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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. 1890. There's a really good explanation for why Idaho looks like it's being leaned on by Montana in the History Channel show "How The States Got Their Shapes."
  2. There was a picture going around the webz a while back showing some 40-ish women at a Justin Bieber concert or something, and they were going all crazy about him. That would NOT be OK at a (insert name of teenage female singer) concert if these were 40-ish guys.
  3. I put pickle juice in my Bloody Marys. One of the bartenders at WC's taught me that.
  4. So... the 2014 FAU game is going to be fun. Bo vs. Carl - the Battle of the Pelinis. Carl will have had a couple of recruiting classes to get "his guys" in there, and we'll see what kind of fight they put up. I also wonder if Carl is going to keep up the traditional first-game bonfire:
  5. @Huskers #Huskers have also added home games vs. Florida Atlantic (8/30/2014), BYU (9/5/2015), and South Alabama (9/12/2015 and 8/31/2019).
  6. Yes I am. So are you lumping FCS with the actual D2 then? Click Me
  7. There are two A's. Therefore D2. I refuse to not call FCS D2. You'll have to pursue action in a court of law to stop me.
  8. Idaho State is a D2 team who went 2-9 last year playing against the 125th-rated SOS. They lost 64-21 against Washington State last year in their only game against D1 opposition. EDIT - my bad. Missed BYU on their schedule last year. They lost 56-3.
  9. You don't know that. Only way you do is if you are Osborne, which you aren't. While it is "unlikely" that he has made that ultimatum, it really can't be proven. All I know is that one of the basketball student managers said last Thursday that Doc felt comfortable that he was coming back next year and was acting like he is. Although, he really HAS to act like he is just in case he is. I am, in fact, Tom Osborne. Nice to meet you. Well then quit messing around and fire our massively incompetent basketball coach. Be patient with me! It's my birthday!
  10. As did Iowa, two years in a row. And we just hired their D-Line coach. Coincidence..... or more?
  11. Looks like there may be more to this story, as in, the accident may have been Bo's fault. Article forthcoming... EDIT - Nevermind. This has nothing to do with this accident. It's about a traffic ticket Bo got back in August. Nothing to see here, folks.
  12. Today is Dr. Tom's 75th birthday. Happy Birthday, Dr. Tom!
  13. Sub, you're looking for a fight where there is none. I'm very simply pointing out to you that Netanyahu didn't say what the site you posted said he said. You implied our media were hypocrites for not covering this story. I explained that there was hypocrisy, but it was on the part of the site you sourced for intentionally (or errantly, which is just as bad for journalists) misrepresenting who posted what on Netanyahu's page. I gave a very apt example of a message board. It is not out of bounds to question your understanding of the way Facebook works, since you are exhibiting a misunderstanding of it by stating that Netanyahu is allowing others to "post in his name." That is a fundamental, and very unnecessary, misunderstanding of how Facebook works. You're welcome to your rant, but you should be ranting at yourself, not me. I'm just pointing out where you're mistaken.
  14. You're right, CF, it's not an abortion question. I just copypasta'd the headline. I fixed the thread title.
  15. I'm about 2/3 of the way through this: It's a pretty good read, but Scott's prose is overly verbose. He could pare things down and make a far better read. But it's entertaining, nonetheless.
  16. You don't know that. Only way you do is if you are Osborne, which you aren't. While it is "unlikely" that he has made that ultimatum, it really can't be proven. All I know is that one of the basketball student managers said last Thursday that Doc felt comfortable that he was coming back next year and was acting like he is. Although, he really HAS to act like he is just in case he is. I am, in fact, Tom Osborne. Nice to meet you.
  17. Absolutely agree, Chris. Scheme is the glaring factor there, despite the dropoff in talent. Teams with far worse talent than we fielded last year had far better stats. So what if your opponent breaks off the odd 20-yard run? Mobile QBs do that, and you can't spend all your energy praying they don't run on you. You have to get in their face, put constant pressure on them, and make them make decisions. Our scheme is soft, and opposing QBs are far too often far too comfortable against us. This is also a major factor in our plummet in turnovers gained, from 21st in 2009 to 49th in 2010 down to 91st in 2011. Without pressure on the QB you don't get interceptions, you don't force mistakes, and in general you don't stress your opponent.
  18. Republicans are doing their best to make sure women don't vote for their candidate - whoever that turns out to be - this election year. The latest: That silence is soon to become deafening. Women want to know that they're going to continue to have rights under the next president. With Republicans making headlines like this across the country, and with the current Republican front-runner declaring contraception "harmful to women" in 2006, I don't see this earning the GOP many votes. I also don't think these guys are going to get away with not answering this question, as much attention as it's gotten. I'm guessing every reporter they run across is going to stick a mic in their face and ask this question again until each guy gives an answer.
  19. We play a weird defense. I'll have to go back and concentrate on who's taking what responsibilities, but Carl said before the Washington game that we don't play a two-gap. His quote was: LINK I can see where Carl is coming from, but I think the result of our scheming is that things have just gotten muddled, and it kills the aggressive nature of our D Line. Several times in non-con games I saw a D Lineman bust through, make contact with the ball-carrier, then whiff on the tackle. It's almost as if they have so much on their minds they forget to just attack the ball.
  20. I was making a point about the hypocracy of our media and the mostly brain dead masses that get their news spoon-fed by it. The false translation of Ahmadinejad's words by the media is often parroted even by people on Husker message boards. So he created a page and gave access to others to post in his name. It is logical to assume that those posting on his page are doing so with his approval, and he has authorized them to do so. If someone created the false name or hacked the account, they should be punished by law. If Netanyahu authorized someone to post in his name, then he bears responsibility for what was posted. If it was a comment under his post, then can you cite that, and I will retract my statement. Thank you. Do you grasp how Facebook works? This is silly. I posted a screen capture of the comments, for goodness' sake! I'll try to make this as simple as possible: You started this thread. If someone posts hate speech here, are YOU responsible? Of course not, the idiot who wrote it would be responsible. This is simple common sense. There's no "hypocrisy" of "our media" because this had nothing to do with Netanyahu. It had everything to do with the source you cited misrepresenting what happened. It's silly that you think you're showing "our media's" hypocrisy when you're actually showing the opposite. Just.... wow.
  21. I've been rewatching some 2011 games over the last couple of weeks, and frankly, our DL scheme sucks. We all know about the "contain" concept that Bo has in place, but from what I've seen this is a detriment, not a positive, to the overall effectiveness of the D. Without pressure on the QB, in passing downs the contain theory just creates time for the QB to find a receiver. Several times I've watched Ankrah beat his man, only to "stay home" in contain rather than push the advantage to the QB. Eric Martin was rarely set loose to wreak havoc - his forte. I have some hopes that the point of bringing in Rick Kaczenski will change this philosophy. We'll see.
  22. Nuke school, as in, he'll be on a boomer?
  23. Imagine a guy holding a sign like that for a female athlete. It's weird how, in an "equal" world, stuff like this still happens.
  24. Osborne made no such ultimatum. Where do people come up with things like this?
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