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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. He told a Jewish guy he needs a come to Jesus meeting
  2. What did I tell you about your adult viewing habits the other day???!?
  3. Petition could be calling your congressman, writing a letter, or creating a petition for people to sign about an issue. You aren't protected from yelling inside the chambers.
  4. So he sent a formal request to the government (i.e. written)? Because if he was just yelling like a mad man, first amendment speech protection doesn't apply the same to all places and forums. The house chambers would likely be one of those place where speech can be restricted.
  5. I think it was just the idiom, but teach took it literally so the kids had to go with it.
  6. Why is she in a f#&%ing kitchen? I didn't watch any of either the STotU or the rebuttal but sounds like Uncle Joe did alright and the GOP continues to s#!t the bed in extraordinary fashion.
  7. Making meth in your mom's basement involves chemistry, but I wouldn't call you a chemist...
  8. I'd just like to welcome you all to the price of gas I've been paying for a long time now. Between my Camaro taking premium and our other car taking regular I think I average $3.25 the last 6 months or so.
  9. I mean, you jumped to a conclusion based off some shady sources (Elon especially so). Not sure why anyone would think a president would implement a program to bring unverified immigrants into the country. That's stupid all around, and it would be one of the most idiotic things they could do in a campaign year. I appreciate that you get your news from some non-traditional sources, and it does add to the conversations on this board, but it's also becoming readily apparent that in recent weeks/months your sources are leaning pretty far right wing conspiracy. I just hope you continue to search for the truth and not fall victim to the manipulation.
  10. Why are you so concerned about people who are vetted coming from countries they want to flee into the US? And why do you care if they come across a land border or go through customs in an international airport?
  11. What happened at Kent State...? Here's my question... So there were three pretty high profile attacks. I wouldn't necessarily call it a spike or surge yet, but there does need to be a message sent that it won't be tolerate and the city is looking out for commuters. The mayor of NYC is former NYPD himself, so where the heck are the police and what are they doing???
  12. I don't judge, but please keep your porn collection to yourself.
  13. I think the governor can deploy their guard however they see fit.
  14. Some perspective from 2023... https://www.fox5ny.com/news/nyc-crime-rate-2023-statistics
  15. That's called having no backbone or moral code. But that's nothing new for Mitch.
  16. The intolerance aside... Why would you want to dress like a bus boy at a fine dining establishment?
  17. Why not stick around and stop lying?
  18. You can't post it after it moons you bozo! Also, f#&% HP that company is trash. Which is also how they treat their customers.
  19. Nevermind menopause. Wait until they find out her real name...
  20. Italian wine is better. Pastries though I guess, but they learned a lot of that from the Poles...
  21. How does a state court adjudicate for a federal crime??? I mean, take the political blinders off and just think about this thing logically. There's a reason it was a unanimous decision. The reasoning of the conservative justice maybe wrong but the outcome is correct, and I think you're blowing this way out of proportion.
  22. Yeah, I don't think anyone here has said that about the Houthis... The French have been off doing their own thing against the Houthis. Macron needs to swallow his pride and get inline with the US and UK to have a more cohesive and coordinated strategy. The French are not a global leader in anything these days, outside of protests.
  23. I'm all out of whack. I was referencing Article 3 section 3. Not the 14th Amendment, but I think my point still stands. You can't just say someone is a traitor, insurrectionists, etc and have it be so. There has to be some official proceeding with due process. Who determines who has engaged in insurrection? In this case Title 18 U.S. Code 2383 would be the enforce code for insurrection under the criminal justice code. Again to your last paragraph, blame Merrick Garland and the court system.
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