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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Very well could be the case. Was it for sport? Not likely. Was it racially profiling. Probably not, but who really knows. Seems like the Sheriff didn’t need to do what he did.
  2. It’s coming from Greg Doucette. Did you expect him to accurately portray a story that dealt with police?
  3. They were doing the LTC faculties at the time as noted by the question that DeSantis answered and 60 minutes failed to show. Pretty telling when Obama voters in Florida politics are defending DeSantis. Media trying to find a story that’s not there in order to help the Democrat cause once again
  4. I was trying to ask a serious questions since your company doesn’t pass along tax increase cost to your customers to a point, so I was trying to find out why a company wouldn’t pass along a tax increase but would pass along a tariff cost? I’m not a business owner so I was trying to ask one without getting a snide response. Sorry for trying to understand the situation more and have a correspondence with you.
  5. Do you think companies will pass along the cost of a tariff to the consumer but not pass along the cost of increased taxes to the consumer?
  6. Would you mind sharing which points you are referring to?
  7. That’s pretty awful if true. Adds one more reason I don’t contribute any funds to political campaigns or organizations.
  8. You are surely misrepresenting what he is saying. I think it’s pretty clear to most, that Rand is of the opinion that mask mandates don’t work or he is clearly questioning if they work. I still don’t see anywhere that he made the case that mask mandates caused the increase in infections. Call me whatever you want, keep saying I’m in over my head, be snide, or rude. It doesn’t change the facts of the discussion or turn them around to what you wanted it to be. Enjoy your work and enjoy your life. Maybe I will get the chance to check it out.
  9. Thx. one point on the inversions worth discussing and curious on your thoughts.. I’ve worked in an industry where this was prominent even with my own situation. Once the Trump tax cut came into play, we haven’t seen as many corporate inversions (in my industry at least) because taxes were more in line and it didn’t make financial sense to do so anymore. I do get your point now about global money, because Google and FB are notorious for this.
  10. The quote I saw you post was him questioning if mask mandates worked. I did not see a quote from him saying mask mandates caused a rise in cases. If you have one I would love to see it cause I don’t believe it’s been posted on here. If you don’t, then you are purposely lying or misrepresenting about what he said and what this conversation is about.
  11. @DevoHuskerand I are not defending a ban on giving out food and drinks, instead stating how it’s not a big deal that the outrage machine is making it into.
  12. Not ignoring them, I’m not understanding what in the bill guarantees them paying an effective 28% rate. Would appreciate your help in pointing me in the right direction to understand this better instead telling me I’m ignoring something.
  13. Ya, I don’t quite understand why people here need to make personal attacks so often.
  14. Again thank you for looking up the data and seeing that states/counties had peaks months after mask mandates which is what you questioned by asking for a link. If being right is moving the goalposts then I guess I will consider your cool emoji as a compliment. Appreciate it
  15. Please enlighten me on what you know about me and my understanding of healthcare related topics. I’m really looking forward to this. Or you could do us all a favor and point out all the states where a mask mandate prevented further peaks in Covid-19 infections. That’s what was in question yet you provided no input outside of a veiled insult. Maybe we should bring up Occam’s Razor to fix this issue too?
  16. Ok thx. However, if corporate rate is 21% and Amazon pays effectively zero (or whatever company one chooses to put in that place), what will raising the rate to 28% do if they don’t close all the loopholes? Make the effective rate 9 or 10% at best. That’s if they don’t find other loopholes to use. And people will still moan about paying less tax than company X or company Y.
  17. Have the corporations spoken out over specific issues within the law, or just feigned outrage in general. That’s an important point
  18. If I’m not mistaken that was only on the very first day on early voting if it was even that long. News reports from a few days later showed less than 15 minute wait times at those same polling locations. Did people REALLY need to wait that long just to vote the very first day? Or, could they have seen the news or saw the line and told themselves “guess we should try a different day”. Especially when they knew the wait times existed.
  19. Would you have not voted if someone did not give you that water? Because that is what we are being told.
  20. You keep posting anecdotes and opinions from people who have no experience whatsoever and I keep posting scientific studies Where did you post a study showing Covid infections did not peak higher after mask mandates were put into place? If you want data, check out the link. Then compare the Covid-19 infection peaks to the date mask mandates were put in place. https://usafacts.org/covid-recovery-hub/
  21. My county had a mask mandate starting in July and cases peaked in December. That’s more than a few weeks after.
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