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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Only if you are in the tank for The Big Guy. He’s withholding Congressionally approved aid in order to shore up his voting base to win an election. It’s your sides rules, now follow them
  2. You are making it up. Let me know when I’ve said the following. When you can’t, maybe you can let us all know why you use untrue hyperbolic statements vs having a rational discussion. But if you chose to believe that America is a lawless hellhole,
  3. Please quote where I’ve ever said this. When you finally admit you can’t, maybe a rational discussion can be had on your part.
  4. https://kansasreflector.com/2023/10/29/politicians-love-to-cite-crime-data-its-often-wrong/
  5. @Dr. Strangelove I believe it was you that posted about gun related deaths being down in certain cities across America. Kansas City was one of them, which I mentioned to you it was also coming off all time highs in gun related deaths for 2021/2022. Here is another aspect to consider as all gun related shootings do not lead to a death. Violent crime is high, it’s unfortunate Biden and his folk just don’t want to acknowledge it. https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article287989065.html Nonfatal shootings in KC have jumped 39% this year. Over 40 victims have been kids Read more at: https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article287989065.html#storylink=cpy
  6. Great job Libs All your BS rhetoric, “get in their faces” crap from the Obama years, deference to Middle East countries vs what’s in US’s best interest is now catching up to everyone and innocent college kids are having to deal with it all. it’s a great read and worth your time Oh, P.S………it’s not right wingers behind this like some have really really thought it would be. “What you’re seeing is a real witches’ brew of revolutionary content interacting on campuses,” says Kyle Shideler, the director for homeland security and counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C., and an expert on far-left domestic extremism. “On the left-wing side, you have a broad variety of revolutionary leftists, who serve as rent-a-mobs, providing the warm bodies for whatever the leftist cause of the day is. And on the other side you have the Islamist and Palestinian networks: American Muslims for Palestine and their subsidiary Students for Justice in Palestine, CAIR, the Palestinian Youth Movement. We’re seeing a real mixture of different kinds of radical foment, and it’s all being activated at the same time.” The far-left groups active in the protests include antifa and other anarchists: Anarchist literature has been distributed in the encampments, and antifa websites have published dispatches from “comrades” on the inside. They also include various communist and Marxist-Leninist groups, including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), and the International ANSWER coalition, a PSL front group that worked with several Muslim groups to organize the Jan. 13 March on Washington for Gaza, at which protesters flew the black jihadist flag. On April 29, for instance, shortly before masked assailants stormed Columbia’s Hamilton Hall and barricaded themselves inside, The People’s Forum—a Manhattan event space affiliated with the PSL and funded by Neville Roy Singham, a wealthy businessman who “works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide,” according to an August profile in The New York Times—urged its activists to rush up to Columbia to “support our students.” Similar calls for an “emergency action” were distributed throughout radical networks in New York City. These groups, Shideler says, typically operate in a decentralized manner, using successful tactics drawn from decades of anarchist organizing and spread through left-wing activist networks via word-of-mouth, as well as through formal trainings by professionals such as Fithian or the nonprofit “movement incubator” Momentum Strategies. “If you look at Fithian,” he says, “she has consulted with hundreds of groups on how to do these things: how to organize, how to protest, how to make sure your people don’t go to jail, how to help them once they’re in jail.” There is no one decision-maker; rather, decentralized “affinity” groups work together toward a shared goal, coordinating out in the open via social media and Google Docs. This can create an impression of centralized planning. Shideler cites the matching tents that have cropped up on a number of campuses, prompting speculation that some shadowy entity is buying them en masse. “People keep pointing out, They all have the same tent!,” he says. “Well, yeah, it’s because the organizers told them to buy a tent, and sent around a Google Doc with a link to that specific tent on Amazon. So they all went out and bought the same tent.”
  7. Or if he is withholding weapons because it plays well with a certain segment of the US population Biden needs to win re-election who currently doesn’t like how Joe is handling the Middle East debacle.
  8. I guess the impeachment proceedings should commence since that’s the standard.
  9. Oh boy…….if an R said this it would be nonstop R’a are racist talk on CNN and MSNBC. What a nitwit.
  10. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/05/police-investigating-claims-of-responsibility-in-arson-fire-that-burned-17-police-cars.html
  11. That A$&hat needs fired pronto. What a douche. Why Punish those that are actually acting appropriate during this disaster caused by all these Leftists on campus. Utter joke.
  12. It is strange the rest of the Arab countries do very very very very little in this regard.
  13. You are the one claiming it would end up being right wingers behind all this.
  14. Thanks, and I whole heartedly agree with your parenting philosophy. I wish more parents did too.
  15. Going to college graduation next week for #2. Done in 3 years, no debt, worked his full time finance job (salary, 401k, benefits, etc) his entire third year. So thankful I’m experiencing this vs the above. And yes, I do think the parenting aspect plays a big part early on, then it’s up to the kid at some point.
  16. Absolutely. Anyone who thinks they aren’t paying enough can certainly refuse the tax breaks they claim (they don’t) or send money in to the treasury willingly (they don’t)
  17. What an awesome question and back and forth. Well done to both!
  18. The Kansas law was extremely poorly written and legislature took out some offsets making it even worse at the time of passage. It was a stupid bill to pass as written and does not reflect success other states have had with low income tax rates.
  19. That kid looks like he is getting what he deserves
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