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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. I'm not sure bringing in the Ryan Brothers is going to upgrade the talent level at this Hooters. Yeesh. Do those two own anything other than sweats?
  2. Tire pressure sensors have other issues that aren't necessarily going to overlap with this type of item, not to mention they're not all created equal anyways. I read another article that said a US company had this idea a few years back but went bankrupt, so yes it's going to cost an arm and a leg (all new technologies do). But at the same time there's always a fool out there that will pay for something. Maybe they would rather spend a couple seconds deploying this than getting out of the vehicle to put chains on. This thing is just a demo at this point, but I think it's a pretty interesting idea.
  3. Then you have the quite real problem that the people above their section can not see as the students not only stand, but stand on the bleachers. Pretty sure that was one of the reasons they moved them up there to start with, people behind them were complaining.
  4. Didn't for me either. Some of my friends found out it was though.
  5. It doesn't actually have to be very complex, more complex than a non-studded tire but not all that complicated. Some kind of piezoelectric material to push the studs out and wiring is all it would take, you could tie it into the tire pressure sensors and you've got everything you need. Of course the actual engineering would be pretty complex, but the assembled system could be pretty basic.
  6. It's absolutely not a myth. There are people that stand out front of the student union and tell everyone they are sinners and going to hell. And there are also the LGBT groups that try to raise awareness for their views. There are a good number of religious organizations and a fair number of the "equal rights" organizations. Knap gave you a perfect example of how tolerant college is. College is overflowing with different view points and beliefs. If you're not forcing your views on anyone you will be overwhelmingly accepted. In my time at UNL I hung out with pot smokers, boozers (or college kids if you will), other drug users, hardcore Catholics, moderate Catholics, Bereans, Lutherans, Jews, Muslims, Atheist, and general "non believers". And you know what, we all get along pretty well and know how to have a good time. That doesn't mean we didn't have the occasional philosophical/religious discussions that could get pretty heated, but in the end you just have to agree to disagree. That doesn't mean you can't still be friends though.
  7. Most of them are engineers... I got Astronaut as well.
  8. Wyoming as well, and not far from the truth except I'm probably to liberal to live there.
  9. Who wants to be my date tonight? You're paying.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZRod
    3. ADS


      Where we going?

    4. ZRod


      You're call, but I'm a classy guy so...

  10. I want to ask specifically where you see a higher power involved, because I am genuinely curious. But I don't want to have you get ripped apart like it tends to happen in these threads.
  11. I have a professor who is over 70 and he plays with his smart phone during class.
  12. Richie is going with the old scorched earth tactic. Nice!
  13. The default young-earth view is that neanderthals weren't primitive pre-humans from pre-history, they were actually diseased or defective 'normal' humans that were exiled or cast out from civilization. I mean I guess that works, we share 99% of our DNA.
  14. I think that's an easy conclusion to come to. Personally I have yet to hear a valid explanation of how there is something instead of nothing. I think Knap referenced Lawrence Krauss in another thread about something from nothing, but I don't really find his argument fulfilling. He's definition of nothing is, I think, dark matter and dark energy. Which to me is something not nothing. I think the more we learn about our world and universe the more "god" becomes a receding idea used to justify things we don't have an explanation for yet. To me it would be much more beautiful and elegant if this "creator" set all his rules (that we know as physics, biology, etc.) and then just said go (the big bang) and left everything else alone, and it's played out the way it has. Here's my question, where to neanderthals and the like fit in with the creationist view?
  15. Can we all agree that no one knows how the tides work? Tide comes in Tide goes out. You can't explain that!
  16. That really is one of the best wayst to describe gravity. If you think of space and time as a blanket, than any object with mass set on top of that blanket creates a "dent" in. If you were to put a smaller object on the blanket it would fall down the slope to the larger object.
  17. 0x0 is undefined, just saying. Ouch, man...! That's a 15-yard penalty. oh, f#*k me! I fixed it to what I meant.
  18. 0x(1/0) is undefined, just saying.
  19. I've never heard about it and I'm a member of this board, so I know everything.
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