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Everything posted by mattbri17

  1. One word - impressive.
  2. I was on TigerBoard for about 15 minutes and all I can say is WOW! It is definitely an interesting read.
  3. It was a well fought game. I think both teams did well (minus penalties). Great defensive game.
  4. I don't know if you noticed, but when Helu broke his long run he landed on his shoulder pretty hard when he was tackled. It looked like that might have been where he had injured it.
  5. It's weird but for the first game this season I don't feel nervous. I think that after the heart wrenching Va Tech loss NU came out of it with a completely different attitude. They seem much more focused. I haven't heard any coach in any post-practice report say anything negative and we all know that Bo is quick to let you know.
  6. The clock feels like it's going TICK................TOCK.................TICK....................TOCK
  7. I know you're all about saving money, and I think that is a good thing. However, I strongly urge you to go out and rent the movie "Deliverance" before deciding to stay on one of their coaches! You gotta a pretty mouth
  8. Does anyone know if any players traveled seperate from the team due to illness?
  9. They are calling Helu "Roy He-flu" on Chick & Dick (1620)
  10. Then it wasn't the flu. NO ONE recovers from the flu in 1 day. I work with 2 guys, both diagnosed with it, bot around 30 and in good shape and one missed 5 days of work, the other 4. And they're both still coughing every couple of minutes. Sounds like the plague to me
  11. When ESPN asked Missouri "How would you describe your defiense?" and Missouri answered "We're speedy and athletic." I'm guessing it came about something like that.
  12. Pelini shouldn't let them. Look at Tebow, playing with the flu. You can't tell me that his reaction time and strength were the same as if he were healthy. People freaking DIE from flu. They shouldn't risk injury for a football game. Let me clarify. If they have the FLU they will not play but if they were just SICK I think they would play
  13. I bet Helu and Hickman would still play if they were sick
  14. Wouldnt be shocked by this at all. H1N1 is spreading like wild fire. I know several people who have or now have it. They are talking about it on 1620 right now.
  15. I have got to say that I really enjoyed reading that. Well done
  16. HuskerBCS (aka TigerBCS) is retarded
  17. He showed up in January and he's been here a year and a half? You have to be the most mature person that visits this board with this little display of yours today. Ignore list..... Did you notice that he has started around 10-15 topics too
  18. I know! I thought the same thing this morning when I saw a commercial for it.
  19. Stay away from any place that is Oprah's name spelled backwards.
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