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Everything posted by BigBoyBoelts

  1. Does anyone want to win this game? Its like OSU's def cant stop anyone and OU's special teams are just as bad!
  2. Sad thing is out here on the east coast, husker.com is the only way I will probably be able to hear the game....guess that could be a good thing since Ed "does this wig make my butt look big" Cunningham won't be on there!
  3. You mean like 99% of all sport announcers out there? Have you ever tried to watch a baseball game? Good god these guys ramble on for 6 hours! No change will come of this but Ed is starting to inch up there next to Herbstreit as the most annoying announcer on ESPN/ABC.
  4. Thanks for the info, just setup the DVR online to record this!
  5. I was checking for the exact same thing out here in CT...thank god I can get that channel, now I can watch the huskers more!! And as a bonus I could drive to Penn St when the Huskers are there to see them in person!!
  6. I'm actually amazed no one has said Wisconsin as a rival (and in no way am I saying that NEB needs a rival in anyways because we don't!), especially since that is like a "Little Nebraska" organization to begin with! It would be like picking on your little brother! I understand Iowa is right next to us but....
  7. God knows this topic has been beaten into the ground of what if's But say, by some chance of god's will Mizzou does leave for the "little 11"...and say the Big 12 does have to add another team like Arkansas, then why not change it up and make it the East and West instead of the North and South? Just a thought...but in reality no one is moving...JMO
  8. "PARADE? You read PARADE magazine?" - Stewie Griffin
  9. QTF!!!! Nice to see another Husker fan out in the NE!! I'm up in CT and the people up here just don't get how excited(or depressed in some cases) I get about how the Huskers play!!
  10. That's funny right there!! Hell with the hot water he is in(and not the stuff he boils his daily required 300 lbs of pasta in!) I think he would take any job in coaching at this point but do we really want a coach with a questionable background like that? Hell maybe we could get Weis in here!! I hear ol' Charlie needs a job!! LOL
  11. Here is the problem: "* Only those candidates with a legitimate chance of winning the Heisman Trophy in the view of ESPN and Nissan will be added to the leaderboard."
  12. Well...in my heart Im happy Callahan is gone(simply cause it gets Cosgrove out of here!)...he never seemed right...but I wonder how much of that was Pederson and NOT BC....we will never know...and also, I would like to see him as a HC/OC that he was WITHOUT coz on the defensive side and then see what would have happened. But it is an exciting time for us...I feel the same way I did when we were looking 4 years ago...like a kid on christmas....just hoping I get toys and not clothes.
  13. I hate living in the East coast just for this reason!
  14. OMG I just spit Mt Dew all over my keyboard!
  15. English...its a language not a side of beef so stop butchering it!
  16. Hey Husker MD do you get asked: "What are you doing out here?" when you say your from Nebraska like I do over here in CT? lol
  17. Ok so I have read all the "inside" info on the coaches moving in and out. But there is one thing that has not been brought up...what if Cally makes moves and starts to come around, what if Dr Tom keeps him as the HC? What will/does everyone think about this? No one has really said anything about this option, it seems like everyone is dead set on the fact BC is gone, what happens if that doesnt happen?
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