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Everything posted by SkerMin8r

  1. Welcome aboard Allen...look forward to yur commentary. as for not knowing anything about footbal...well...lets just say you're in good company...
  2. Another one...use the search function ppl!!!!
  3. Not to worry AR. With FHCRP's little JUCO stunt last year he has basically rendered KSU obsolete for the next 6 or 7 years at least...if not permanently...
  4. What about burkhead? Anybody know if he got the Texas offer? I don't see them listed on his Rival's profile. Been watchin' his videos...MAN...is he quick...to go along with great speed. He'd look great in Husker read.
  5. That's the problem when you don't have the speed to match up man to man. You can try to put your DBs where you expect their receivers to go, but if the opposing QB isn't pressured (which is mostly what happened last night), it's pretty easy for recievers to use the extra time get open. right on....a DB's best friend is a good pass rush Exactly, if we had a decent pass rush our DB's and Safetys would look far better. You cant let a Heisman hopeful QB have 6-7 seconds to throw the ball. We definately need to be rebuilt up front. If we get a good pass rush everything else will come together. Yeah, Bradford is phenomenal. Even when I thought we had pretty good coverage, he made absolutely perfect throws. Good Dline play always helps the Dbacks. But if you watch this game and almost all the games this year we have one or two players out of position almost as soon as the play starts. Then can't recover. I don't want to bash any one player but watch the games and make your own opinion. We have a position or two that gives up 100-150 yards a game, every game. Getting burned even on quick across the middle and straight down the field several times a game just isn't getting it done. There were times the dline gave him all day to drink a soda and have ice cream and that was painful to watch. But again watch the games again, there is real consistency with the blown coverages. Most of the young guys are actually getting it done which is encouraging. Yeah...it sure seems like some of our safties are missing on the "over the 'top" coverage...quite often. Seems some of them bite pretty hard on the play action as well...
  6. Granted...BUT...one of the major issue we have on "D"...IMO...is lack of depth.... Also...I could see playing Compton at outside backer next year and move him inside the following year... As for the DB situation...any of the 4 could end up starting based on performances to date...
  7. Granted...BUT...one of the major issue we have on "D"...IMO...is lack of depth....
  8. It also mean "Quest for truth''...or.."quit effing talking'... In this case...Quest for Truth...or...go find out and let us know...
  9. I think you hit the nail squarely on the head here. I believe Bo is setting this team up for future growth and I fully expect that he will do the same next year. In fact...assuming we get Mr. Cody Green on campus I certainly wouldn't be surprised to see him redshirt next year
  10. How is a kid not being in the right position during the 9th game of the year and most of the first 8 for that matter a talent issue? >> Not enough speed/athleticism to get into postion/cover their responsibilities/make the play How is a team that gets penalty after penalty, misses tackles, misses assignments not undisciplined? >> The penalty thing is bothersome to say the least. As for the second and third part of your question...see my answer to question #1. Is making a bowl at 6-6 really a step in the right direction? (How many bowl games are there again? I know the practice time is good but seriously) >> Seriously?!? Consider the alternative... Why are the next 3 games winnable when we haven’t proven that we can stop any good offenses? (KSU passed all over OU and for the record we are freaking underdogs this weekend) >> Because they're all winnable...otherwise they wouldn't play them on the field... *sigh* Why do we still play guys that look lost from the opening kickoff? >> Could it be these individuals are the best alternative? Why is it alright for Bo to talk to the media (just doing their jobs) or officials the way he does? >> Ummm...because he's "just doing his job"... You (or I for that matter) may not agree with his methodology...but that doesn't make it wrong. How many more loses with the coaching staff saying "We didn’t have them prepared" before people start questioning these coaches ability? (not just the ones with a connection to Billy C) >> I don't know... If things don’t improve next year does Bo fire his brother or do we go through another Billy/Coz thing? >> I don't know... Does Bo ever stop just paying attention to the defense during games? >> I don't know... If Bo hasn’t won a North title by year 3 do we panic? >> Hard to say sitting here today how I or anyone else will feel about this program in 2-3 years. What kid from last years or this years recruiting class is supposed to be that stud recruit that starts the transition up? (not on offense either) >> I think (for whatever that's worth)...Will Compton, Alfonso Dennard, Sean Fisher, Matt Holt, John Levorson, Cameron Meredith, Baker Steinkuhler, Chris Whaley, Josh Williams...from 2008 recruiting class...and as for 2009's class...I'll wait to say until they make it to campus... Oh...and I purposely didn't mention any freshman from the offense as you requested. If things don’t improve in the next few years does this tarnish Dr. Tom’s reputation? >> Not to me...no... Now that Va Tech is turning out to be a very average team how bad does that loss look? (remove Va Tech insert Mizzou) >> Who knows...we are a different team now as are they... What does our game with TTU say about them? nothing... Do people still think Joe Ganz will play on Sundays? >> I think that's up to Joe himself...he'll play on Sunday's if he's a mind to... Why don’t the biggest Blowout in Memorial Stadium (Mizzou) history or the most points ever scored by OU in that series not bother some people? >> First...let me say that it (they) DO bother me...but...frankly...neither were unexpected I'm afraid... Why does our Coach and some of our "Leaders" on the field always looked confused and frazzled when we get jacked in the mouth? >> Lack of Confidence (IMHO) How many people across the state were Bo Pelini for Halloween? >> QFT
  11. SkerMin8r


    Being a "fat guy" myself...I can hosnestly say...that there is some funny sh1t!!!
  12. It's like I tell my oldest son when he complains that I dont treat him the same way I treat my oldest daughter..."Son, I like her more than you...duh!!"
  13. The premise here is that they are giving us chance to stop them from scoring any points. It's up to us to actually stop them.
  14. I suppose I agree...BUT...I expect we will see steady improvement over the years to come...
  15. Hmmm...no more pointless then OU's 9th...
  16. I think it may effect his relationship with refs...which, I suppose, could have a negative effect on the game...but truly I think his passion will eventuallly be reflected in our team...and I think that can ONLY be a good thing.
  17. 7-5 is likely....8-4 is attainable...
  18. I'm not sure if it will work unless you have the browser that comes on the iPhone (Safari?)...but http://www.justin.tv may be streaming the game live this weekend. You won't always find the Husker game here but I've watched a couple on there. Depends on whether or not someone with an account there decides to stream the Husker's game.
  19. If you've got some time check this out. Interesting stuff to say the least... http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=123372
  20. Ummm...WHAT IF we hadn't lost to CU 62-36...WHAT IF we go 11-1 last year instead of 5-7...WHAT IF I won the PowerBall Lottery...that 1 I can answer...
  21. Ah...come on...there all winnable...otherwise they wouldn't play'em.. BUT...a Herculian effort will be required... That said, I'm happy with the win today and am confident we can get one more to get bowl eligible.
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