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Everything posted by 74Hunter

  1. Might be part of the reason the base defense is moving to 2 LB's and a nickel back. It also seems that the secondary is very senior heavy this year! No it doesn't? 5 expected contributors are seniors, including 3-4 possible starters. Fail.
  2. Might be part of the reason the base defense is moving to 2 LB's and a nickel back. It also seems that the secondary is very senior heavy this year!
  3. So, it sounds like we will run a 4-2-5 as a base instead of the 4-3? That sounds similar to what Florida used back in the mid 90's. What schematically is the difference between the peso and the nickle, and will the dime and dollar be used?
  4. Is anyone else a little concerned that the top 4 LB's are sophs? Not so much for this year or the next, but once they leave. I would really like to see some separation between the classes, so that there is not a huge loss of experience once these guys leave.
  5. I hope that Bo checks that "swagger" before it gets out of hand, or before the team becomes cocky.
  6. Truth? Politics? Can anyone say oxymoron?
  7. Uhhhh.....Fred Phelps Sr. is a registered Democrat as well as the rest of his family. Phelps has been an active contributor to the Democratic Party. In fact, Phelps was an active supporter of Al Gore for President. His son Fred Phelps Jr., was a Democratic party delegate for Al Gore for President and hosted a fundraiser for Gore's Senate campaign at his home. Phelps Sr. has run numerous times in the Democratic primaries for Kansas Governor, once receiving 31% of the primary vote in 1992. I do find it somewhat amusing 1/3 of Kansas Democrats voted for the bigot. Because of their years as loyal Democrats, the Phelpses have even been invited to and attended both of Clinton's inaugurations. The ironic part is Phelps Sr. used to be a civil rights attorney who fought against Jim Crow laws in the 60's. Disbarred in 1979 for abuse of a client, Phelps later opened shop as a Baptist minister coming to media infamy during the murder trial of Matthew Shepard. Although its members--mostly all Phelps' relatives--identify themselves as Baptists, the church is not affiliated with any known Baptist conventions or associations. The WBC's rhetoric matches 60's radicals and Code Pink groups who spit on our troops coming back from war. <----Gotta luv those Code Pinkos. Actually, Phelps' bigotry puts him more in line with President Obama's former Pastor, the one Reverend Jeremiah Wright with his anti-American and anti-Semitic rants. If any group "deserves" to have their 1st Amendment revoked, its this group of bottom feeding pieces of whale excrement, but I think that they do have the right to make themselves out to be the utter disgusting asses that they are. I find it ironic how the media likes to portray them as "right wing" when they are not, and people believe it. On that topic, how did the right wing become supposedly racist? Was it not a Republican President who ended slavery, much to the chagrin of the left wing?
  8. Understood. Not to be offensive, but I don't think that this is a good example to draw from. But it did give us a nice topic to discuss.
  9. Actually, people are fined when they don't have insurance and the government doesn't purchase them insurance. Where are you getting this stuff? What government pot? You realize there is no government option in this bill, correct? What about the expansion of Medicaid? I'm not entirely sure what the expansion of Medicaid is. The closing of the so called donut hole? Is there a higher income ceiling for Medicaid enrollees? I honestly don't know. I tried to read the bill and only made it about 10 pages before my eyes glazed over. All I know is from the summaries posted on Slate and CNN. Help me out? So just where do you think that those who are too poor to purchase thier own insurance will now get the money to purchase the mandated insurance? Or do you think that they will just pay the penalty for not having insurance? I bet I know. As opposed to us paying for their medical care now? You realize that we are paying for them either way, right? Yes, which is the only reasonable argument that this bill makes. The problems are that this bill does nothing to make healthcare more affordable, more plentiful, or better. Many think that it will do just the opposite. Charging $12 for a couple of Tylenol or $5 for a box of Kleenex during a hospital stay are not gonna be changed by this bill. There are solutions, but this isn't a good one.
  10. Actually, people are fined when they don't have insurance and the government doesn't purchase them insurance. Where are you getting this stuff? What government pot? You realize there is no government option in this bill, correct? What about the expansion of Medicaid? I'm not entirely sure what the expansion of Medicaid is. The closing of the so called donut hole? Is there a higher income ceiling for Medicaid enrollees? I honestly don't know. I tried to read the bill and only made it about 10 pages before my eyes glazed over. All I know is from the summaries posted on Slate and CNN. Help me out? So just where do you think that those who are too poor to purchase their own insurance will now get the money to purchase the mandated insurance? Or do you think that they will just pay the penalty for not having insurance? I bet I know.
  11. Huh? You do realize that this bill requires people to buy health insurance from private insurers correct? You do realize that it isn't socialized medicine? (I think this is what you are getting at anyways . . . Hard to tell.) No. Washington's gun requirement is closer to the health insurance requirement. Both the guns and the health insurance are MANDATORY. There is no way to avoid them. However, auto insurance can be avoided simply by not owning a car. Again, apples to apples. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it isn't correct. I guess you're talking about a different bill than I. The bill I read stated something about a federal exchange, penalizing citizens that dont purchase insurance, penalizing companies that dont offer insurance to employees, taxing people with better plans, taxing services such as salon tanning, etc. Just where does that money go? Oh, thats right, to pay for those who cant afford it. But no, THATS not socialism. And you must have not caught it where one of Iowa's congressmen (Harkin, I think, not sure) stated that this bill was the first step to the Single Payer system.
  12. Actually . . . regarding the bold . . . this is exactly what Washington did. He required SOME to spend money out of their own pockets to benefit the REST. Apples and apples my friend. Both are unfunded mandates. I'd be more happy about what Washington did than what Obama did . . . but both are requiring private citizens to do something that they may or may not want to do. Edit: I think your strong feelings for gun rights, and your strong feelings against federally mandated health insurance might be clouding your thoughts. You said the majority of able bodied white males had firearms . . . well 5 out of 6 Americans have health insurance. Again, apples to apples. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it false. Apples to apples? I guess I missed the part where Washington said that they would take tax money, put it in a huge pot (government controlled), some people put a heck of alot more money in than others, and those that don't have any money will get the same (or similar)guns as those who put in the most, etc. I do agree that they are both unfunded federal mandates, but they are not even close to the same thing. If you want to compare AUTO insurance (states rights?) to this G. Washington mandate, you would have more of a like comparison.
  13. The difference is, citizens were not giving money to the gov't to purchase guns, that is the government control of taxpayer money. Because people with so-called cadillac plans, buisness owners that don't offer insurance to employees, or people who use tanning facilities, etc, are going to be taxed for what they have or what they do, and that money will go to purchase insurance for those who don't currently have insurance.
  14. 2 thoughts: 1) this should put to rest any argument against the 2nd amendment and the CITIZENS' right to own firearms. 2) the difference is it "required" all able bodied white men to do so, but it did not take a firearm from the guy who has 10 and give it to those who have none, and it did not require the wealthy or "cadillac plan-ers" (with the exception of union members, of course) to flip the bill for others. This took no taxpayer money out of the pockets of individuals and put it in government coffers. Besides, I would assume that the overwhelming majority of the able bodied while males from that time period all had firearms (see Minute Men-Revolutionary War), so this would not be a big stretch. Nice try, but apples to oranges.
  15. I agree with everyone, but, you don't need to explain yourself to this woman or your mom. It doesn't matter if you're going to the Spring Game or lying in bed due to a alcohol-induced hangover all day. You don't know this person, you did not offer to help, you have no obligation to do this. I would tell your mom that she had better call her co-worker and break the news so that they can find an usher. Otherwise, that couple will be without one, because you're not going, period. Again, it doesn't matter if you're going to do nothing more important than devour ice cream and watch grass grow, YOU'RE NOT GOING. Oh, and BTW, enjoy the game, grab a gyro and and elk creek for me!
  16. If you're buying a shotgun, don't piddle around with 12s or 20s. Go to Cabela's, and pick up the nicest 10 gauge you can find, Remington, Browning, etc. Pumps are nice and more functional, but autos will make the gun a little more user friendly. I picked up my first 10 last year, and wished I would have purchased one years ago. If you insist on an affordable, reliable 20 or 12, I prefer the 870. I know some guys swear by Mossbergs, but they always seemed "plasticy" and cheap to me. My 870 was purchased new for $175 about 13 years ago, and even though I have an over/under I like to shoot, the last few years, the only time the O/U gets used is at targets or during deer season. The rest of the time, the 870 is having shells run through it, and its good for every thing from dove/quail to turkeys and geese, with the proper choke.
  17. I'm of the opinion that if someone suffers from a rash of injuries, that he is not over-rated. He may not be a beast, and at times I think that Bo questioned his toughness. But to see him play with the shoulder injuries he did (fumbling), and the fact that it led to him not being able to hold onto the ball should tell us that he does have some level of toughness. Shoot, his injuries really helped ISU win that game, if I remember correctly. If healthy, he is the best back in the Big 12.
  18. Really, with the exception of CB's, RB's, TE's, and K, I think that everyone has quite a bit to prove. That being said, I like alot what we have to work with, and I'm excited to see how this group comes together and plays as a team.
  19. I think that the amount of people in this poll that has read 200 pages of this plan mirrors the number of people in Congress that has done the same.
  20. Where did you get this informatin that we're 15th of 37 industrialized nations in healthcare, behind Canada? I know that Canadians regularly come to the USA for services that they cannot get/cannot get in a timely fashion in Canada. I remember stories from just a few years ago (don't remember exactly when, but it was during Christmas time) when the Canadian health care system was about to shut down at the end of the year due to underfunding, and that patients were lined up in hallways because there was not enough rooms in hospitals. Also, if you think that Canada's healthcare system is good and affordable, just compare the taxes they pay in Canada to the taxes we pay here. It's staggering.
  21. I would like for my government to do just a few things for me: 1) give us the strongest military we possibly can, 2) protect our borders and our citizens, 3) quit spending so damn much of MY money, and 4) stay out of my life!! I guess that would likely be considered libertarian or even anarchist, but I don't believe in total non-government. To vote in primaries, I have to pretty much be either a registered Repuke or Demon, so I choose the lesser of the two evils and register Repuke. It's pretty funny, even right-wing talk show host consider the left-wing to be "good intentioned" and "well-meaning" and I used to believe that. But the past 10 years have shown that the left-wing in this country is more concerned about power, and less concerned about the average American citizen.
  22. I would agree with you on a couple of things. Obama certainly has followed through on campaign promises, no matter how badly they have hurt the country. We need to remember that elections have consequences. Health care does need to be fixed, however, this bill does NOTHING to FIX the health care situation we have (which is not a sham, it's probably the greatest health care in the world). This bill simply does what Demoncrats have done for years, throw money at the situation, and when it fails, they'll throw more money at it. The simple fact that many Demoncrats voted against it, and the fact that Congress will not be forced to use the same healthcare as us "peasants" should tell us all we need to know about this travesty of the American political system.
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