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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. I didn't know you were still in High School.
  2. Surely you're not implying that Israel has no legal foundation for their treatment of Palestine/Palestinians, yes? Do you believe that Israel has zero reason to hold Palestine under their thumbs?
  3. If your point with this thread is to poke holes in Christianity, there are far better ways to do so than with this line of thinking. The very easy explanation is that an All-Knowing God would know about the future inventions of iPods, but didn't put Thou Shalt Not Pirate MP3s in the Bible because his audience at the time it was written would have had no clue what he was talking about. Give the God of All Creation more credit for knowing His audience than that.
  4. I absolutely agree with the bold. However, I strongly disagree with the middle statement. I know a lot of people who want wars. In fact . . . that might be a neo-con plank. I was implying the Average Joe with "nobody." There are always going to be the tiny minority for whom war is profitable. Almost always those are not the people in the front lines. Alexander the Great being the exception that most readily comes to mind.
  5. I've met quite a few in the last few years. I've lived in Lincoln for the better part of 20 years and, until recently, I rarely met the players or coaches. But in the past three years or so I've met a lot of them, and it's at all different places.
  6. This is all very true. There are definitely valid concerns about our recruiting methods, and we whiffed on a couple guys that we could really have used (Fuller & Peat). I'm not talking about those valid criticisms, I'm talking about the "world is ending" over-the-top nonsense.
  7. Looking at the teams directly ahead of us, we shouldve ended up around #20 if Peat would've came here. But one player does not make or break a program, he would've been the icing on the cake but this is still a very solid class. With lots of athletes at multiple positions. Exactly. These meltdowns and "we're never going to be good again" posts are just stupid.
  8. Does anyone know where our class would have ranked if Peat had signed with us? We ended up #25 on Rivals' board. How high would we have climbed had Peat come here? 20th? 17th? Isn't the uproar here really over what amounts to five to maybe ten spots? And would people have really felt that much better over a #20 class? I get the impression that the meltdown happened because of Peat, and as has been pointed out, we have an O Line full of young four-star players. I just have a hard time getting so upset about this when the best we could possibly have done isn't much higher than where we ended up anyway.
  9. A generic "war is bad" stance is pretty myopic. Nobody wants war. Sometimes war is necessary.
  10. I'm not understanding the premise of this thread. Is it to cast doubt on the teachings of Jesus? Is it to say that all social issues today shouldn't be based on 2,000-year-old teachings? Is it to say that abortion isn't a religious issue? Where are we going with this?
  11. I pruned a bunch of posts out of here. Please restrict your personal disputes to the Woodshed.
  12. author or inspiration Those two are not the same thing.
  13. CactusboyOG????? the plot thickens.... CactusboyOG is now Cactusboy. We made the name switch a week or so ago. The guy formerly using "cactusboy" seemed only to be here to mess with OG. We tend to frown on that. You can find his posts under the name "formercactusboy." Here is an example: LINK Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
  14. Thanks Knapp. I looked thru that whole thread. The rumors I heard would have made it end up here, but no one else even mentioned it so it must not have had any legs. Here, as in, the Husker Football forum? If you're talking about Martinez, he wasn't there. Way too many witnesses who saw not only the accident, but saw Lauren in the car. If he'd have been there, he'd have been seen.
  15. Final day of voting for Safety & CB. Also final day of nominations for Punter and Kicker.

  16. I would imagine they met here. She's from Lubbock, TX and he's from Shreveport, LA.
  17. If the bold statement was true Frank would have been fired after the 2002 season. There was a lot more going on regarding Frank's firing than was made public. It wasn't as simple as wins and losses. I think you have a good point in that Bo wouldn't have been as well-received (or, his "honeymoon" wouldn't have lasted as long) if he had succeeded Osborne rather than Callahan. The state of Nebraska Football was far different after Osborne left compared to Callahan, as we all know. The "honeymoon period" has long since ended with Bo. He doesn't get the grace of "better than the last guy" anymore, and hasn't for over a year. The honeymoon was over for all but the unrealistic die-hards back towards the end of 2010.
  18. Funny story - I saw Khiry and his girlfriend at the grocery store once. Went up and down the aisles and kept running into him, and he kept noticing that I was looking at him. I knew he was a player but I couldn't remember his name. To stop staring, I just introduced myself and said I knew he was a player but, I'm sorry, I couldn't remember his name. He introduced himself and we talked for a while, and all the while his really nice-looking girlfriend is standing beside him, just grinning from ear to ear. She probably liked that he was getting some recognition or something. I was my usual positive self when talking to one of the players. It wasn't until a couple of days later that a coworker told me he was seeing Layne Reeves, a Guard on the WBB team. Funny thing is, I've seen her play WAY more than I've seen Khiry play, but she didn't look on the court the way she looks in person. She's really pretty in person. They're a really nice-looking couple.
  19. The Lauren Cook thread is in Other Sports since we no longer have a dedicated Volleyball Forum. LINK
  20. I've never looked at it before. I posted it for shock value because it went along with the thread title. I've also seen a model that shows the Lincoln area getting 1-3 inches. But that's not Snopocaggedon, so that's no fun.
  21. Here It's the "Total snowfall accumulation during the next 72 hours" link.
  22. Most of the SC guys who came for the bowl game have been pretty cool. And Lonnie is rapidly becoming one of "us" instead of a "them." He's good people.
  23. Yes, it was. It was one of those horrible thread titles we all hate so much, myself included. I goofed on that. Taking my lumps for it.
  24. I hate the snow. Posted in anticipation of the Blizzard of 2012.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. jsneb83


      I blame that damn groundhog

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      Snow gets a bad rap. It's awesome.

    4. krc1995


      watching with concern from my 70 degree porch. You can get me during hurricane season

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