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Everything posted by LAHusker

  1. It's no big deal. It's not like anyone there will care if you're alone, they'll be focused on the game.
  2. Using the word fart and beano in the same post is hilarious. We need some Beano to shut this old fart up!
  3. I believe so..... Sweet...I guess better for NC than us.
  4. This video is without closeup. It's around 3:49. Ryan Powdrell was the name, wearing #37. Omrzjo4bJDg
  5. Torn tricep sounds pretty painful. If he does come back by the 15th, will be playing with some pain and not 100%.
  6. Is that Joe Dailey dropping back to throw another interception?
  7. ESPN will definitely follow their love child USC to Lincoln that day.
  8. Or living in a van down by the river. Speaking of Tech, I can't wait to play them again next year. It's definitely time to return the favor. 10/11/08...mark it on your calendars.
  9. That's true, you never know, but I would think coming back to the support of your team would be a positive way to help him deal with the issues in his personal life. He'll be back. Football is fun, unlike most full-time day jobs. Reminds me of a co-worker who went to lunch and never came back. Gotta try that at least once in my lifetime!
  10. To answer the original question-NO. Nevada is a no-brainer. Wake Forest won't be easy, but we'll still win. They're not even predicted to finish that high in the ACC. This team seems to have more mental focus this year, and that's what will get it done for us.
  11. I say this year we'll get that win against a top 10 team.
  12. I'm guessing they were referring to us or Cal.
  13. I 2nd that, but at least let May and Herbstreit have a final fling .
  14. His people sound very professional by only sending an email. That's basically like sending a text message to break up with your girlfriend. Seems lately he's being taped in front of a phoenix backdrop. Maybe he needs a place close enough to LA where he can secretly drive to watch trojan practices without doing Gameday live from there.
  15. This TJ sounds like a real d-bag. If he wants to bash us, at least think of something original. Let's send him packing with a loss!
  16. That's ok, we'll get better close-up angles of Chase's helmet buried in the field turf on tv anyway.
  17. 2009 sounds reasonable. We could technically run the table this year if it weren't for the brutal schedule. Another 2 years of adding depth and we should be right there.
  18. link http://sports.aol.com/fanhouse/2007/08/11/...e-last-unicorn/
  19. Maybe some other pac-10 teams like ASU or Cal.
  20. I wonder if Keller knows him, said he was from Danville, CA.
  21. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact we're a lightly populated midwestern state. This part of the country will always suffer a stigma...the corn comments, football is the only thing there, etc., etc. It really boils down to jealousy. They think, how can a po-dunk school in nebraska be national champions not once, but 5 times?? A lot of schools would kill for even half the tradition we have. Living in 3 states besides nebraska has really taught me a lot, but mostly that people in the cities are just as dumb as anywhere else. LA and NY are full of people who have lived there their whole lives and still couldn't tell you where the nearest grocery store is, even if it was right around the corner. The 9-3 record of Solich's last year doesn't tell the whole story, but bottom line is the program wasn't headed in the right direction. I love the new offense, it's like watching a pro team when you go to a game. It's giving us the ability to compete at the top level and is allowing us to recruit better athletes, that wasn't happening under the old system. I think we're on to something special here and 2007/2008 and beyond are going to be some great years.
  22. I'd take a Runza anyday over In 'n out. You never know, if I was there and wasn't sure if I'd get playing time soon, I'd seriously consider it. Today you can cut the air with a knife out here, nevermind, guess that's everyday. You know it's bad when your car doesn't want to start because the air is 90% exhaust to begin with.
  23. Read post #33. His teamates dont even respect him. Roger that. Caught me speed reading again....
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