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Everything posted by Igetbored216

  1. Ill take it if I can have football. Yeah, besides, most of college football takes place during the Fall, which is my favorite time of the year! Nothing beats going fishing early on Saturday morning out at Two Rivers, and then coming home in time to watch college football (specifically the Husker game). Oh man...I can't wait!
  2. I think the problem was lack of pass rush. Alot of the QBs had all day back in the pocket, which made it easy for them to go through each progression, and then throw it to the open man. It's a little different story when you have 2 or 3 guys chasing you down. You just don't have that time to go through the progressions. You can either: run for your life, throw it away, take the sack, or try to force a play (which can lead to turnovers). If our defense wants to have a halfway decent performance this year, the front four will have to step up big-time.
  3. Good article, but just about the same information as I have read a million times before. To summarize: Offense was okay last year, offense will be okay this year. Defense was horrible last year, defense will be average this year. Potential Stengths: Offense---Running back, Offensive line; Defense---Secondary Potential Weaknesses: Offense---Wide Receiver, Tight end; Defense---Defensive line, Linebackers There ya go!
  4. Just saw some video on this guy, and I must say, I am pretty impressed. Granted, these clips are made so that the prospect looks AWESOME, but here are some key features I like about him: 1) You can't tell from video, but from all accounts I have heard, he has a great personality and character. 2) He likes to get the whole team involved. I think this fits in perfectly with our WCO/Spread...sorry, the "Nebraska" offense (as Watson called it). I think too often, many QBs have a "go-to-guy," and while this is okay, it becomes predictable. Spread the defense thin, and keep them guessing where the ball is going to go. That's what I like to see! 3) He's a strong runner. He's definitely not afraid of hitting somebody (or getting hit). He can elude defenders, but I saw many plays where he just put his shoulder pads down and rammed right through! 4) Strong arm. This is always a positive. However, I would put accuracy ahead of arm strength any day of the week (see Joe Montana). 5) Dual threat QB. This kind of ties in with 3 and 4, but whenever you have a dual threat QB, it adds another layer to your offense. Wish the probability of getting this kid to come to Nebraska was 100%! We could definitely use a QB like him, that's for sure!
  5. I take it you don't put much stock into what Rivals and other similar websites say?
  6. With Mr. Sipple's "8-4 overall and 4-4 in the Big 12" reasonable prediction, he's predicting a W against VT. I would definitely like to see a 4-0 start! Who's with me?
  7. Looks like eastern Nebraska and western Iowa are going to be receiving rain, with the possibility (which apparently the possibility is "highly likely" according to weather.com) of strong winds, hail, thunderstorms, and tornadic activity. Stay safe everyone. Pay attention to the weather via TV, Internet, and looking outside on occassion. Tornadoes can form out of seemingly nowhere (i.e., Sunday morning's tornadoes that ripped through the Millard area - yes, it is plural - there were two of them). I would also like to make a suggestion for everyone to signup to receive Text Messages from weather.com. It's a handy (and free) tool which alerts you when severe weather is approaching your area. Sign Up Here! Hope everyone has a great (and safe) night!
  8. Georgia's Schedule: # Georgia Southern # Central Michigan # South Carolina #15 Arizona State # Alabama #17 Tennessee # Vanderbilt #9 LSU #1 Florida (Jacksonville) # at Kentucky #8 at Auburn # Georgia Tech I don't have my Athlon magazine with me, but these are the top 25 rankings according to the website. First of all, we are going off rankings that are questionable, at best. How Ohio State is ahead of Oklahoma, USC, Georgia, Missouri, West Virginia, Auburn, and LSU is beyond me. Maybe it's that National Championship Ohio State won last year...oh wait, they lost. Well, then it's got to be the national championship they won in 2007...oh wait, they got manhandled in that game. Ugh. I'm so sick of Ohio State, their weak schedule, and then taking up one of the spots in the Championship game so they can lose. I don't root for USC, but on September 13th, I will be doing exactly that. I hope USC comes out and absolutely crushes Ohio State (like I think they will) by 3 TDs or so. But anyway... Looks like Georgia plays five teams in the top 25; three of those teams start off in the top 9. One of these teams is the number 1 team in the nation. Looks like two teams have the toughest schedule in the nation this year.
  9. #1 schedule in the country? Ummm, apparently you haven't seen Georgia's schedule...or any team in the SEC for that matter. The SEC will be strong this season, if it doesn't shoot itself in the foot. Same with the Big 12. I think they are very close in the number of strong teams in each conference. But to say Kansas has the #1 (toughest) schedule in the country is crazy talk!
  10. Hmmm, I agree with a previous poster, so now I am curious. What made you pass up Maclin?
  11. Wow, imagine Crabtree and Maclin being on the same team. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  12. If this is what Bo said I like him more than I did 5 minutes ago. That's awesome. It was a joke. I got part of what I said from what Bo said in a Channel 7 interview. Jon Schuetz asked him how he felt about a certain columnist saying he needed to drop talking about Solich, and Bo's response, "I know I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Frank Solich. For the opportunity he gave me to get back into college football, and to come here. ....................so if people don't like that, tough." I also listen to 1620 - The Zone (Severe & Kugler), and this is a new sound clip they play often.
  13. (I know this is kind of a late response, but I just sat down to read all of the posts in this thread. It's never too late to talk NU football anyway!) True, but at the same time, one could say that it's easy to have one successful year. It is more difficult to sustain that success over many, many years. We will see how those teams you mention perform this season, and the next, and the next, and the...well, you get the point. I find the the new offensive playbook - some rendition of The Spread - exciting to watch. Not because I enjoy high scoring games, but because I am seeing how the defenses and defensive coaches are countering the attack. Sometime down the line, The Spread will not be as effective as the defenses catch up. It is just interesting to me how each team attempts to counter such an attack. I do think Osborne knew what he was doing when he brought in Pelini. At first, I was not happy with the decision, but thinking it over in my head now, I think he made a very smart decision. I do not need to tell anyone that NU's defense was pitiful last season. Sure, Osborne could have brought in some well known coach with proven success, but would that have helped our defense right away? Maybe...maybe not. Tom went with someone that he knew could have an immediate impact on the defense. Bo is one of the most brilliant defensive minds in the game. Why not match him up with one of the most pitiful defenses in the game to see what happens? Anyway, I feel this puts Nebraska back on track. Sure our defense won't be ranked number one in all categories next season, and probably won't even be in the top 30 or 40. However, it will be greatly improved, because how could it get any worse? There's no direction the defense can go except for up, and Bo and Company are the perfect people to lead the way.
  14. I would have to say that Colorado has the toughest schedule of any team of the North Division: West Virginia, Florida State, Texas, Kansas, and Missouri...just to name a few of the really tough teams. Seems like a tough schedule to me!
  15. When someone does something one or two times, it can be categorized as a mistake. When someone does something more than twice, it is a behavior.
  16. Ahhh...I can see it now: The Bo Show ...if you don't like it, tough!
  17. Who's Pat White? http://www.patwhitefans.org/ ? He's some really crappy QB. Man, he sucks!
  18. You spoke with Bo about this? What, are you two neighbors? No, he's my dad...wait, neighbor is more believable. Yes, he is my neighbor... kinda like wilson from 'home improvements'. Ahhhh, yes. Whenever I have problems in my life I go to the backyard for some advice from my friendly neighbor (Bo..of course). Unfortunately, his advice always is centered around defensive strategies and schemes...so, it doesn't have anything to do with my problem. Man...if only Bo lived next to Kevin Cosgrove....
  19. I knew it was only a matter of time until someone mentioned something about that. And of course, if I switched it around, when I post on the Nebraska Fishing forum, they would ask where my priorities are. PUNKS!
  20. Where is Suh? What does everyone else think about this projected lineup? Here is the full article: http://cfn.scout.com/2/759032.html
  21. You spoke with Bo about this? What, are you two neighbors? No, he's my dad...wait, neighbor is more believable. Yes, he is my neighbor...
  22. ...besides, what's this baseball you speak of? Is that a sport?
  23. I talked to Bo today about this and this is what he had to say, "You know, alot of people like to have their names in shows to make themselves feel important. To make themselves feel like they're some sort of star. But you know what? That's just not my style. I don't want a show named after me, so that's why it's going to be called the Nebraska Cornhusker Football Show (NCFS). I know many out there are already complaining about it having no flow, or just don't like the name. But it's going to stay the NCFS...and so...if people don't like that, tough."
  24. I would say we have a better chance to beat Texas Tech than Mizzou... Just my opinion though.
  25. Just to clarify: the Ranch Bowl wasn't torn down because Walmart wanted to build a store there. It was torn down because it wasn't making enough money to keep it open. Once they closed their doors, Walmart decided that it might be a good potential spot to build one of their stores. I went to the Ranch Bowl many times, but honestly, I think it was highly over rated. Everything was outdated (i.e., sound equipment) and the place was a dump. Now everyone is getting all bent out of shape because Walmart is building there and people feel this will make that part of 72nd look bad. I guess they would have rather seen an old run down building with weeds growing through the cracked concrete... Yeah, I guess that looks much better.
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