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Everything posted by HuskerMan

  1. Heres to hoping he has a awesome visit.
  2. I'll once again go with my Gray/Demens prediction. Hopefully it comes this time.
  3. Looks like Louisville has now offered also.
  4. I posted this in the Demens thread also. But is Demens still scheduled for a visit on the 29th-30th?
  5. I felt alot better until he decided to take the Michigan visit.
  6. Are the dates still set for him to visit the 29th and 30th?
  7. I'm going to go out on a limb here but I think we will get a combination package of Jonas Gray and Kenny Demens within a really close time frame of eachother if not at the same time.
  8. New article up on what I think is about his visit to Louisville. http://rivals100.rivals.com/barrier_noentr...p;mid=&rid= Does anybody have anymore information on this? Not asking for premium information just general information.
  9. Sounds like we definately have a good chance at him. Now lets just get him "N".
  10. Last I think I heard is that Demens had to push his visit back to the 29th and 30th not sure if thats still the case. I still think that if we get one we will get the other. Lets hope anyways.
  11. Lets hope his visit goes great in the next couple of days then.
  12. I read a different article that said within the next few days Bill C. will have what to do decided.
  13. If we lose a high ranked instate recruit...
  14. Either I'm not doing something right or its not working for me. For example I'm trying to read the new Q&A article on Jonas but its still trying to get me to sign up.
  15. Ooops talk about a bad slip to not catch. It is fixed now though.
  16. My gut feeling in the end of it all tells me we get both him and Gray when its all said and done. Lets hope my gut feeling is right.
  17. Rivals has a teaser about him possibly moving up his commitment date. Has anyone else heard anymore info on this?
  18. I have good feelings about Gray and with that Demens (as long as there still is linebacker spots left). I think we will get a double whammy here.
  19. What is it that has stopped others from offering this guy? He seems like a solid prospect.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't Rippy only played football for one year? If so I see the chance for him to move up to a 4 star with a good season.
  21. Anyone hear how his visit went?
  22. I think would your best bet right now would be to sell your tickets for top dollar and buy a pair of NU/USC tickets asap before the gameday gets any closer.
  23. Not sure if this is it but here is what I found on the web. Use the following link----> http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb Then go to Fox Sports Video-->view all videos--->CFB---->Page two and there is two diffferent Nebraska videos up there.
  24. My football signed in 1997 by Scott Frost and most of the rest of the team.
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