opinion either way on the subject. I found the article interesting and thought they have done a good job for the most part on Covid reporting. Its unfortunate you don’t understand that and feel the need to try and argue about everything Must suck.
  2. Your last sentence is a very good point. More room slight error on those passes.
  3. If the mandate was about science, they would exempt previously infected people from the mandate.
  4. It does. And it is debunked unless and until some coward would actually come forward and put their on the record as source with back up more than a he said/ he or she said. It’s silly to be an anonymous source for something like this. Most everyone is rewarded for bringing bad stories about Trump and/or his administration. The reason this particular story has stayed anonymous is because it didn’t happen and was right in the height of the election and bad stories needed to be planted (whether true or not/corroborated or not didn”t matter). And by the way, John Bolton said he was in the room when this particular discussion “allegedly” took place. He, along with 15 others are on the record saying it’s not true. At this point, only a moron would believe it.
  5. Since they are employees of an entity greater than 100 people, they should be mandated.
  6. Yep. I really like how he plays, his routes, and his versatility. He seems sneaky fast too
  7. I doubt we get Toure if Wandale is here. I’m happy with the “trade so far”
  8. Let me ask you something champ. How do you debunk anonymous sources? Oh yeah, you have 15-20 other people who were present, go on the record saying it didn’t happen. Or in other words, the story has now been debunked. Either way, you can choose to be a moron and believe the story or be settled in reality and know it isn’t true. Do what you please
  9. Accuracy is what I am defending. Couldn’t give a s#!t what the content is. Seems like it doesn’t matter to you which is fine. As you are well aware, Some other guy said this news org was always well written and sourced on their political reporting. I very politely reminded him they weren’t always. And this is the bill you want to be wrong on? This. Hill. With no on the record sources and the author saying he could be wrong (meaning he can’t verify the story, yet published anyways). Interesting, but weird.
  10. Ya I posted about this a week or so ago, and it’s funny how little media attention it has received. Absolute clown show
  11. Yes, you’d have to really be reaching to believe that at least ONE person would go on record to verify a story that at least 15 have said is false. Especially given that darn near everyone who has something bad to say is writing a book about their time in the administration
  12. There are 15-20 on the record sources saying this story is false and 3-4 anonymous sources saying it happened. To this day, no one has came on the record to corroborate the story. Not to mention the author actually stated his story could be untrue. you can be a moron and believe the story if you want. I choose to not be a moron.
  13. Well, John Bolton who is no friend of Trump said he was there and did not hear that, plus the author admitted the story could be false
  14. Not always. Surprised you forgot the “Trump disparaged dead soldiers” story that ended up not being true
  15. I give The Atlantic some s#!t for their deeply slanted political reporting, but they have had good COVID related reporting. I found this article to be interesting on hospital admission data. I always assumed Hospital data was a good indicator of how much severe disease was out their. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/09/covid-hospitalization-numbers-can-be-misleading/620062/
  16. I think Delta’s biggest strength is also going to be its weakness in the end. It’s much more virulent but that will cause it to burn itself out pretty fast and hopefully prevent some other dominant strain taking over. Need to help get the underdeveloped countries up to speed with vaccines before we do booster shots for anyone under 60 in my opinion.
  17. I really hope DJT does not run again. Matter of fact, I hope he just stays out of the 2022/2024 endorsement piece too.
  18. I think the point is more of people who already had the infection should potentially be treated the same restriction wise as those who have had the vaccine.
  19. So one other thing to think about with also is blitz reads with AM or the play having a hot read. I do remember a handful of plays where Buffalo brought both linebackers up the middle, and got immediate pressure. Back many moons ago when I played QB on college, we normally had a hit read for each potential blitzing defender. Both the QB and the receiver had to recognize it, but essentially the receiver goes straight to the area vacated by the blitzer if more people are brought than we have blockers for. I thought that blitz presented a great opportunity to hit a quick pop over the middle and that pressure may have been more on a potential QB misread than the Oline
  20. I would agree with you. That seems like a pretty bogus definition of pressure. Most pass plays should be gone by 3.5 seconds and anything after that should be defined as good coverage, or bad QB reads. I don’t feel the line should be punished for good coverage in the defensive backfield or the QB holding the ball too long. And I’m not saying AM held the ball too long in the Buffalo game like he did at Illinois.
  21. Rollouts, boots, play action, RB screen. Straight drop back won’t work out too well
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