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Everything posted by Joe_5700

  1. The bolded part is important. Even if Suh is "only" better at using his hands, that may still make him a better player than Crick. As others have said, it is very unlikely Crick is even equal to Suh let alone better. Anything is possible, but this reminds me of fans who expected Frost to be better than Tommie Frazier. Frost ended up being a tremendous QB, but few would say he was equal to or better than Tommie. I completely agree. Crick is going to be a good one no doubt. People are already having unrealistic expectations on him. Many will agree that Suh may have been our best DT ever. How can people expect Crick to be as good as that or better? My biggest concern is who is going to fill in Crick's old role as second to Suh? Who is going to step up and be as good as Crick was in 09??
  2. Didn't Ron Brown talk about that in an interview? He was going on with a story about if Jesus was a linebacker and I busted out laughing with that image!
  3. Larry Assante. Mods, you can now close this thread.
  4. Using the Wildcat on the Wildcats....who saw that coming?
  5. On defense definately the Peter brothers as well as Grant Wistrom. I also enjoyed watching Mike Brown play for us at safety. I also liked watching Clint Finley play when he was healthy. He was a big hitter. On offense Frazier, Frost and Crouch. On special teams Lance Brown made some bigs plays for us.
  6. Really? If this year taught us nothing, it taught us that the Heisman is perhaps the most flawed thing in all of college football. I wouldn't use the Heisman as a barometer for anything pertaining to "greatness." It's a mess. In a debate between Crouch and Suh, I ask when would I see the next Eric Crouch, or the next Ndamukong Suh? I think we see an Eric Crouch every couple of years or so. I think we see a Suh every generation or so. I'd go with Suh. Crouch vs. Suh? Not sure if any of you watch The Office but a couple weeks ago Jim tricks Dwight showing the office who would win if Dwight fights Dwight. Not sure if I want to take on this debate. By the way, the office has not been that great for a couple seasons now.... How many years did Suh have the domination he had this year? Crouch was very solid for 4 years at Nebraska. Suh....18 months. Not to those picking Ganz over Crouch...Like others have said Crouch was a threat to score (passing or running) on every single play. Did you have that same feeling with Ganz? Be serious now.
  7. There is no way that second would get put back on ther clock for Nebraska. No F-ing way it would have happened. The Big12 wanted to field a NC team and that is that.
  8. Yep, lets do the wave.!! That frustrates me more than anything. I never remember doing the wave back in the 90's....unless we were up like 70-3. Why do people feel the need to get the wave going during the game...come on students...watch the game and cheer. The worst thing was this year during the Oklahoma game when we were on defense and the student section tried to start the wave...it failed...and they booed the stadium...GET REAL. All these chants and waves are just novelty things that aren't necessary. Just stand up and be loud. Ok, we now know where Jason Peter is hiding out at after losing his radio gig in Lincoln. I do agree though, we do not need any gimmicks. Well maybe if we started an original tradition like shaking your car keys on imporatant defensive plays then yeah I am all for it.
  9. When you look at a lot of the Pac-10 scores it doesn't look like there is a whole lot of defense being played in the conference. I know if you look at last year the same could be said about the Big-12. I watched the entire Stanford/ND game and it was beautiful, but man Stanford's D looked pretty horrid at times.
  10. Fans do not have to take opponents seriously. That is for the players to do. With that aside I do not know of anyone who doesn't take Arizona seriously. The team that you root for is really good. Now you just take your own advice too OK?
  11. I think the Pelini brother's patience has been worn thin by the lack of offensive production. I also think Watson will be around for another year at the advice of TO. The more that I think about our offense I think about a boxing match. With our offense, we are like a boxer without arms. We are able to dodge most punches with our defense, but hope that our opponent does damage to itself by falling on the mat.
  12. 100% agree. I am rooting for Texas in the NC game. When did we become such sore losers as a fan base? If the roles were reversed, who would the majority of Texas fans be rooting for? You're saying that if we would have won Saturday night and destroyed their hopes for a chance at the National Title that they would have rooted for us to win the Fiesta bowl? After their inability to get to the game last year? Forgive me if I'm skeptical. You are forgiven. My point was what if we were headed to the NC game to play Alabama? I don't think Texas fans would be rooting for an Alabama victory.
  13. 100% agree. I am rooting for Texas in the NC game. When did we become such sore losers as a fan base? If the roles were reversed, who would the majority of Texas fans be rooting for?
  14. Absolutely. The Texas players also came to play. Even though our offense has been stuck in a major rut, our offense could have played their best game of the year against Texas. Credit the Texas defense. The game is over and it was won by Texas fair and square. We shot ourselves in the foot a few times and that's that. Texas also did the same and that is why we were in the game at the end. The purpose of my thread was to look at the positives of the game. The coaching staff knows how to get the most out of these kids and it certainly didn't hurt the recruiting aspect.
  15. As a TEXAS fan, I completely agree with you. I was thinking at the end of the game, that if NU can somehow figure out an offense, they should be very good in the coming years. I feel for you guys. That was a tough loss. Last year when we lost to TT on the very last second, it took a long time to get over. Honestly, I'm not sure I'm over it. You guys played great and deserved a spot in that game. Good luck in the future, just don't get too good. ~v~ Deserved a spot in that game? That seems a little condescending. We deserved to win that game. It is the opinion of myself and hundres of thousands of other Husker fans that Nebraska DID win that game. Weather or not they record it that way or Texas keeps OUR trophy. The game to me had shades of the loss to Florida State in 1993. There were other forces at work that were not going to relinquish a Husker victory. Like it or not, that game was a definate character builder. Just think about what the game will do for players like Steinkuhler and other young players. As for the trophy. I was yelling out loud to the Texas players (like they could really hear me in Omaha). How can you accept that trophy with a straight face? Did you see the picture of the Texas lineman Huey who dropepd to his knees after the victory? Huey was thanking his maker for getting out of a game with a win after literally having his ass handed to him in a paper bag on nearly every play. Texas had a solid line. No excuses could be made for injury or lack of experience.
  16. The Texas loss will without a doubt sting for quite a while. This game however to me was a huge statement game by the staff and players. Look what this team in their second year of a complete overhaul has done. Before the season had begun, just about all fans had figured that we were going to lose against Oklahoma and to Texas (or Oklahoma again) IF we had gotten to the Big12 championship game. Not only does this team know that they can play against the upper echelon of teams. They know that they can also beat them. Say what you will about Oklahoma and the Bradford and Gresham injuries. Texas seemed to have their 4 year starter in on Saturday and he did not look so good against us. I only see Nebraska as a whole getting better with this coaching staff in place in the future. If I were Texas, I would be pretty nervous about facing Nebraska in the future.
  17. Spano? Spano for starter next year! You could stick Brett Favre behind our current O-line and he would not shine. There is going to be a QB battle of epic porportions come next spring. The best man will win and trust the staff on who they will select. Putting Green in on those plays where we were at our own 1 yard line was Watson's best play calling of the year. Why we didn't do the same thing on 3rd and short anywhere else on the field is puzzling.
  18. Thanks. I'll be rooting for the Sooners in their bowl game as well. GBR excuse my ignorance but who does OU got in a bowl this year? i haven't seen yet. Speculation is either the Sun Bowl or Alamo Bowl. According to Oklahoma sports writer Berry Tramel, he has OU going against either Cal or USC in the Sun Bowl. Mich. St. or Minnesota in the Alamo Bowl. I am hoping for a Minnesota-Oklahoma matchup. What a way for OU to take their frustrations out on a disappointing season.
  19. I like Herbie. I think he has always respected the Huskers (with the exception of the whole best team ever debacle). I am probably in the minority here, but I can't stand Bob Griese. I can't pinpoint why. Musberger sucks, too. But it doesn't have anything to do with a non-Husker love fest. He just sucks I cannot stand Griese. The man polishes turds all of the time. I think I was watching him do a Wisconsin game this year and he was trying to point out how all of the pressure was on Wisconsin being that the game was in Madison. No, I am not kidding. He was saying there was more pressure on the home team. It really started during the 97 season when his son was QB at Michigan. He would go on and on about Michigan and how they were going to win the title and he never said a word about Nebraska. Plus he gets all of the credit for the Dolphins undefeated season which is a travesty.
  20. Keith Jackson was the king of name mangling in my opinion. Whoah Nellie. Musburger is just a complete DB. He HATES NU with a passion. His changes in voice inflections for a big play are just over the top and make him look like an idiot 1/2 the time as the big play did not happen. The decibel level for those plays when it is good for Texas will also be noticably higher. He is going to elevate McCoy to a god like status when speaking about him. The struggles NU has had on offense will be mentioned every other play when Lee is under center. Suh will simply just be referred to as "The big guy".
  21. I like Herbstreit's analysis. He is not a Husker hater. Remember him calling the NU/Michigan game? He was getting giddy when Cory Ross was busting big runs at the end of the game. I don't remember the actual words but he was laughing with excitement during one run.
  22. I respectfully disagree. I would have to respectfully disagree as well. While I was watching the Stanford game I was thinking that Rex and Gerhart look very similar in their running styles and abilities, although Rex is not quite as good as Gerhart YET. I do think that next year that could be different even with Helu as the #1 back in the 1-2 punch. We have to remember that he looks like a good solid back as a true freshmen, and if he continues to work to improve every year there is no doubt he will be spectacular by the time he is a senior. I thought the same thing with a Burkhead/Gerhart comparison and no just because they are both white guys. There are major differences between them though. Burkhead is definately not as large as Gerhart. They are both hard working types that do not give up on any play. Gerhart also has a much better blocking line than Burkhead has. Sorry, had to say it....
  23. To me Wilkerson and Peter were the Odd Couple of radio. Wilkerson was indeed the brains and was turning the dials during the show. Peter provided a no holds barred attitude and sometimes brutal honesty. Together those 2 opposites had a very entertaining show. I think the cancelation of their show was a big mistake, but if there are advertisers and $ to be had by someone else picking up their show, then another station will pick it up. I think the show would be much bigger if it was carried in Omaha on a stronger signal. I don't know if I see Peter joining the NU staff. He would definately have to take a few lumps from Bo as well as check his tough guy attitude at the door and not lose his temper.
  24. What happened to Jason Peter's radio show on ESPN 1480? It looks like it is no longer on the air. Does anyone know what happened?
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