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Everything posted by PIMPZILLA

  1. Just playing devil's advocate......... Most people on here would be FREAKING OUT if a Colorado or KSU 'star' player got off this easy. I however, would like to join in the fun and say, 'hooray for attorneys'!
  2. He's gonna have to go find a job at a used car dealership in Norman before the season starts then.
  3. Just because UNL has the most academic all-americans doesn't mean that the standards are anywhere near that of ND. I'm sure a lot of those graduated with 'general studies' or something of the sort. Two people walk in for a job interview...one has a degree from UNL one has a degree from ND...I'm gonna say that the ND grad has a leg up on the job immediately. (And yes....I'm a UNL alum) I think NU's lack of a 'Touchdown Jesus' hurts alumni in the workplace.........
  4. Those dudes are sweet, no question about it, but were they really in the top 20 D-linemen to play college football? I'm not bagging on their skills, I'm just saying they were probably an all around better defensive team than they were as individuals. Just my opinion..............
  5. My favorite 'trick play' is I-back off left tackle for 15 yards about 25 times per game.
  6. Yeah, like when Boman went out last year. It's much easier for a wide out to step up than a DB trying to get it done. Not to change the subject, but even with Bowman on the field our defensive backfield still would have been abysmal. Our passing attack will be just fine this year. I'm more worried about protecting the QB so he has time to throw the ball as opposed to who he throws it to!! I'd also like to state that my fiance wanted to have a fall wedding, but I instituted Nebraska Football Man Laws and told her "No wedding on gameday". Man Law. It kind of suprised me, because she's just as big a fan as I am. Instead we get married a week from tomorrow.
  7. Bummer. Dude had a lot of potential, but I think some folks on the page have put WAY to much stock in him. Agreed, he would be a help to the team, but he was no means going to be a savior in anyway. There's always someone waiting in line to fill shoes...........
  8. The way we played at OSU last year, I'd say we can pretty much lose any game on the schedule. I do appreciate the VERY optimistic thoughts in this thread though.....it helps me sleep better at night.
  9. I would say that was accomplished by everyone on here a long, long, long time ago!
  10. I hope Purify averages more than 50 yard a game this year, unlike last year............of course, if he's still a member of the team.
  11. One sided or not, the last thing Callahan wants is to get a reputation like Osborne had for letting a certain criminal off easy just because he was a good ball player. Sacrificing his reputation with fans and potential recruits and their parents isn't worth protecting a basically unproven receiver that some of you think is the 2nd coming of Jerry Rice. He had a few good games last year and a big catch at the end of a game, but seriously........it's not like Dwayne Jarret is returning for his senior year or something.
  12. If you consciously wake up on game day, open your dresser drawers and choose the white or gray shirt over your red nebraska shirt....I think that gives anyone the 'okay' to question your fan status. Especially if you KNOW that it is called the sea of red, people scream for red outs ever friggin' week, the team/fans are called BIG RED, people are drinking red beer and putting red face pain on...and you're still gonna say "nah, i'm wearing my gray nebraska shirt!" I agree that the loudness of the crowd is more important, but how intimidating do you think it looks to the opponent when not only do you have a ton of rival fans screaming Husker Power back and forth in the stadium, but they're also all wearing the same color! Especially after they've heard so much about the Sea of Red. It just shows our uniformity for our team. Every other teams' fans have their logos on gray and white shirts. Only Nebraska fans can sport the real scarlet and cream shirts! but...maybe I'm the only one who really thinks this. Although 90-95% of the rest of Husker nation already wears red, soooooooo... You're right, if I don't wear red, I am less of a fan. I hope the season gets here soon so I can stop getting dumber by reading posts about what f'ing color of shirt I wear to a game. I think we can all agree that we're all super fans.....we're on a Husker message board in May for Christ's sake. I'm leaving for my bachelor party now..........
  13. Amen. This is by far the most intelligent comment in this thread. And, I take offense to the comment about being 'a real fan'. In my opinion, 'a real fan' is more worried about what happens on the field than a 'red out' picture you can use for your computer desktop.
  14. When did Memorial Stadium become a Catholic School with a dress code?
  15. I would be willing to bet this will be a Pay Per View game. Too many good non-conference games that weekend. Plus, you know how ESPN has a hard on for the Little 10 and the SEC.
  16. This article is a perfect example of Solich's recruiting skills.
  17. This is the most intelligent post I've read in this entire, ridiculous thread. Whoever compared the history of Nebraska football to Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. needs to seriously take a look at his/her priorities. Will someone start a new thread that doesn't have 95 replies?
  18. I think the hype surrounding Trev was blow so far out of proportion it was ridiculous. Even though he was a stud in college, the NFL is a different game. And remember......it makes people feel good to see Nebraska players fail.
  19. I love that we refer to them as 'scrubs' this year, yet next year we will be referring to them as 'the best DB in Nebraska history' or 'the best OL since the 94-95 season'. Just an observation....
  20. THEY DON'T. COX CABLE CARRIES THE NFL NETWORK. Not having Cox Cable in my area doesn't do me very good. Green Llamas are sweet. My point was they don't just cater to dish customers. I know, I'm just bitter my crappy cable service doesn't offer it.
  21. THEY DON'T. COX CABLE CARRIES THE NFL NETWORK. Not having Cox Cable in my area doesn't do me very good. Green Llamas are sweet.
  22. The NFL Network is the root of everything evil in this world. How can they only cater to dish subscribers? I feel like a turtle with a carrot dangling in front of my face...........
  23. If this list is based on head coaching success, Chizik should be left off all together then. I think he's going to suprise a lot of people. That program in Ames is taking big steps to become an annual contender in the Big 12 North.
  24. Chizik at 12? I know he's unproven, but doesn't his resume count for something? Also, Mack Brown has a good program, but how much 'coaching' does he really do? Seems to me it's a Bobby Bowden situation, where he's the face of the program, but has other personel taking care of the X's and O's. Any coach from Colorado should automatically be #12 for the simple fact that I don't like them.
  25. I honestly don't know if I can handle another season of watching our DB's get owned by any receiver over 6'1". Hopefully the D-Line comes with the thunder so Grixby and Jones have an opportunity to get themselves in position to make a play because, I really don't think they have the ability to cover 1 on 1 with an un-pressured QB throwing at them. I'm having visions of D. Jarrett clowning Andre Jones all game last year in Southern Cal........I can't do another season of that.
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