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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. We're hiring an Athletic Director before we hire a President? Seems odd, since the BoR put the President directly in charge of the AD last year. And this news breaks literally while the Board of Regents are meeting to (possibly) name a priority candidate for President. Weird timing.
  2. I thought this started in 2022. They broke ground on this project nearly three years ago, June 2021. Wow. I know the last three years have been a blur at my house, but this is actually shocking.
  3. If nothing else, this helps remove the facade from Christians who would vote for this guy.
  4. That's our job! Back to our friend the presidential candidate and his inability to pay what should be, for a billionaire, a manageable fine: It's entirely possible Orange Man Bad has been lying about the state of his finances. Which, coincidentally, is why he's facing a $355 million penalty (plus interest which is accruing daily).
  5. The bond is to get immediate cash to pay the fine. It will take some time to sell any assets, since necessarily they will have to be quite large (like a golf resort) to cover that kind of fine. It's understandable that a billionaire wouldn't have that kind of liquid cash on hand. That would all be invested, in his case likely in property. The interesting question is how much of the assets that bear his name are actually owned by him, and how much are just leased or borrowed. I'm guessing his "empire" is a house of cards propped up by paperwork rather than actual ownership. He's basically playing Three Card Monte with banks.
  6. Correct, which is why he went overseas to Deutsche Bank, and why I suspect after that relationship soured he had to go further east and seek Russian money. Which is why he's in bed with Putin (no pun intended). Update:
  7. Then sell your assets if you don't have the cash on hand. That's what any of the rest of us would have to do if we lost a judgment like this. You don't get special treatment because you claim to be a billionaire.
  8. And the NCAA, with the most diabolical sense of humor ever, has us as the eight seed, playing A&M. LET'S GO.
  9. I'd be thrilled if Rhule is here long term. Maybe he's the next Devaney and builds a dynasty here. Sign me up. But his history and the general trend of our flagship university lead me to be skeptical that moving his folks here is indicative of anything. If he's here four years from now, and everything is stable, I'll paint my cheeks red and streak campus from Oldfather to the Union.
  10. It isn't. If you won the lottery tomorrow you'd move everyone and everything you care about into better digs. With a couple million dollars at your disposal, you could make that move pretty comfy. And you for sure could provide a landing site that makes that move worthwhile. And you could for sure do it all over again, pretty comfy, if a couple million was only part of your winnings. The next month, or the next year. Moving is a hassle for regular folks. For millionaires, it's easy.
  11. People need to realize a moving truck is maybe .05% of Rhule's yearly salary.
  12. People forget about it until Trev's name is brought up, and then it's a reflexive memory so they make a comment. And then they proceed to forget all about it until his name pops up again. It's not in the forefront of anyone's mind. It happened 13 years ago, almost to the day. March 12, 2011.
  13. You can't make this stuff up.
  14. Held accountable for what?
  15. Josh makes good shirts.
  16. Which is odd, because he was obviously such a high achiever on the field, and he's parlayed that into (apparently) a decent job as an Athletic Director. But yeah, you can't ignore that he's now quit like this on several different employers. Weird juxtaposition of behaviors.
  17. That is a very interesting pattern of leaving jobs for Trev. No matter what else may be wrong in this situation, we can't ignore this isn't the first time (or second, or third) he's departed a job like this. Good info, you guys.
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