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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. Remember when Bush made Hurricane Katrina happen?
  2. Should we make the Repubs worst fear come true and give it to him? Amend the constitution!!! Why would Obama try to amend the constitution when he can just issue an executive order? Yeah he needs quite a few more of those; he's still behind Bush II and Regan. bnilhome knows this. He just conveniently ignores it whenever someone shows the numbers. Classic
  3. Tommy Lee goes to college Random note...she is actually a pediatrician that I work with Ha..man I remember that horrible show! Isn't she married to a former QB?
  4. I feel like maybe, just maybe...well, never mind.
  5. Chicago (and it is Chicago) politics...flat our crazy
  6. GoT always has 2-3 setup episodes to make for 1 big climactic episode. I kinda like the setup episodes better, because they cover a number of characters and storylines and make me wonder what is going to happen next. And if gives you more of a reason to listen to your GoT's podcasts...
  7. Shoot in college we PPV all his fights and would get a keg...charge 5 or 10 dollars to get in and have a blast.
  8. On people losing their health care plans because of Obama care: Neither of which is really a failure. I don't think he's really failed at anything? Sure he could have done things better, but so could every president in history for that matter. Maybe you can name his failures, I'm pretty sure you can... Obamacare is the closest thing for me as far as a failure. But, I hesitate to call it that because there have been a lot of people who gained coverage. The problem with it is that the Republicans are to idiotic to offer ideas to make it better instead of the constant..."I'm going to repeal it" and the Dems are too arrogant to claim it has issues and offer fixes. To me, Obamacare is a starting point that needs major changes to make it long term sustainable. But, neither side is going to work towards that due to their own political idiocies. That seems pretty accurate
  9. What I loved about Tyson was the fact that every fight all you heard about is how his opponent was going to keep him away and not let him get inside… In about 30 seconds later there was Tyson right inside ruining the guy
  10. A good coaching buddy of mine says this kid is going to blow up with offers. He even said he would not be shocked if he gets a KU or UK offer. I was surprised to hear him say that but who knows!
  11. Not trying to speak for Bnilhome but I really don't think he was talking about that.
  12. No kidding! Well...I guess the tenured Profs don't care! Those ones never get canned!
  13. Thanks for posting those! Because of my age I have always been way more of a Mike Tyson fan. I loved how he was just able to destroy guys in the ring with his crazy power and his speed. I think as we know now he was also fighting with a lot of anger.
  14. There was in interesting interview with some professors from Stanford that were promoting a class on app development. A lot of the students in the class would develop some pretty decent apps that started to become profitable and they would drop out of school so they could continue working full time on the the apps and new ones. The professors came under some heat for basically encouraging the students to do just that, leave school and continue working on the apps. The professors basically said, they learned what they needed to learn and now they want to go make money.
  15. I did. I will leave it at that. Thank you for respecting my privacy and that of my friend that had to also deal with it. Huh? You are the one that brought it up in post #540. And if this was a non-public incident that you and a friend were privvy to, wouldn't you already know the outcome? Why would you "hope" the KKK guy got cold-cocked? You should drink the vodka instead of pouring it on the fire.... Thank you No, sir. Thank you. Thank you… I'm not a big fan of you calling me sir but still thank you. I did edit my post to include maam... your welcome That, I appreciate it greatly. Thank you very much
  16. I did. I will leave it at that. Thank you for respecting my privacy and that of my friend that had to also deal with it. Huh? You are the one that brought it up in post #540. And if this was a non-public incident that you and a friend were privvy to, wouldn't you already know the outcome? Why would you "hope" the KKK guy got cold-cocked? You should drink the vodka instead of pouring it on the fire.... Thank you No, sir. Thank you. Thank you… I'm not a big fan of you calling me sir but still thank you.
  17. I am voting Hillary and have always believed in th quote " may the best man win"... Haven't you?
  18. I did. I will leave it at that. Thank you for respecting my privacy and that of my friend that had to also deal with it. Huh? You are the one that brought it up in post #540. And if this was a non-public incident that you and a friend were privvy to, wouldn't you already know the outcome? Why would you "hope" the KKK guy got cold-cocked? You should drink the vodka instead of pouring it on the fire.... Thank you
  19. I did. I will leave it at that. Thank you for respecting my privacy and that of my friend that had to also deal with it.
  20. I'm sorry, are you advocating violence on here? Yes. Maybe you aren't black...but if a white guy in a hood gets in my face and is calling me racist names...I am pounding him.Maybe you have a little daughter, I don't know and maybe the guy gets in front of her one day and start screaming in her face these horrible ugly names And I hope that you punch his lights out. What are you referring to? The Trump rally where the protestor got punched by a black guy? If so, that happened nothing like the way Trump tried to explain it the other day. There was video, the man was wearing a red, white, and blue American flag shirt. Trump has a habit of saying things never happened, even though there is a lot of video and audio that says otherwise. No, I'm not.
  21. I'm sorry, are you advocating violence on here? Yes. Maybe you aren't black...but if a white guy in a hood gets in my face and is calling me racist names...I am pounding him.Maybe you have a little daughter, I don't know and maybe the guy gets in front of her one day and start screaming in her face these horrible ugly names And I hope that you punch his lights out. Well self-defense is always acceptable, but I think the level of violence we are seeing across the board, but especially being encouraged in places like the Mizzou riots and elsewhere, and those who are intentionally going to Trump events to cause violence, should be jailed, just as a KKK guy invoking violence should be as well. Agreed!
  22. I'm sorry, are you advocating violence on here? Yes. Maybe you aren't black...but if a white guy in a hood gets in my face and is calling me racist names...I am pounding him. Maybe you have a little daughter, I don't know and maybe the guy gets in front of her one day and start screaming in her face these horrible ugly names And I hope that you punch his lights out.
  23. I hope that African-American coldcocked him and beat the sh#t out of that KKK guy You have to be an (fill in the blank) not to hope that didn't happen.
  24. Maybe, but I think there was a lot of honor it and not quitting. But we all know that you won't win.
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