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808Husker in KCMO

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Everything posted by 808Husker in KCMO


    1. NUance


      The great Oz has spoken!

    2. Roark


      What happens in confession stays in the confessional.

  2. Sports is the only thing that keeps me on the cable bandwagon. If I could get mlb tv and watch in market games, I'd throw cable out the window immediately.
  3. The vet says she may be part Anatolian Shepherd. She's gonna be big if thats the case!
  4. Any guesses on what kind of dog she is? I rescued her and really have no real idea on breed/mix.
  5. CAme here to make this joke. Good form.
  6. I had a few minutes to kill at work this afternoon and since basketball isnt a real sport and Football is over for a long time, I turned my brain to baseball. Then I wrote one of the most amazing pieces of historical sports investigative reporting ever: http://www.kcyeti.com/?p=245
  7. Someone PM me when its Baseball season.

  8. Would you have to write that up in an action report and, if so, what exactly would you say? Dear Chief, No one was as surprised as I was when.............. Sounds like penthouse forum.
  9. I don't believe any rumors until they are confirmed by Bo's salt water aquarium guy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. corncraze
    3. GSG


      I usually get my info from his pool guy, Enrique

    4. haymarkethomer


      Enqrique is his pool guy too? He must be the pool guy for a lot of CFB coaches

  10. BIZZUMP Ok guys, check this out. The original poem. Rather than comment on what is the right word in the 3rd line, we should concentrate on the meaning of the prayer. Take it into consideration when we react after a loss. This meaning has been missed by many of us over the last decade or so. Now I'm not saying that we can't complain amongst ourselves. We cannot control if we get a a chance that is fair, but remember that regardless of the outcome or the circumstances, "lose like a regular man and not like a craven."
  11. I say you guys should pick every game this weekend and whoever picks the most, wins. Of course, I have no say, but I'd like to pick along with you guys. All of the games would separate the men from the slightly poorer men.
  12. I hate that song. It, unfortunately, get stuck in my head for the entire week after i watch the Sooners play.
  13. The decade ends after the "10" year. Everyone who celebrated the new millennium in the year 2000 is stupid. Think of it this way: If you started the calendar today, it would be the year 1. If a decade has 10 years, then year 10 would still be in the same decade as year one. The current decade, century and millennium started in 2001. If you started a new calendar it would be year 0 until 365 days later when it would be year 1. This is much the same as when you have a baby it is not 1 when it pops out... It is 0 (and 1 day or whatever), and it is only 1 after 365 days. Thus, 2000 was the beginning of a new decade/century/millennium... You cannot honestly tell me that 5 billion people were wrong on this matter... Also, by that logic, the "60's" lasted from 61-70, the "70's" from 71-80, and so on. A decade starts on the 0 and ends on the 9 by common standards What they did when they started the CE calendar is started with year 1. Making the first day the "baby being born" Year 1, day 1. So the first ten years are 1-10. The first 100 years 1-100. The first 2000 years 1-2000. Thus the start of the 21st century being 2001. I am not saying either of you are right, but just acknowledging a large group of people think the same way as you doesn't make it right. From Wikipdia:
  14. The decade ends after the "10" year. Everyone who celebrated the new millennium in the year 2000 is stupid. Think of it this way: If you started the calendar today, it would be the year 1. If a decade has 10 years, then year 10 would still be in the same decade as year one. The current decade, century and millennium started in 2001.
  15. I wish the winner would go to the Orange bowl.
  16. Saving my money for the trip to Glendale.
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