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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Not sure what you mean or are asking, but I wouldn’t classify an outbreak of disease as good.
  2. It happened in India. I believe that population is around 8% fully vaccinated.
  3. That’s not very nice of you. West Coast manners I guess
  4. Ok…. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30514-2/fulltext Infection control guidelines have stated that most respiratory virus transmission occurs from large infected droplets produced by coughing, sneezing, and breathing in close proximity to another person.
  5. Well that would be a new one to the scientific community.
  6. What a clown. I guess we can assume he will wear a mask forever in public now since he has no right to breathe on anyone
  7. Ya, I guess having her opponent, Boebert, act pretty insane at times wasn’t good enough to run on. She had to make up non-existent data according to what’s published
  8. https://data.coloradoan.com/covid-19-hospital-capacity/facility/cheyenne-regional-medical-center/530014/
  9. The issue is she lies about the extent Covid is hitting the hospital and also the vaccination rate in the district.
  10. Lauren Boebert can be a dummy in her own right, but it looks like her challenger is right up with her. These statements are so patently false and easily disproven. Is she a plant and trying to get Boebert re-elected?
  11. Must not have been a Texas state Democratic Party private plane then. They don’t wear masks.
  12. Babies are at near zero risk for Covid complications. Thought I would throw that out there since it’s the Plague thread and not an abortion thread.
  13. Ya I think that is shown with India and UK data. I would agree with his assessment about the uptick and quick decline.
  14. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/30/dr-scott-gottlieb-estimates-up-to-1-million-americans-infected-with-covid-daily-as-delta-spreads.html “I wouldn’t be surprised if, on the whole, we’re infecting up to a million people a day right now, and we’re just picking up maybe a 10th of that or less than a 10th of that,” the former Food and Drug Administration commissioner said in an interview on “Squawk Box.” Gottlieb now serves on the board of Covid vaccine maker Pfizer.
  15. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/cdc-mask-decision-stunning-findings-cape-cod-beach/story?id=79148102
  16. It’s not appropriate for the director of infectious disease at NIH or the surgeon general to say they won’t be effective against spreading Covid when they actually believe that Covid is airborne and they are effective. Hope you got that too.
  17. Especially within a 12 month time frame.
  18. If we are going to go by your insane logic, then how many lives did the Trump administration save by pushing the envelope so hard on vaccine development and production vs the Democrat view of mitigation as the answer and vaccines will come later down the line. 1, 2, 500, 10,000, 1 million, 10 million???? Remember many of the prominent Dem’s saying and Fauci saying it’s a pipe dream to get a vaccine approved in 2020? I do
  19. The viral load of a vaccinated person is what will determine if they can spread it or not. there seems to be mixed data and messaging on this. One selling point from Fauci and others to get the vaccine was being able to get the masks off. Now we’re told vaccines aren’t helping prevent spread so mash up, but we are not shown much data yet to prove this. And what do we make of countries like India with small vaccination rates who are almost back down to their pre-spike spring baseline even with Delta? Did they all mask up all of a sudden or does Covid just seem to hit in waves for reason we don’t know about yet? Maybe people just self mitigate better when cases rise. I feel for you and your child. Wish there was a better solution for those kids. I have one where vaccines exacerbate his epilepsy and won’t be getting the Covid shot. Not a serious as what your going through, but not ideal either.
  20. Couple things. 1). That number is definitely not a good number and hopefully the declines as quickly as it went up like previous peaks. 2) FL’s peak high was last summer and was quite a bit higher than it’s winter peak. No reason for the tweeter to compare the current rise to winter. 3). This seems to confirm some regional seasonality with Covid. 4). Deaths still seem to be decoupled from cases but we will see if that holds true.
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