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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. They're setting the table for political violence when he's inevitably convicted. Why does MAGA hate the rule of law so much?
  2. How do you undo tampering with a jury?
  3. Oh look. One of board MAGA's favorite sources committing a felony. I guess this is what qualifies for conservative bona fides now days.
  4. "An illegal alalidinlith". Doesn't even recognize his glitch.
  5. Not sure but I do know it's someone who can't form a cogent rebuttal. Or game this out and imagine the world when Trump comes to power with his retribution tour and forms an axis with Putin/Xi/Kim/Orban/ etc. In other words a MAGA cultist who thinks they'll be a just fine in a kleptocracy.
  6. https://www.thebulwark.com/p/the-gop-is-the-party-of-putin?r=2jt0v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web “RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA HAS MADE ITS WAY into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base.” That acknowledgement from Michael McCaul, Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was echoed a few days later by Michael Turner, the chairman of the Intelligence Committee. “It is absolutely true, we see, directly coming from Russia, attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor.” Among the falsehoods that GOP members of Congress are repeating is the notion that the Ukraine war is actually a battle between NATO and Russia. “Of course it is not,” Turner told CNN. “To the extent that this propaganda takes hold, it makes it more difficult for us to really see this as an authoritarian versus democracy battle.” "Recall that when Putin launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Trump’s initial response was that it was a “genius” move. I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, “This is genius.” Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine—of Ukraine—Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. He used the word “independent” and “we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.” You gotta say that’s pretty savvy. A non-sociopath would say it was raw aggression of the worst kind. A normal Republican of the pre-Trump mold would have been outraged at the attempted rape of a peaceful, democratic neighbor. Most Republican office holders are not sociopaths, but they take their marching orders from one and have adjusted their consciences accordingly. The talking point J.D. Vance and his ilk favor is that they cannot be concerned about Ukraine’s border when our southern border is also being invaded. Of course it’s absurd to compare immigrants looking for work or safety to tanks, bombs, and missiles, but that’s what passes for Republican reasoning these days. In any case, it was revealed to be hollow when Biden and the Democrats offered an extremely strict border bill to sweeten aid for Ukraine, and the GOP turned it down flat. Russia’s fingerprints are all over the Republicans’ failed attempt to impeach (in all senses of the word) Joe Biden. Their star witness, Alexander Smirnov—who alleged that Hunter and Joe Biden had been paid $5 million in bribes by Burisma—was indicted in February for making false statements. High-ranking Russians appear to be his sources. Putin now wields more power over the GOP than anyone other than Trump. GOP propagandists indulge fictions that even many Russians can see through: Ukraine is governed by Nazis; Russia is a religious, Christian nation; Russia is fighting “wokeness.” Republicans are not so much isolationist as pro-authoritarian. They’ve made Hungary’s Viktor Orbán a pinup and they mouth Russian disinformation without shame. Putin must be pinching himself.
  7. But Murdock and the New York Post said it was true
  8. Biden wisely gives Bibi an out but does anyone think a corrupt authoritarian like Bibi will take it?
  9. Prescient. But everyone who knew Putin would continue to escalate his campaign of sowing conflict around saw it coming.
  10. The Christo-fascist utopia we're hurting towards is going to be lit and totally normal.
  11. More from the party doing the serious work for the American people
  12. You mean the vote where the dysfunctional Republicans shot down debate on their own party's legislation......again? That vote?
  13. Four years later and they're still beating this dead horse without any proof whatsoever of "massive" election fraud all the while apparently commiting wire fraud in the mean time.
  14. Why would anyone want to surveil foreign spy agencies and terrorists?
  15. The Republicans are coming for birth control too. Remember, your intimate relations with your spouse are solely for the purpose of procreation. You will no longer be able to effectively control when and how many kids you want in your family. Just let it rip.
  16. Easy. Remember the Chinese forged ballots that the Cyber Ninjas were going to expose? The ballots that had bamboo fragments in the paper?
  17. The Democrats were so shrewd and stealthy that they pulled off the greatest political heist in history involving upwards of hundreds of thousands of co-conspirators without leaving a shred of evidence, so much so that every court tossed challenges to the election, and yet they forgot to give themselves a super majority. Brilliant.
  18. Remember the recent "kind of never Trumpers unless he wins the nomination then I'll pretend I won't vote for him but I'll flip-flop back and support him anyway" boosting RFK Jr.? Yeah, this was what we all knew his campaign was about.
  19. So rolling it past state's rights all the way back to territorial rights? The modem day GOP.
  20. Another GOP useful idiot. This one is too dumb to know he's pushing Putin's propaganda.
  21. How blatant does it have to be for a fellow Republican to call it out?
  22. Oh look there's the GOP again doing Putin's bidding.
  23. Least kept secret in politics but here's confirmation that Bannon's plan is in action. As with most things MAGA it'll probably backfire spectacularly.
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