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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Who says it’s cool? I don’t know if she ever thought the Earth was round, and if she did at one time think that, no idea if she still does. I’m sure you could ask her though. Her contact info is on the Johns Hopkins website
  2. They can and have and no Dem would vote for it because Obamacare is still around and Dems would see that as a failure of Obamacare.
  3. Maybe it would come if there was no Obamacare to fall back in. I think you know as well as I that our elected officials tend to do not much of anything until they are on a deadline. Well, a repeal of Obamacare would have forced the Rep and Dem to come together with their best ideas and compromise on something better than Obamacare. Republicans have outlined ideas of what they want and some Rep groups have actual plans ready to be voted on. However: I wouldn’t want a Republican only plan without Dem ideas as a part of that plan, just like it didn’t work to have a Dem only plan in Obamacare. It obviously hasn’t worked. Hehehehehehe. Good contribution to a healthcare discussion forum.
  4. As stated previously, what is incorrect with the screenshot (not meme) of the headline and the article the headline comes from? Sounds to me like Hogan had a choice and he chose unwisely.
  5. Possibly, but The Maverick voted thumbs down to repeal Obamacare and force everyone to come together for a better plan.
  6. Isn’t this what Obamacare was supposed to solve though? Provide affordable health insurance options on the individual marketplace? Make costs go down. getting rid of the catastrophic plans was a mistake in my opinion. Some of the healthier individuals loved those cheaper options that covered them in the event something major happened. Otherwise, those people never really used healthcare resources and saved a bundle on premiums that could be saved for later.
  7. I can only speak for myself and my immediate siblings, but every company I have ever worked for had different carrier choices and options within Those carriers to choose from. Same with the current situations of my siblings. Half of us work for large org’s and half for companies with under 1,000 employees. if someone really didn’t like their employer subsidized coverage and found a better option elsewhere, they can go get that policy.
  8. And what is incorrect here? And that’s not a meme. It’s a screen shot of a WAPO headline
  9. There are no death panels. The consumer has choices if they believe the insurance carrier does not cover the appropriate medical conditions or procedures. “Those who get care are bankrupted by it”. So you are saying everyone who gets care goes into BK because of the cost of that care? Awful bold statement. Bankruptcies are a tough situation and medical bankruptcies And those illness related bankruptcies ties to out of work situations are even more so. Hopefully people are looking closer at their plan and choosing ones with an out of pocket maximum that fits their income and needs along with long term disability insurance
  10. It’s shocking that politicians talk out both sides of their mouths. i have same frustrations with every politician basically but on different issues.
  11. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/peter-roff/2013/08/13/obama-rodeo-clown-loses-his-job-and-america-loses-its-sense-of-humor
  12. Many memes people post are meant to be funny, but if you have something specific in mind please let me know. Enlighten me
  13. Hey Guy, hope you are well. I never endorsed her research. I Simply posted an article pretty much without comment. I only gave a 1 sentence headline of what the article was saying. anyways, enjoy your week.
  14. No national experience aside from running for Senate 2 years ago. Stinks for him that he lives in Michigan. Tough race to win as a Rep.
  15. He accomplished getting an extension with a large buyout. The buyout warrants job security for him this year and next.
  16. He could be a Daniel Sorensen type
  17. Their YPG is essentially the exact same from 2019 to 2020 and they would be tied for 6th is scoring if their 2020 output was ranked in the 2019 year. They have managed to put a few more points on the board with the same yards per game so it could be based of a better turnover and penalty profile more so than anything else. Or possibly better in the red zone at scoring TD’s this year than last.
  18. I don’t disagree with how important the lines are, but if you don’t fix the most important position in sports then everything else is just moot. The team can win 7-9 games with great lines, but this style of offense is dependent on a star quarterback. The QB needs to play at a top 10-15 QB in the country in order to effectively get the offense moving and be a contender for conference championships. otherwise change the offense to an I formation and dominate line of scrimmage with a game manager at QB. That can work too as shown by Wisconsin.
  19. This study from someone associated with Johns Hopkins is saying no increase in overall deaths in the US this year. https://web.archive.org/web/20201126223119/https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19
  20. Maybe we need to evaluate what these players are being told or promised in order to come here. If they are told they have the ability to compete for PT right away and feel they are not given a chance once here, or feel they are playing behind lesser starters that could turn into an issue. Hopefully the right expectations are being said during the recruiting process, but I highly doubt it with this much turnover.
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