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Everything posted by girlknowsfootball

  1. This kid is our #1 coveted player. He is a freak athlete who could be an immediate big playmaker for us at OLB. We don't just want him, we need him. He would be a game changer for us and would give us someone unlike anyone else we have on our front 7.
  2. I've seen multiple recruiting experts say we are done at NG. We want one more Defensive Lineman and we want that guy to be an end. Our top targets for the final DL spot are Judge Culpepper, Daniel Carson, Elijah Wade, and Ronnie Perkins. We offered Mapieu early. He committed early. The staff isn't going to stiff him or pull his scholarship eventhough he still looks very very raw and Avery is much better right now. So we are kind of stuck without room for Avery because this class is so small and we have DT scholarships filled.
  3. Good for the kid that he is going back home to finish high school and be with family. His brother will be with him everyday talking about A&M, he will be close to A&M, he will probably go on an OV with his brother there. This is going to be a really tough one to pull away. IF he announces for us on June 18, we are going to have a heck of a recruiting job on our hands with a lot of maintenance to keep him on board until ink day in Dec. From his tweets he also seems like he really wants to run track in college... I hope we are convincing him he can do that here too. I'm just really glad we got him on campus for a visit, it gives us a real shot if he is willing to go away from home and away from his brother.
  4. I'm just not impressed by this guy and don't see how he fits this offense. He's a big slow up the middle back. He's not a screen game back or an out in space back and he doesn't have breakaway speed to make big plays.
  5. What is the most frustrating to me is that we have upperclassmen who aren't even in a 3 deep and who aren't good enough to play thateat scholarships. I hate it when we have kids who are really talented and really good who would be better than kids we have on the team, yet we can't take them because we don't have open scholarships. I'm so glad Hannon and Johnson decided to move on. They were a prime example of upperclassmen who would never see the field, yet had scholarships. Adam Taylor and Boaz Joseph are other examples. It kills me when we have a non contributor eating a scholarship and we have to count them in our allocated scholarship numbers for a position. I also understand that's on the staff for a mis in evaluation or it could be on the kid for a lack of work put in to eat right, condition, etc. I just hate when we say things like we can only take 2 OL players this year cause we have 16 scholarship OL, when OL is having trouble finding players good enough or deep enough to be good. I think there should be some sort of NCAA rule where if a kid gets injured and can't play as well after that, they go towards a medical scholarship that doesn't count towards our 85 so they can finish out school, get their degree, and we can open up their spot to a player.
  6. He mentioned two other schools for best academics, not us. He said we had the best environment but PSU had the best facilities. I wonder if he really got the full tour or if he only came in for a few hours. We need to get him back on campus so he can really see academics, facilities, etc.
  7. If only we could. The Big 10 has a rule that you can't do that. Once you sign a guy you have to honor his scholarship until graduation even if he doesn't pan out. The only way you can get out of it is if the player decides on his own to transfer.
  8. I love this guy's potential as an OLB and edge rusher. He will need a couple years to learn the defense and build some strength, but he is a much needed 3-4 outside linebacker.
  9. The most impressive thing to me about Deiontae is his hustle. He is running full speed down field 30yds chasing after runningbacks. He's pummeling ppl at the line. I like his motor. He also seems to get off his blocks well and lay ppl out when he violently gets his hands on him.
  10. This guy is going to be tough to pull in. He can go anywhere he wants, including all the big schools close to home. We have to get him up this summer for a shot.
  11. Moore and his brother want to play together. Which means any schools they don't both have offers to are out.
  12. He was on a periscope video with Manuel Allen saying he was committing to Nebraska. He told a reporter Nebraska is where he knows he wants to go and was even on radio saying it. He just has to wait for his dad's blessing and his dad wants him to visit more schools before he firms up a decision. He wants to play near home and was blown away by everything he experienced spring game weekend. He has become friends with Manuel, Chase, Bookie, and others and also knows KC kids already on the team. His mom is 100% in with Nebraska and likes the fact it's close enough she could see all his games.
  13. This kid is UCLA bound with Oregon as choice number 1b.
  14. If anyone thinks Nebraska is in any shape to compete with Ohio State, Michigan, or Penn State right now, it's a very skewed perception. We don't recruit or have the athletes we had in the late 90's and early 2000's. when Bo arrived, Callahan had stocked the cupboard with NFL talent and mismanaged it. Bo inherited a crazy amount of talent. When he started to hate his job 4-5 years in, his recruiting efforts dropped and the talent they signed went way down. His last few years here he was miserable. He was not focused on recruiting, the entire staff was disorganized. This is why you see a major drop off in 12,13,and 14 talent. His 11 class looked good on signing day but half of them transferred out or never made it to campus. Those last fe years Bo was here set us up for several years of depth issues... which we are feeling now and have been the past couple of years. Bo's talent that he did recruit, were players who wanted to play in the system Bo ran. Some of them did not have the skill sets or want to play in Mike Riley's system, which was the complete opposite of Bo's. Yes we had some talent... but it was sporadic and not enough to gel together to really make a great team at each level. What Mike Riley has done, is get guys to play together. Get them to work hard with good attitudes. He's created consequences for drugs and academic failures (Randy Gregory had been allowed to fail multiple drug tests and then we were told he was injured when he was really suspended. We had been lied to about TMartinez's injury and media noticed his boot wasn't always on the same foot. Etc) Mike has built his culture and hired guys to recruit hard. He's rebuilding. And that is going to take at least a couple more years. He is just now getting quarterbacks who can run his system. The skills players he needs are just now redshirt freshmen and sophomores. He realized he had a defensive line issue and made changes to accommodate. Parella has really only signed one class so far. They are young and need time. I find what Mike Riley has done so far to be a great job with improvement each year. That's all you can ask for. Nebraska is not going to dish out $5-6million a year for a coach. We never have and just won't. Mike is a really good option for his price point. His assistants like working for him and work hard for him. We are slowly restocking the DL, DB's, QB's, WR's, and TE's. OL and RB need to be strong now to get some players in there. I do have concern about Cav... he has several 4* players on his line (5 I think), yet he can't get any of them to play at a next level caliber. Why is that? He has talent on his line, but they struggle so much. It may be a mental thing. They may be thinking Cav's teachings aren't working. I dunno. But it's definitely something to keep an eye on. In an NFL Pro Style Offense it is essential to have a good line. If we don't have a good line, we just check down all the time and then the defense plays the checkdown because we can't let plays develop downfield. The NFL quarterbacks who look great are the NFL QB's who have great lines... look at Carr with Oakland last year, look at Prescott with Dallas, etc. If we can't get this line playing with dominance then we can't have an explosive offense.
  15. I'm wondering why our staff takes ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Players who will need a redshirt year to develop physically when they have high ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Players physically ready to play day one highly interested in NU. Why take Masty Mapieu as early as they did when they knew he was so raw? In my opinion they should have slow played them and held out for bigger fish like Trout and Avery. I suppose I can see taking Wildeman since he has a rare body type and fits a hard to find prototype at DE, high football IQ, big motor, and is a high character kid. We need guys like him in our program. But Mapieu was interesting to me. I would not have a problem at all with the staff backing off of him if they feel Avery or Trout are high possibilities. Many have said Mapieu has a lot of potential but that he is so raw he will need a few years in college to break down and rebuild his body, learn technique, get stronger, and increase his football IQ. I just think he should have been a plan B player. If Nebraska really wants to get back to winning championships, we can't take developmental players as plan "A" guys. We have to get near immediate contributors in the system at more positions than WR and DB. Guys who can be ready and strong enough to play after a redshirt year. True national championship teams sign the linemen who are physically and mentally able after their redshirt year, not guys who redshirt and then need to sit on the sidelines two more years to develop before they are able to keep up and play. We will never build depth that way. One of our biggest issues has been how many developmental years our players need before they are able to see the field and keep up mentally/physically. We have a few players as outliers to that, but not near enough, and very few at positions of need. if we could nab a Trevor Trout or a calvin Avery we would be getting players further along and closer to playing time than a Masry Mapieu who won't be ready for a few years.
  16. My take on Miles is this. He can recruit really well. He gets players on campus at the guard and forward positions. But he seems to undervalue and neglect having well developed big men on the team. He struggles to get them and really doesn't offer many or seem to focus on many. Once Miles gets his players on campus I see them misused. For example, jeriah horne was one of our best outside shooters and offensive players last year, yet he sat the bench over and over again when we desperately needed outside shooting. The reason given was his failure to play good defense, but we really needed offense that they needed to play him. Michael Jacobson had a nice mid range, top of the key shot that was rarely utilized. They kept him down in the post and had him post up. He could shoot pretty well from mid to outside, he vocalized that was where he felt he had skill set and he wanted the opportunity to play there. Ed Morrow played well underneath but was severely undersized to be Down there. He should have been put at the 3/4 and allowed to play mid range in addition to helping down low. I could see why he was frustrated. Miles made him into a 6'7" center and he was not a center. The primary issue I see with Miles is his ability to adjust his offense to his players skill sets and his failure to get quality big men, big as in 6'10"-7'2" players. He gets highly ranked players and asks them to do things that are not their strengths.
  17. His vertical leap is only going to continue to increase as he gets a stronger base in the weight room. Wait till he has a year in the college weight room to see what happens.
  18. Jacobson's skill set was always more of an outside shooter, we just had to have him play inside because we didn't have big guys. That's why he transferred, he didn't want to be a 5, he wanted to be a 3. He does have a mid range shot and an outside shot when needed. Morrow on the other hand is built like a 3 but his skill set is that of a 4 or 5 so he is an odd fit. He's an inside player that's too small to be an inside player. Duby Okeke will be a guy who comes off the bench to give Jordy rest or to play when Jordy gets in foul trouble. Like someone mentioned above, he will play limited minutes and will be a rim defending specialist for the slashers or the second chance rebounds. He's a big body for the paint meant to play defense.
  19. I think 550 is what Ameer maxed out at when he graduated. A max of 600 is what you see NFL guys lifting. He is physically ready to play year one if he can learn the playbook and be mentally ready to play. He could play TE or OLB, if the evaluators think he would be a good TE but an outstanding OLB then we need to put him at OLB. That is a position we need an immediate contributor at and we seem to have some good TE depth developing and stacking up with Snyder & Stoll coming on, with Englehaupt with another year in the offense and with Rafdal & Allen coming out of a redshirt year when Jurgens arrives.
  20. After watching his film I see several things. He plays with his hand in the dirt. Has a high motor. Seems to have a quick first step off the ball. Already had swim moves, spin moves, and release moves many high schoolers don't learn until college. His dad is a college coach and he seems to have been developed beyond his years with his understanding of technicality. He's 6'6" 245 right now but played his junior year at 230. In Diaco's defense he will be a DE who plays on the line in Freedom's position, which is the lighter, pass rusher of the two ends. He could also play OLB with his hand in the dirt as a pass rusher on certain packages. I don't see him dropping back into coverage though. That would be the OLB spot that Gifford and Newby play.
  21. Don't hate on Coach Davis too much. Last year's OLine play was a huge factor in the lack of production. Tre Bryant and Mikale Wilbon are really talented backs. Ozigbo gives us a power and heavy option. And let's not count out Jaylin Bradley. He has the production stats, even with lack of D1 competition around him in high school, to prove he can really play. He literally doubled the stats of every other RB in Nebraska HS football. I don't think we are as bad off here as we thought. Wyatt Mazour showed he can really play too. He is a nice surprise for this year.
  22. A lot of speculation and hints out there that he might be a silent commit. I think he's enjoying keeping everyone guessing. He's been to campus twice now. Need to get him to a real game this fall and hold onto him. The guys who want to announce late are the ones most risky to Change their minds... this kid can go anywhere he wants and the attention will only increase. I'd be worried about Oklahoma and A&M due to proximity to home.
  23. He has high character, a huge motor, work ethic, and a really advanced football mind for a guy his age. He has been taught the details. He already has several separation moves for the line of scrimmage and has a really high football IQ for the game. I think the staff knows if they can get the strength and speed on him through weightlifting and diet that he has everything else there.
  24. I'm thinking the IMG WR is going to commit. His brother has sent some kryptic texts and Bookie said he has had a strategy in place for a year to land more guys for Nebraska.
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