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Everything posted by NUance

  1. This obscure play isn't as flashy as the Fumble Roosky or other trick plays. It's more of an innovative wrinkle than a trick play. Nonetheless it's one of my favorites. I wonder why we don't use it more often?
  2. NUance

    We're #1

    Both of these are great points. And I agree! But in all that back and forth above no one bothered to discuss these basic issues. Basic issues not even mentioned. Here is a decent article about the profitability of Husker athletics. LINK But I have some qualms about top level articles like this. Profitability can be tricky to pin down. What budget pays for facilities? For retirement? For medical? If a member of the athletic staff teaches a class how are his expenses split between athletics/academics? Did the accountants consider imputed interest on cash flows? (There are probably a hundred other such questions.) The accounting decisions made in handling these issues are why it's so easy to manipulate profit/loss numbers. The one issue that also wasn't mentioned in this thread is how the big boosters likely controlled the agenda. I suspect there were a number of big boosters who held the AD's feet to the fire by saying they wouldn't donate anything if Riley remained at the helm. Do I know this for sure? No. But that's the way the world works. The people who control the purse strings call the shots. And if it looked like our booster revenue was going to tank due to Riley's incompetence, well then, he gone. Thanks for playing along, fellows. lol
  3. NUance

    We're #1

    Okay, so you're saying that donors gave just as much as they'd planned on giving—then agreed to give an extra amount to fund the Riley buyout. As I said above, if that is what actually happened, unlikely as it is, then you are correct.
  4. NUance

    We're #1

    You are not answering a question because you are not able to. You argue like a little kid who says the same thing over and over without making any points. Have you no logic?
  5. NUance

    We're #1

    I'm not sure whether you don't understand the point I was making, or you are just arguing for the sake of argument. Answer me this: If regular donors shifted their donations away from the athletic dept to Riley's buyout, who would make up the difference? Who? (Hint: It rhymes with "Ax Slayers".) Or perhaps you think the people who funded Riley's buyout were one-time givers who would not have otherwise donated to DONU. Is that what you think? Which of those two scenarios was it? Or can you think of another source of funding for Riley's buyout? I'm not sure how to explain it differently.
  6. NUance

    We're #1

    Sure. Just provide me the names and phone numbers of the boosters who funded Mike Riley's buyout. I'll get the NUance Useless Information Secretarial Pool to call them up and inquire as to whether they made special one-time donations, or reduced their expected donations to give buyout money instead. We'll get right on it and have an answer for you shortly!
  7. Okay, I see what you mean now. I don't think there was sin or evil in the world before Adam and Eve chose to introduce sin in the world through the serpent's influence. I say "I don't think so" because the bible doesn't expressly say there was no sin or evil. Instead, it says, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." This is probably a good assumption. But you asked about heaven, not earth. I guess I've always just assumed there is no sin or evil in heaven. I think this too is a pretty good assumption on my part. I don't think God tolerates sin. But I'm not sure the bible expressly tells us that there is no sin or evil in heaven. ============================================================= This path you've taken us down is off topic, and your annoying style of posting is getting under my skin, so I'm not going to go down this rabbit hole any further. Go ahead and have the last word.
  8. NUance

    We're #1

    Okay, let's say it's mid November 2017 and I'm going to donate $20,000 to UNL eartagged for athletics. But I really, really hate what Mike Riley has done to our football team. So I donate $12,000 to UNL UNL eartagged for athletics, and another $8,000 to help fund Mike Riley's buyout. Did that cost UNL (owned by the taxpayers of Nebraska) $8,000. If the answer is "no" then you are correct.
  9. Is that what I said? I don't know. I'll let you know if and when I get there. That is, unless there's a great chasm between us.
  10. NUance

    We're #1

    Would the donors who funded the buyout have given UNL donations anyway? If so then it did cost the taxpayers. If those donors only gave one-time donations in order to fire Mike Riley then you are correct.
  11. You like to argue, don't you? As I understand it the angels who chose Satan over God were cast out of heaven. Those who chose God remain in heaven. But then you already knew that, right?
  12. NUance

    We're #1

    Yeah, even Riley. Don't get me wrong. I thought Scott Frost would be a great hire. But I thought Riley could be fixed. Instead of paying SF's rather large salary plus Riley's buyout we could have spent an extra $1.5 million on each side of the ball to hire the best offensive and defensive coordinators and assistant coaches that money can buy. We would have gotten a top OC and DC for that kind of coin. Riley was fairly low paid for a Power Five head coach. We were paying him $2.9 million. Riley could have taken the lead in recruiting and media relations as a CEO type coach. And we could have afforded a very high paid staff of assistants to do the coaching. But instead we're paying Riley buyout money which costs the taxpayers of Nebraska a small fortune and does our program absolutely zero good. /jmho
  13. 50 Most Expensive Colleges in America 1. Columbia University $57,208 per year (out of state) 2. University of Chicago $56,034 3. Vassar College $55,210 LINK ========================================================================== By contrast UNL was pretty cheap when I attended. I paid all expenses myself and only had around $10,000 in student load debt when I graduated. So there's that.
  14. NUance

    We're #1

    I was against nearly every firing. Mostly because I thought we could "fix" the fault(s) of each coach. I guess I'm one of those guys who thinks it's easier to fix something than to burn it down and start over. That said, even though I opposed the firings, I liked each coaching hire we ended up making.
  15. Nobody on earth knows who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. It's not for us to judge. Maybe good people who lack faith go to heaven. And maybe evil people who supposedly repent at the 11th hour go to hell. No one on earth knows for sure.
  16. Maybe the end game is to give us our choice, then sort out and save those who chose good over evil.
  17. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. This is okay. Not great, but okay. Especially if you're a car guy. Here's a Guardian article about "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee." LINK They take a few shots at it. And at Netflix. lol
  18. God could have made us as automatons under his strict control. Earth would have been like heaven. No death, no disease, no crime, no evil. But instead he gave us the ability to choose for ourselves. We have a long history of choosing evil.
  19. I've lived in both. A tiny Nebraska town growing up, and two of the largest cities in America for much of my adult life. Small town live is more civilized. /imho
  20. From Bats to Human Lungs, the Evolution of a Coronavirus By Carolyn Kormann www.newyorker.com March 27, 2020 For thousands of years, a parasite with no name lived happily among horseshoe bats in southern China. The bats had evolved to the point that they did not notice; they went about their nightly flights unbothered. One day, the parasite—an ancestor of the coronavirus, sars-CoV-2—had an opportunity to expand its realm. LINK
  21. I will punch a baby bear in his s#!t

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Ozark is next up as soon as I finish s2 of Altered Carbon. Made no headway this weekend tho. Watched the 85 NCAA men's bball final, the 18 Olympics women's hockey Gold medal game and the Celtics/Lakers 30 for 30. Felt good to watch some sports.

    3. RedDenver


      Altered Carbon is good. I like all the twists and double crosses and such, but I wish they'd spend some time on the world building.

    4. NUance


      I started on Altered Carbon and thought it was pretty good.  But got busy and I haven't watched in a while.  Might have to go back and finish it.   

  22. No time for Tiger King. I've been on a Covid-19 lockdown binge of Ozark. The first season was blah. But the 2nd and 3rd seasons are awesome!
  23. ^^This. Griner should be seated around 2 or 3 in the bracket. Seating her down at 13 is absurd. Goes to show how much espn knows about college BB.
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