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Everything posted by Toe

  1. Just take the 'm.' part out, like this. For whatever reason, this board doesn't recognize mobile links. Same with Twitter links. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StIcRH_e6zQ It's the mobile part of the link that it doesn't recognize, not the https.
  2. Toe


    Yeah, no. Not what I said at all.
  3. Toe


    Even if his arm's not as good as Lee's, if he'd been the starter and just threw fewer picks than Lee, we might've had a rather different season...
  4. What the hell, let's dive face-first into reading WAY too much into this. I'll start with this list of candidates and a couple others mentioned here. Spurrier's quote could be interpreted as ruling out... Kelly, Stoops, Miles, etc. - not coaching any teams at the moment. Strong, Norvell, Taggart - if 'this weekend' means in a game, those teams don't play this weekend. Campbell, Mullen, Sumlin, Fuente - if the vague '3-4 weeks' implies that they might be coaching in a conference championship game, these guys are probably out. That leaves... Frost and Patterson? Or it could all be a complete load of BS.
  5. Well hell, if it's ranch that Frost wants, I'd be happy to hook him up! https://www.flavourgallery.com/collections/hidden-valley-ranch/products/hidden-valley-ranch-keg
  6. So how do people feel about the prospects of our current QBs? It's safe to say that we don't currently have a Scott Frost on the team (lol), but could one of them fill a Joe Ganz-ish role?
  7. Paste the link to the tweet in the box Hit Submit Reply
  8. For reference, the AAC championship game is Saturday, Dec 2.
  9. If it's true that Parella and D. Williams want the D to play more aggressively and it's Diaco that's holding them back, I'd say there's at least some case to be made for keeping them around.
  10. Did you read Banker's part of the story? He said that's not how it happened. And Diaco wasn't even here when it supposedly happened, so it's not like he's a first-hand witness. To me, it feels more like Diaco trying to deflect blame away from himself and Riley.
  11. Seems to be the way it goes with these bend-don't-break defenses. How many times did we hear Bo say "we just didn't execute"? And I think somewhere in his word soup, Diaco said something about the strain on players of trying not to be out-executed.
  12. Exactly. I thought things might look ugly early in the season, simply because there were so many transitions going on, but that it could potentially improve quite a bit throughout the season. But I did not think the early season would be 'lose to Northern Illinois' ugly. And the potential improvements as the season progressed? Yeah, it ain't happening. Statistically, the D has actually regressed in most categories. You could argue that the schedule has been harder, but overall, has anyone seen any real progress versus where we were a year ago? Lee has already thrown more interceptions through nine games than Armstrong threw in the eleven games he played in last year. I'm sure someone somewhere still thinks Riley & Langsdorf are great QB coaches, but I sure hope there's none left in the state of Nebraska. We ran for forty yards against Purdue, with largely the same coaches and players as last season. Newby's gone, but let's be real: RBs are largely interchangeable here, mainly because the running game is little more than a token gesture. This is what has become of the team that used to consistently have the strongest rushing attack around. Alright, that's enough saying what everyone has been saying for months now...
  13. Diaco: "You're an idiot." Banker: "No, you're an idiot." State of Nebraska: "You're both idiots, go away."
  14. The point is that they're not advertising in the same way as the companies you mention are, in that it isn't limited to just commercial breaks. Sure, booze makers advertise, but have you ever watched a game where the official ceremonies included "A Tribute to Our Nation's Breweries"?
  15. You're thinking of the bowl game after Solich was fired, when Bo was the interim HC. There was no bowl game Callahan's last season, and his last game was at Colorado, not Memorial Stadium.
  16. Probably a moot point, since we'll most likely never hear about the negotiations.
  17. I don't really see him sticking around for a job in the athletic department, even if offered. I think he's ready to head back to Oregon as soon as he can...
  18. This season got me all like Ice cream? How about we get some of this....
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