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Everything posted by frazier9495

  1. Sorry about that...I should have just put it in the woodshed or asked someone first before posting.
  2. The news just said 60,000 tickets have been sold...most of them being Clemson fans...Husker fans better buy all the remaining tickets
  3. That wasn't just your run o' the mill stiff arm; that was the ol' industrial strength shove your head into the ground and chew on some field turf stiff arm. Looked like a left hook to the chops. But I was just amazed that Henery's kick wasn't in the Game Changing Performance thing, I mean I figured it would be a lock along with Reesing's pass to Meier. The other 3 they ended up having were . If Suh didn't return that INT for a TD it might of had a chance..or else ESPN only allows last second FG to be game changing Well, Henery's FG changed the game, Suh's INT was just frosting on the cake... Tell that to the people who make the decisions on who makes the list for game changing performances
  4. That wasn't just your run o' the mill stiff arm; that was the ol' industrial strength shove your head into the ground and chew on some field turf stiff arm. Looked like a left hook to the chops. But I was just amazed that Henery's kick wasn't in the Game Changing Performance thing, I mean I figured it would be a lock along with Reesing's pass to Meier. The other 3 they ended up having were . If Suh didn't return that INT for a TD it might of had a chance..or else ESPN only allows last second FG to be game changing
  5. lol yup...and if he had fumbled it likely would have gone out of bounds and if CU does recover they are inside of their five...not too worried about it.
  6. Hopefully with them being officially announced first it doesn't give them too much of a head start as far as ticket buying since I know there will be a lot of people that won't purchase theirs until after it is announced.
  7. Nice clean up LOL. But I hope people don't start thinking that Clemson is going to be a push over. They were ranked (top 10?) preseason and had 2 guys on the Heisman watch list in Cullen Harper and James Davis. They actually are probably a tougher opponent than FSU. Do you suppose after we beat them we jump 9 spots in the rankings like Bama did?
  8. Best part is still Cody Hawkins in the background lol
  9. Oh my goodness . . . is that for real? He is on the list for possible Offensive Coordinator. And even if it does happen no way is he still the O-Coordinator 8 years from now or whatever it is when we play them.
  10. He's growing up in North Daktoa, he knew all the rules to hockey when he was 4. lol...I bet SouthBayHusker couldn't even tell you 20% of the rules of hockey without the help of Google
  11. Was it Turf Toe? I thought it was a case of Heluisabetterback-itis that kept him out?!?! I don't think that disease is possible at this point in time.
  12. I don't like that just because I told soooo many VT fans that NU would easily win by 21+ points if we played now...I would have to eat so much crow if that didn't happen.
  13. That is what I got from it...makes sense....but it would have made more sense for the 80 actors to film in Lincoln the day after the game as well instead of the Coliseum but I suppose that saves them more money to do it that way
  14. Don't like the looks of those empty upper sections . . . students. Can people actually by the cornwrists?
  15. I thought they did film at the stadium...just the area surrounding the actors was not....or is that what you meant?
  16. 85,486 not well above average. But above "capacity". Game by game stats NCAA Attendance figures sorted by percent capacity Nebraska #3 Also Nebraska is 12th in average attendance Well it is still the only game I've heard the question the attendance and it had the 2nd most all year...sounds like it proves the theory of everyone huddling up/leaving early and just simply not attending
  17. Anyone know the attendance at the Kansas game...I heard the attendance was well above average despite the top rows being empty in the student section
  18. I do agree with this. Not many celebs wear their favorite teams gear where ever they go. Especially college teams. There are a few of those famous Bostonians that sport the Red Sox hat everywhere...yuck
  19. No sarcasm intended. I'm pretty sure part of being a good comedian is having a good comedy act... He is not a good comedian though... He tells fat jokes about his family along with fart jokes...slightly amusing the first time...after that it is just old.
  20. You mean the stereotype that he is actually a good comedian? I hope you forgot at the end of your post. What he does on talk shows is usually pretty funny. His actual comedy act is terrible.
  21. I can't stand Larry when he is doing is act...or him doing most things for that matter. But for some reason I think he is pretty funny every time he is on Leno.
  22. i guess oregons newest corporate sponsor is redbull. Yuck...wouldn't have been so bad if they would have just stuck with the diamond plating...getting rid of both would be best though
  23. Come on now, you can't be using a national population statistic to talk about this issue. Look up the percentage of CFB players that are minorities, heck you don't even have to do that just take a look at the NU roster. If a lot of coaches are former players, why are only 4 of them black? Are you going to sit here and tell me that all of the black players are not smart enough to be head coaches. That must be everyone's reasoning here because all I read on this string was how all institutions should have to worry about is bringing in the "best" candidates. If they are doing such a good job, then it must be true that black people cannot coach. Tell me that isn't racism. Like someone earlier asked...what percentage of the people applying for jobs are black and what percentage are white. I highly doubt 97% of the nations universities are racist and pick a coach because he is white. Especially considering more care about making money and winning games makes money and good coaches win games. They take the top candidate and that's it.
  24. Only like 13% of the population is black so really the percentage is not too far off. How come you never hear anything about not enough Hispanic coaches...they say minority but we all know they mean black. What's next? Are we going to have to start benching black athletes so that whitey can play? That is absurd, the best player takes the field, as does the best coach. As far as I'm concerned let black people play and white people coach....and don't take that last sentence too seriously. Side note...I'm currently taking a black studies class and my professor absolutely hates the idea of affirmative action, putting numbers in front of black people such as 1st black president, 1st black coach to win ____, etc., and the idea that there enough black coaches.
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