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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. You know what would be nice? Someone under...like...45 years old. Someone that has worked for a living... Someone that has common sense... Someone not tied to R or D.
  2. I don't care how he speaks either. I also am starting to get worried that "they" are going to yank him from the party and bring in someone else and that pisses me off. He could speak jive and I would still want him up there!
  3. Oh my god...the worst movie (trilogy???) ever. Maybe I am not into Sci-Fi enough but good lord it bored me to tears and I LOVE Reeves! I don't think I ever even understood it.
  4. Biden sounds like me...when I am drunk... You don't need to be a doctor to know that is an issue.
  5. I can't imagine the economic hit for Lincoln...I would guess that 50% of the bars/restaurants count of the 7 (8 home games if you count the spring game) to make them their cash... I think I read that 10,000 people will go to Barry's on gameday. You know that Mon-Thursday they are just trying to break even. Those 7 home games are crucial for them.
  6. This is what makes me (and every normal person) think that there is major collusion going on with the D's... Now I keep hearing more and more about how they will not actually let Biden run...which sort of pisses me off...since I have 36 dollars riding on that dude! Now, if they do do (ha) that...even the biggest D fan (ha again) will have to admit they are also just a party of slime.
  7. More please!!! 2,500 a month to every person over 17 for 4 months.
  8. Agreed. I also think they don't know HOW to lie in the world of politics as opposed to the business world.
  9. How do they know they are registered voters? I guess I have never known but is that information given out?
  10. Biden's cabinet will be "better" because they will be career politicians so they will know how to lie and cheat better than what you currently see. Most of us like it better that way.
  11. You are a level headed poster! I don't know why it is off limits. Well, I know why it is now...he is the D nominee so now people that want him to win (I think he will win and take down Trump with ease) so now we shouldn't talk about the fact that he struggles.
  12. She said the other day that she has been so focused on the virus that she has not even been able to think about anything else including a VP nod... That was right after she ripped trump for not being able to think about two things at once. I thought that was funny (and clearly she was lying). I do think she is getting the nod and I am almost ready to place a wager on it. I think she is -170 at the moment.
  13. It is the new game plan. They all have adopted it and they know it works. Look how active they are on twitter now and they use it as a weapon.
  14. And ripping on appearance? This is not an Iowa Hawkeye basketball thread. For 3 years it has been mental illness and orange man...
  15. Even the local stuff (like, issues, such as gambling and pot) are annoying in this state (Nebraska).
  16. I think it just shows that people love to talk about the environment but in the end there is a small portion of the population that REALLY CARES about it. Just like there is a small portion that is totally against helping out with clean air and cleaning up... Then there is everyone else who for the most part are good people but have other things that they care about that are "closer to home"
  17. Cha-Ching... Thanks D's for doing all you could to be corrupt and collude so that your boy Weekend at Biden's could be the nominee instead of a guy that actually has new fresh (well, sort of) ideas and actually can debate. Thank you for letting me cash in on my bet!
  18. Sen Harris: "Trump should be able to multitask and focus on more than one thing at a time" Sen Harris: "I have heard that people are discussing me as a VP but right now I can only focus on one thing" Ha...just come out and talk like a human! "Hell yeah I would be interesting in being a VP, are you kidding me?"
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