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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. If she didn't want to get shot doing daily errands she could just move to a different state. Right-wingers blasting random people and being pardoned is an individual state's right.
  2. Dude's political strategy has been spectacular clusterf#&%. He had the chance to move to a more centrist position but he decided moving even farther right than Genghis Khan would woo the crazies but they weren't ever going to leave their cult leader. Soon he'll only be left with the option of not running or sucking his pride and being Trump's running mate.
  3. We're not dealing with hyperintelligence here
  4. It's not everyone who's successful enough to sit through depositions ranging from business fraud, tax fraud, rape, inciting an insurrection, stealing classified documents, election interference, obstruction of justice, and espionage.
  5. Amazing how an idiot like her rose to be a leader of one of our two major parties. It's like being a loud mouthed, crass, loyalist to Trump is the only qualification necessary.
  6. Don't they usually cultivate someone smarter than that? Someone who could possibly keep their mouth shut if need be? She's probably an unwitting asset and they just gaslit her a$$.
  7. This just exposes the moral decay of our society with it's cis, white, Christian males running rampant.
  8. Defending crimes all the way to and including treason. The party of the moral high road.
  9. Oh look more Republican corruption.... allegedly
  10. About that moral high ground the gun toting right-wingers have claimed
  11. Ahhhh...who do the Musk / Taibbi knob knobbers side with now? And posting on Truth Social tells you everything you need to know about Taibbi's biases.
  12. Speaking of moral decay. Singing the praises of autocratic thugs who have murder untold hundreds of thousands in between sniffs from whatever would cause his chronic nasal drip is so on brand.
  13. That one dude was so choke up with emotion he let the door slam in Trump's face
  14. Yeah but Marge has cloven hooves so there's that
  15. Cat fight..... Either Elon or Taibbi or both are lying. So much for the Twitter files credibility
  16. There it is, the whataboutism card. Didn't Byrd renounce his bigoted past? Aren't Christians all about grace? There's still time for you. Lol ...the New York Post complete with the "Marxism" boogie man Never been there but it seems like a pretty cool oasis in the middle of a backwards, hillbilly state.
  17. I only made 14 bogeys last year so I'm way better than John Rahm
  18. Trevor Siemian is a better QB than Josh Allen because he threw less intercepts last year. The Bills should make that trade.
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