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Everything posted by Cdog923

  1. What in bloody hell are you trying to say here? BigRedBuster reply: This is why you're seeing such vitriol against Trump. His very existence in the White House is a threat to those who make their living off other people's taxes, and contribute nothing back. A large segment of the population is now a taker from the public treasury, and a massive bureaucracy has grown to administer this involuntary wealth redistribution. Also, a massive media complex that has become has arisen to assure every taker that their looting of others is somehow moral, at the same time, brow-beat and shame any maker who dares say they wish to not be looted. These are the people fighting tooth and nail against Trump. This is why the calls for impeachment are so emotion driven. Ummm.....no. There are lots of fiscal conservatives (like me) who are disgusted this idiot is in office. Yep, I'm afraid so. Saying "Ummm, no" doesn't change fact. Right now, the western world is divided into Makers, and takers. Unless you have a valid retort, my argument stands. How do you spell "ironic"?
  2. Orrin Hatch would probably be the best choice. Just typing that made me slightly vomit. Oh god.
  3. wrong. Not a whine because I don't get my way scenario. The divestment thing is a big issue why does no one see this? This is hugely unprecedented and he has been brokering deals for his family business with his title. That is an impeachable offense. He either divests or should be impeached plain and simple and to disagree with that would be completely ignorant. This, 1000%. This is bigger than people being pissed off about "not getting their way". This cuts to the very core of our democracy, the separation of powers between the branches of government, and how our country should be ran.
  4. If he makes it to 2018, he will most certainly be impeached. By that time they *may* have enough on Pence to get him too. We've impeached 2 presidents in 240+ years. And you think they're going to double impeach in a 2 year span? This is the crazy talk I'm referencing. I personally don't think Pence is complicit in what is going on in regards to Russia, but you never know what will turn up in an investigation. My theory is Trump is innocent as far as ties to Russia for the sake of winning the election. I don't think Trump was personally involved with Russia, but I'm tired of the GOP standing in the way of the investigations. And Trump is clearly standing in the way too. I think he's innocent but at the same time too stupid to realize he looks guilty by not letting the investigation play out without involving himself. He is so obsessed with himself that I think that sh#t with Nunes and this with Comey were 100% because he didn't like the press on it. The Nunes thing was all about trying to make a positive spin on it. I think he is so incredibly moronic that it didn't occur to him that it would make him look guilty. And for what - because he wanted positive press. If my theory is correct and he is innocent, the investigation might have ended a couple months from now without any talk of impeachment. You might be right: he might not have direct ties to Russia regarding the election, but he's been so, so very stupid trying to cover it up that he's going to incriminate himself eventually, if he hasn't already.
  5. If he makes it to 2018, he will most certainly be impeached. By that time they *may* have enough on Pence to get him too. We've impeached 2 presidents in 240+ years. And you think they're going to double impeach in a 2 year span? This is the crazy talk I'm referencing. I personally don't think Pence is complicit in what is going on in regards to Russia, but you never know what will turn up in an investigation.
  6. - He fired the FBI Director after the Director refused to stop investigating ties into Russia which very well could lead back to him. - He has put people that are widely suspected to be on the take for foreign governments in key positions of intelligence and power. - He's suggested ignoring a judiciary decision that calls his "travel ban" null and void. - He invited two members of the Russian government into the Oval Office and shared with them state secrets that were at Code Word clearance level. - He has suggested arresting members of the media simply for doing their job. - He has shown a gross lack of competence and ability to do the job for which he was elected. These are FAR from straws.
  7. If he makes it to 2018, he will most certainly be impeached. By that time they *may* have enough on Pence to get him too.
  8. Pence would be an absolute garbage pick for President under normal circumstances. We are nowhere near normal circumstances, though. In terms of the line of succession, there is, quite literally, no one of particular value at any point.
  9. I'm of the "take a lower QB and push all your chips in on Gunnell" variety.
  10. I doubt that Nebraska will ever play a Friday home game. The B1G already moved 2 games on the original Friday schedule to Saturday I don't necessarily like it, but best resign yourself to the thought that it's probably going to happen.
  11. They're not, they're just the ones most directly affected.
  12. FIFY I hope so, but I'm not confident on this one.
  13. that is really a fun idea honestly. You could load it up with premier games, too, and make a real event out of it. SE vs. SW, NW vs. High, and cherry pick a Class B game between like Skutt/Gretna or Pius/Beatrice.
  14. Nebraska/Illinois this year will be on a Friday, and Nebraska will have 1 home Friday game within the 3 year window. Gary Sharp had an interesting idea this morning: move Friday night games that will be scheduled against the Nebraska game to the following Saturday, and play them at Memorial Stadium. Have an all-day marathon from 11 until 7, and play 3-4 games. I'd do it for the Lincoln schools since they would be the most affected by the Husker game on Friday.
  15. Alright ladies, unwad your panties and let's get back to business. I think we have a much better shot with Joshua than we do Jordan, but ultimately I think they end up being a packaged deal, probably at A&M.
  16. It's Barfy and, in the larger scope, the OWH. That likely won't happen, even should Riley win a National Title. honestly I was speaking about some fellow members of this board, but the point likely remains the same XD Ha ha, point taken.
  17. Breath of the Wild. And yes, get Breath of the Wild. Zelda is my favorite series, and it's damn near the best one. They completely reinvented the series: it's Zelda with a dash of Far Cry and Skyrim.
  18. I'm not liking the tea leaves on this one. I'm thinking playing with his brother may be too big of a draw.
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