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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. In the least surprising news of the day "But this year, racist conspiracy theorists didn’t meet any perceptible resistance at the conference where Donald Trump has been the keynote speaker since 2017. At the Young Republican mixer Friday evening, a group of Nazis who openly identified as national socialists mingled with mainstream conservative personalities, including some from Turning Point USA, and discussed so-called “race science” and antisemitic conspiracy theories."
  2. If the comments from last night weren't enough here's some snippets from today. Just a foul human being.
  3. "According to psychologist Dr. John Gartner, formerly of Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Donald Trump's slurring and inability to sometimes formulate complete sentences appears to be a sign of growing dementia and possibly early stages of Alzheimer’s." "Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes 'benefishes.' Renovations become 'renoversh.' Pivotal became 'pivobal.' Obama became 'obamna.' Missiles became 'mishiz.' Christmas became 'Crissus.' Bipartisan became 'bipars.' This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this you would think he is having a stroke. There is no healthy older person who speaks that way."
  4. I suppose if you've been impeached and indicted as many times as he has it's possible to get confused easily. Just giving him the benefit of the doubt.
  5. They haven't had even finished off Ukraine yet and they're already saber rattling with Poland. "Do the Poles want to be next? They are not Ukrainians. We will not treat them like brothers. We'll bloody destroy all those cities in an instant, without using ground troops. It's Ukraine we feel sorry for, but there [in Poland] we'll fight like the Americans in Iraq. We will simply, I am not sure about nuclear strikes, but with missile strikes and air strikes, I am sure, we will just freaking destroy them. And we won't even think twice."
  6. "There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent." - Lao Tzu
  7. Whoopsie...more GOP/Russian collusion comes to light. https://www.businessinsider.com/a-russia-linked-campaign-to-spread-dirt-about-hunter-biden-and-burisma-2024-2?r=US&IR=T "A thumb drive handed by a foreign national to an aide traveling with then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in 2019 suggests efforts by Russia-linked actors to influence the 2020 US presidential election with Hunter Biden disinformation began earlier and were broader in scope than has previously been reported. According to two sources with direct knowledge of the incident, a thumb drive containing poorly sourced allegations about Hunter Biden and his work for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, was thrust into the hands of one of Pompeo's aides at the conservative Claremont Institute's 40th-anniversary gala in Beverly Hills on May 11, 2019."
  8. Oh look. Another day with more examples of the GOP/Russian symbiosis
  9. It's going to cost us more in the long run if Russia marches all the way to the Polish border. It's myopic to believe it won't. I guess if we bail out of NATO and green light Putin to continue on, in the short term it won't. What an economic disaster that would be though. Look at that chart again. The European countries are paying more of their share than we are. Hopefully they'll also ramp up beyond what they are already doing. Putin's expansionist threat should have woken the entirety of Europe now. Let's say Ukraine can't retake all the territory Russia has pillaged from them. (That's not a given. We fought a war and won against all odds ourselves). Wouldn't supporting Ukraine enough so that they can harden their defenses to a point where Putin doesn't take the whole of the country be a better option than completely bailing out? I think we're forgetting the mass genocide and the humanitarian crises that will ensue if he does. I've see estimates of upwards of 20 million Ukrainians will flee the country. What a disaster. That's a destabilizing event for Europe. A destabilized Europe destabilizes the entire world. We've seen that before. None of that even addresses our loss of credibility internationally. Let's not forget the Budapest memorandum. We guaranteed Ukraine's security if they gave up their nukes. They did. Now we're going back on our word. Good luck making agreements internationally now. There will come a day when we need to use our credibility in negotiations but soon there won't be any left. This is absolutely in our national security interests. National security unfortunately isn't free. How did our isolationism go in the lead up to WWII? I get the national debt is serious. But not funding Ukraine isn't going touch that. In fact, not doing so will ultimately exasperate the problem in more ways than one.
  10. Good. Send more. What's your tax break going to be if we send zero? What's it going to cost us in the long run to bail out on our allies? You do realize that GDP is measured over a set period of time right? So if you're going to say we already sent more than $61 billion you're going to have to also say our GDP has also increased. That's how they come to a percentage of GDP.
  11. If we don't support Ukraine and allow Russia to waltz through Ukraine how much of a tax break are we going to see?
  12. Good Lord man. A five minute read, or in his case a 30 minute read, on what IVF is used for would have provided him with enough information to at least not look utterly confused. Boebert, Madge, or Putinville....who is the dumbest in Congress?
  13. Surely there are plenty of MAGA women that will volunteer their uteri to save the babies. Or maybe they were just virtue signaling all along.
  14. I remember posters being ridiculed here and asked if MAGA's overt attempts to overthrow democracy and install an authoritarian cleptocracy kept them awake at night. But no worries. Moscow's grocery stores are way better than any here.
  15. Weird he didn't make it about himself and how he's being mistreated just like Navalny all the while living in an opulent beach house, flying around in a private jet, playing golf, and grabbing them by the pu&&y.
  16. All day, everyday the examples roll in of the GOP doing Putin's bidding. If it looks the a duck, walks like a duck....
  17. I haven't been following this too closely due to the ridiculousness of it all but how many frozen embryos are there in Alabama? Let's say there are 10,000. I saw this point brought up somewhere. It's not legal to freeze people so what does the court proposed they do with the embryos? Let them thaw? Which would then be murder right?
  18. But this yokel is complaining about the Democrats playing the Russia card, otherwise known as facts. I guess there's not going to be a retraction. Why does MAGA hate the USA so much?
  19. Still waiting for the MAGA retractions and apologies to begin. I'm mean it's the least they could do for repeatedly carrying the water of an adversary that wants to see the dissolution of our society. But no. Like the post of Gym above they just contort themselves in knots doubling down on their mendacity. It would be comical if it wasn't a serious national security threat.
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