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Everything posted by HuskerInLostWages

  1. 8298 at the moment I post this. Yes I voted a bunch of times, moving up like 30 ever half minute or so.
  2. Aren't the BCS standings not released until like week 6 or 8? I believe they're released on 10/18/09. Sounds good to me, thought they were released later so wondered if he had seen them somewhere. Thanks for the info.
  3. Aren't the BCS standings not released until like week 6 or 8?
  4. Very cool, but I felt the need to want to punch the camera girl in the throat during her second attempt to scream.
  5. 8:08 left in the second quarter was when it happened. I kept looking for it on 360 but the camera held a different view from what I saw on the TV live.
  6. Seems awfully possible it happened the way she states it in my mind. I wonder if there will be any cam footage given to the press to see what exactly happened. My dad is a retired police officer so I know what she means when she says she would never disrespect a cop. Certain people should not be cops, they get some form of power over others and give cops like my dad a bad name. I'm thinking as we see more information there might just be a certain 2 cops losing their jobs.
  7. HAHAHA I just shot water all over the work laptop. NICE. Good luck with that Drew
  8. Some how I knew my name would get dragged into this thread... I meant that all in jest Fro. I was actually just trying to think of Missouri fans we have on this board and your name popped into my head. You probably wouldn't be that bad of a guy to watch the game with, except for that unsightly black and gold you'd be sporting. And the giant hump on your back. Yes Fro, I had to tell them about your growth. We accept you for who you are though, so no worries my friend. See, I even called you my friend...can't say I have any Tigger fans as friends other than you, doubt i'll find any others as well. you guys sure know how to make a fella feel welcome Here is an example of me watching the game with friends if i am the host. Everyone shows up early and we bs BEFORE THE GAME. Then if we are eating during the game I say "hey everybody, here is the 'insert food' and the 'insert beverage' let me know if you need anything" After that the only real coverstation consist of "nice play" or "you gotta make that tackle/catch/throw" then at half we can talk about whatever, then game, then talking after the game. I think I would easily fit it with most on the board And lost, I will be in Vegas next Friday-Sunday. Any hints to a good sports bar/book for saturday? most specifically Sat. night. I'll send ya a PM.
  9. Some how I knew my name would get dragged into this thread... I meant that all in jest Fro. I was actually just trying to think of Missouri fans we have on this board and your name popped into my head. You probably wouldn't be that bad of a guy to watch the game with, except for that unsightly black and gold you'd be sporting. And the giant hump on your back. Yes Fro, I had to tell them about your growth. We accept you for who you are though, so no worries my friend. See, I even called you my friend...can't say I have any Tigger fans as friends other than you, doubt i'll find any others as well.
  10. I heard the same thing, only that Lee and Suh has H1N1. That cant be true. It just cant. That sounds far too convenient (sp?) Two of the most important people on the team, i cant even imagine what the odds of that are. Now that just sounds way too far fetched.
  11. Doesnt matter if he spoke yesterday, my mom has it and was fine on friday afternoon and by saturday afternoon she was totally smoked. I highly doubt she was fine if she has the H1N1 virus as the onset can take up to 3 days for full on infections. She might have the regular flu, but it wouldn't just pop up over night being H1N1. Hey all im sayin is she was at work friday. Got home, didnt start feeling well and by saturday afternoon she was still in bed, by monday she was still sick and vomiting and went to the doc and they tested her for H1N1 and confirmed it. So you can take it for what its worth. She works in a Dr's office as a nurse so i am pretty sure where she got it from. Just because someone was speaking to a reporter over 24 hrs ago doesnt mean he was feeling totally legit at that time. oh don't get me wrong, wasn't calling you out, was just saying. I hope to hell they don't have this flu. I guess if we see them talking to media today or tomorrow we'll know for sure. They said that a lot of college kids would probably get this flu because of all the people they'll come into contact with.
  12. Doesnt matter if he spoke yesterday, my mom has it and was fine on friday afternoon and by saturday afternoon she was totally smoked. I highly doubt she was fine if she has the H1N1 virus as the onset can take up to 3 days for full on infections. She might have the regular flu, but it wouldn't just pop up over night being H1N1.
  13. I doubt Hickman is sick because he spoke directly to Kaipust at the Omaha World Herald. You'd think he'd have made mention about him being sick. He spoke to him just yesterday according to the article. At the end of the article he even speak to Helu, so the H1N1 thing would be a farce, it doesn't just pop up over night.
  14. Interesting that he was a partner in this business venture, but he's the only one listed as losing assets to pay for the taxes/IRS. My father was put into a similar situation when I was younger and since they couldn't find his 2 business partners they tried to make him pay the total sum owed. It's sad to see that this young mans greatest accomplishments have to be auctioned though. Death, taxes, and Tiggers thinking they have a legacy after a few years of success, the only constants in life.
  15. I'm new here but you really shouldn't feel obligated to stick around. I certainly agree with this statement.
  16. If you gain a significant advantage on special teams it will be on kickoff returns most likely. If your punter is so much more superior, why do we rank 14th and you 64th. And our punter is pretty good at pinning teams deep too. Lastly, let's say your kicker is really good, what evidence do you have? It's hard to do much better than 100% as our kicker is. I'm pretty sure ours is 100% this year also. How many of your field goal kickers are +50? You've missed one long one, but honestly, how much advantage is that extra 5 yards of range? Really? You really have to ask this question? Let's say less than 10 seconds, your team is down by 2. You get to say the 40 and the clock is stopped at 2 seconds. You wouldn't think that 5 yards is an advantage for a kicker? You can't be that dense man, can you?
  17. He's been banned from here actually. Not banned because he was abusive, but because even as a troll he failed. You have to be pretty pathetic to not even be able to troll a message board on the internet.
  18. Based on pure obnoxiousness, tiggertim takes the cake. The others, including the tiggerboard mod, simply don't amount to much. I have 5 bucks saying that 90% of them are gone the day after NU beats them, never to return. Just like the sCUm fans, they'll talk all their trash prior to the game, but once they lose, then they are no where to be found.
  19. I think the question is invalid actually. Could we get to a point where we are as dominant as we were in the 90's? The answers are in the question. Can we do it, sure we could. Can we not do it, thats feasible as well. Can we do it in a set time frame, the answer is who knows. Records, as they say, are made to be broken, so I would consider the 90's a form of a record. As the answer is tricky, it could go either way. We could definitely be dominant like that, will it happen who knows. Tim is my mind is obnoxious and i've simply refrained from taking his troll bait. I've yet to see him post anything of substance and until I do my opinion of him is not good. The lovely thing about a message board though is that I can simply ignore his ignorant remarks and go on about my business.
  20. I do agree with ya my friend, but at the same point these new Misery fans decided to join on their own accord so they understand that we will be talking about their kittens. I'm seeing people respond to the Misery fans rather than creating the trash talk and we are standing up for the Huskers. The game is played on the field, not by us. It is bad though that most of us live vicariously through our teams, but that is all part of being a fan. I hope for a good game by the Huskers, and no injuries for either team, unless Suh decides to remove Gabberts head from his shoulders. Really would enjoy watching the kid find out what Freeman did numerous times.
  21. Sorry Red, not going to agree with you there personally. I have zero doubt that Bo was the right choice. In fact, I have seen only 1 person openly state that they don't like him, shady,Billy over on ESPN boards. He's a flippin idiot though and would give a sCUm fan a run for their money on hating the Huskers.
  22. You can only do so much for a kid who pretty much has his heart set on aTm unfortunately. I'm sure Beck is still in touch and after he makes a visit, it's all but done for for aTm as I don't think they can compete with us. We'll see how it goes though.
  23. I met Dr. Tom once, and right there i'd have signed the dotted line. He's actually quite the soccer fan and knew who I was as well which was flattering to say the least. It's different for me than it would be for Bobby of course, I always knew who he was since I was brought up in Omaha and Counciltucky aka Council Bluffs, IA(Moved here when I was 11 because the parents hate the snow). He thought I was from Las Vegas and had a 10 minute conversation with me and my grandmother, was impressed that i'd go all the way back to Creighton just to play soccer when I could have just gone over to California to play. Talk about a class act, that man exudes respect and i'm sure you and your family noticed that. Not all of us are like Tom, he is simply a great man and a good person. He simply showed you guys what Nebraskans are all about. Born and Bred Nebraskans are kind and respectful and will go out of our way to help others. If it weren't for my business here in Vegas, i'd be back in an instant, just a better way of life.
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