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Everything posted by funhusker

  1. He should have put that apology on paper, walked it to the sports information office, and shoved it up someone's a$$! What a joke! But, haha Iowa....
  2. Please tell this to every middle school and high school kid you see. They are willing, they are just being told different by people they trust: like parents and guidance counselors...
  3. But all college kids are liberal. At least if their professors are doing the "brainwashing" right!
  4. You are not wrong about the troubles contractors face hiring qualified young people. But I do believe you are wrong about the reason. Young kids aren't lazy and afraid to get dirty. School districts and parents are mostly to blame (promoting 4 year colleges to kids who have no reason to go) along with the disappearance of union shops that used to celebrate the jobs available, fight for good wages, and provide proper training. There are a ton of factors we face now that we didn't 40-50 years ago, lazier kids isn't one of them.
  5. As an Industrial Tech teacher, I'd say the problem is more with the PARENTS having no interest in their kids doing anything that doesn't require a 4 year degree and requires getting dirty. The kids in our building love wood working, working on engines, and are BEGGING for a welding class.
  6. ^^^I have an entomologist friend and she shares some very interesting and frighting articles. Just one example is the dying off of bees. This has actually started to get into the mainstream, because "surprise", it has an effect on markets. So people are trying to do the right thing and raise honeybees and start hobby hives or whatever. What people don't realize is this is adding to the problem. The "honey bees" are actually assisting in the disappearance of "wild bees" that are responsible for a lot of pollination. https://www.insidescience.org/news/how-bees-you-know-are-killing-bees-you-don’t
  7. Meanwhile.... https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/oct/21/insects-giant-ecosystem-collapsing-human-activity-catastrophe
  8. This s#!t is getting a little scary...
  9. I think that's what he did. He just said it in a way that people who strongly support Trump (which is a majority of his constituents) would understand why it's an overreach.
  10. I agree on all of that. But speaking English isn't a rule, that's what this all comes down to. Your employer made a choice to hire people that spoke Spanish. He/she then made a choice to make things easier for his employers by posting things in Spanish. You make a choice to continue working for the employer. Do they take the same drug tests? Do they have the same HR policies regarding being late or gone from work? Do they have the same safety standards? Do they have the same rules regarding breaks? etc.....
  11. German was almost on even standing as English in the midwest in the late 1800's early 1900's, public schools in Ohio and Pennsylvania even taught in German. The US almost got to the point it provided copies of legislation in German. WW1 made it taboo and the German culture went into hiding basically. edit: doing a little more digging (this is kind of an interesting topic ) and found that Nebraska was actually the first state to make speaking a foreign language in public a criminal offense in 1919. Governor Harding of Iowa even said people that don't worship in English should worship from home (Catholic mass could have been tricky). Of course, these were found to be unconstitutional...
  12. If there were 10s of millions of German speaking people in the USA, then a lot of things would also be written in German. The only reason things are in English is because it's the "predominate" language. Consider yourself lucky that you can communicate in 99% of locations in the in the USA.
  13. But the point BRB was making was that why should hispanics have to assimilate (still not sure what this is supposed to look like) fully, but other cultures we don't "care about"?
  14. Then I’m confused at the point you were trying to make just a few posts back
  15. The number of Spanish speaking people is the reason. The same reason most everything is in English, there are a lot of people here that speak it.
  16. Wait...weren’t you the poster that said your daughter’s friend’s parents didn’t assimilate, but made great Mexican food???
  17. Another anecdote: my kids have a girl in their class who was born in Brazil. She speaks perfect English for a 9 year old, and her mother speaks somewhat broken English with a very thick accent (I've never met the father). However, the children are only allowed to speak Portuguese in the home. Not because English is bad, but because the family doesn't want their children to lose parts of their heritage that makes them unique.
  18. It's not... Heartland Schools in Hendersen, I believe, still hosts a smorgasbord where people bring in German food and celebrate their German ancestry. They have a cool park/museum devoted to the Mennonites that traveled there. Church services were still in German around 40 years ago... At the same time, it is a picture of "Americana". Hanging on to traditions and language in no way keeps a person from being American.
  19. I've asked this before, I think I even started a thread. What is American culture? Country Music, rap music, gospel music? Hotdogs, pizza, fast food, or health food? Guns or no guns? christian, muslim, jew, or hindu? jeans or sweatpants, t-shirt or button downs? Or maybe, it's just the fact we all love living in a free society where we can be who we want to be without the fear of retribution?
  20. Not sure if it belongs in this thread, but I got to thinking about this this morning as I'm going through the news. In what meaningful way has Trump contributed to the "Republican Utopia"? 1. "We need responsible budgets!" The national debt and annual deficits have swelled during his two years. There is a direct link between his tax cuts and the deficit, so no, you can't blame it all on Obama. 2. "They're going to take our guns!" Trump is the only President, that I know of, to actually use executive powers to restrict the sale of gun accessories. Possibly opening up the possibility of future Presidents going even further. 3. "We overthrew a King, we'll do it again!" Trump has actually used his executive powers to bypass Congress to fund a political agenda. Opening up all kinds of future possibilities. 4. "Quit dividing people into groups!" Trump has literally, or "Tweeteraly", put people into categories of "winners" and "losers" or "my people" and "haters". Remember when divisions were bad, and we should all work to make our own lives better so we could help those around us? 5. "The free market should decide the fate of business!" He's the only President to actually mess with the free market by threatening to intervene in private businesses. Basically calling on boycotts for Harley Davidson, NFL, Ford, and many others. I mean, if a Democratic president pulled off just that list, I'd say all those memes of Obama might actually be warranted.
  21. Constitution and American values be damned....
  22. Thank you for correcting my “couldn’t” but no, it won’t matter to me. Rational people will still know that minorities face challenges that most heterosexual white people dont. And stupid racists were still going to be stupid racists even if it were real.
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