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Lil' Red

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Everything posted by Lil' Red

  1. I think our best hope is that Wisconsin is upset by someone else along the way. I don't see us winning either of those games.
  2. NU 45 Illini - 20 Rushing - 325 Passing -175
  3. Thanks for joining us Aloha. When you say "his policies" are what we need, what exactly are you referring to? I could probably echo BIGREDIOWAN with the concern about how he'd handle foreign relations. But my view into his life and how he's handled his business interactions tell me that he's much more... I guess most people would say "reasonable-sounding" behind closed doors in meetings. When he's on stage and on TV, the entire reason he says some of the controversial things he's said is to get attention drawn to him. He has literally owned the media for the past year with how he makes them cover him. First off, the whole "A man you can bait with a tweet" ordeal is such utter fear-mongering BS coming from the Dems. I trust DJT 10000000% more than Hillary War-monger Clinton with them. So that part of foreign relations, I am not worried about. I also think his policy of not playing police to the world is something I've been saying for a lot of years about the US, as playing police for decades has caused a lot of hatred toward us and has cost us immense amounts of money on military spending. I encourage everyone to actually take a look and see the REAL policies he's proposing instead of taking CNN's word - or worse, the Washington Post... https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/ Why didn't Trump showcase his "reasonable sounding" side during the debate? It was the perfect opportunity for him to do that.
  4. Houston struggled mightily against Cincinatti until the very end when Cincy fell apart with turnovers. Houston will get exposed by a better team if they actually play any this year. Oklahoma, Houston's good win, was way over-ranked. Louisville will absolutely annihilate Houston. Mark it. I think Houston will keep it close if Greg Ward Jr. is at full strength.
  5. It altered it's methodology because it was consistently an outlier that at one time showed Hillary being further ahead than the rest of the polls and then showed her with a smaller lead then the rest of the polls. Also, the poll you linked was taken from 141 voters. Definitely not a poll to draw any major conclusions from. One of their polls of 136 voters in Nebraska had Hillary ahead.
  6. Wow, truly sad you are so callous about people losing their lives.. not surprising, though.
  7. I don't think Minnesota plays this week? Or is that your secret loophole to not lose? Oops. I just looked at their third game and didn't check for a bye. Week 3: Penn State
  8. I suggest reading up on the Clean Air Act if you believe there is nothing we can to do to make a difference short of going back to horse and buggies.
  9. NU - 38 OR - 44 Rush - 175 Pass - 325
  10. NU - 45 WY - 27 Rush - 275 Pass - 225
  11. Those of you who are backing Clinton - what do you do with this information? You can no longer keep on saying - Trump is worse. 1. He may not be worse (worse prepared for the office yes, but not worse corruption wise) You can definitely make a case that Trump is worse corruption-wise. Trump University, refusing to pay his employees and contractors, the thousands of lawsuits against his companies, his mob ties, his bankruptcies, his using of campaign funds on his businesses, and whatever he's hiding in his tax returns make him the more corrupt candidate in my opinion. You may want to look more into Her mob ties over the years and the "refusing to pay his employees and contractors," as those are around 39. In Of the 3K lawsuits he was involved in, he was the plaintiff in just over 1800 of them. So he was the one doing the suing, not the one being sued. But don't let facts get in your way of pushing your agenda. There is nobody more corrupt than the Clintons, you can throw in the Democratic Party into that too as you saw how they made sure that she won the nomination. Do you have a source for Clinton's mob ties? The best I could find was that she meet with someone who had relatives in the mob but that doesn't really compare to Trump's work relationship with the mob. Where are you getting that 39 number? This article puts it in the hundreds. You are correct that I mixed-up the number of lawsuits as a defendant with the total number of lawsuits but I don't think being the plaintiff in a large number of the lawsuits is necessarily a whole lot better. This article found that the total number of lawsuits he was involved in was more than five other top real-estate business executives combined.
  12. And based upon the evidence provided, you came to that conclusion because? Because you said she was. And every time I dig into anything you say it turns out to be half-truths, lies or exaggerations. Basically, if you say something is true, I know it's at least half false, or entirely made up. It's science. Did Hillary Clinton belong to a White's only country club? Yes or no? Do you have a source for that? I found a New York Time's article about Bill playing at an all-white country club but it doesn't mention Hillary.
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