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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. Saw a fantastic documentary on this topic years ago.
  2. When I did it, it was an accident. I just was not paying attention and next thing I know...stuck to another countertop! But I also think that was done as a Starbies protest??? The soup on paintings I have no idea and don't remember hearing about that one. I totally agree with you that these kinds of protests do not help in the way they hope it helps/
  3. Choate Academy is nuts! Like, 65K a year for high school!
  4. I have seen way more of them on the road but in the end it still has to be a totally small % of cars that get purchased. Plus there is the EXTREME child labor issues.
  5. That was my thought as well.
  6. I can't. I don't get it either.
  7. Ha! I don't follow that stock at all but what an a$$ kicking!
  8. Maybe they have and I have missed it but does the Husker media team do anything with the recruits when they are on campus, sort of a "Day in the life" type thing? I think that would be bad a$$.
  9. Of course it has! It is news! But is goes on a cycle. 1. Nut jobs block traffic 2. Americans block traffic to support Palestine and US government taking notice. 3. Divide in America as many are upset with protestors methods 4. Nut jobs block traffic
  10. Ha, he go reported a few times and is not (sort of) trying to change it up a bit.
  11. Hell no. I suppose if it dropped to 1 dollar before the election and you want to go for a Hail Mary, but that is a big a$$ Hail Mary.
  12. Jerry is betting on trump winning the election. Not a bet I would make with 25,000.
  13. I hope they keep doing these stupid protests. The more people they annoy the less support they will get.
  14. No kidding. But I am sure they will get it all worked out soon!
  15. Cause they all know how lame iran is…
  16. These are all solid takes! I think so far JB is dealing with it perfectly.
  17. I have 19 wagers going right now...None are on the current leader! HAHA
  18. Why would people in America be saying "death to America"?
  19. Then after one summer the big red ones would start to crack so you would tape it all up and still use it. Man I miss that s#!t. There is a wiffle ball field near me. Basically it is a baseball field but the fence is like 10 feet past the infield. I think they only use the yellow bats but I am not sure, I have never seen the league teams playing on it. I think it is kind of a hispter/beer league
  20. Joe is also in a tough spot with some of this, not so much Ukraine from what I can tell but with Israel, there is a lot of protesting with that one.
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