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admo last won the day on June 9

admo had the most liked content!

About admo

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admo's Achievements

Defensive Coordinator

Defensive Coordinator (16/21)



Single Status Update

See all updates by admo

  1. 9 months until next year.  Nov 25th through Aug 25th.  Do you like fishing?  Carpentry work?  Using DeWalt tools? Mixing together a Judas Priest or Tupac tape?  Shopping for Bugle Boy Jeans?  Rebuilding your truck's suspension?  Lift some weights in the garage? Eat another Runza?  Quit vaping?  Go to a Seminar or Worskshop?  Play Star Wars again?  Sit on your butt and talk Huskers every day?  Only 9 months until next season starts up.  What are your plans and to-do lists?  Don't wait until New Year... Let's hear it HB !!!

    1. TonyStalloni


      No, I'm a carpenter by trade, Haven't used them in 15 years, No, No, No, At the Y, Occasionally, No, No, 

      I'll spend my time working, playing with grandkids and training for track season.

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