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Lil' Red

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Everything posted by Lil' Red

  1. Yea. Whats that going to do? It certainly isn't going to give Hilary the presidency. I don't think the left should actually root for Trump being impeached. If it happens you'll be begging for him to come back. true....the tweeting trumpwit is not as ominous as the dark lord vp is. We already have a dark lord running the country with Bannon calling the shots. I think Pence would be an upgrade at this point.
  2. It also greatly diminishes the possibility that they'd leave to go to a different school. Our secondary coach position has been a revolving door for quite a while so landing someone that will stick around for awhile would be nice for a change.
  3. If that's the case, it's nice to know we're imposing a 3 scholarship sanction on ourselves. This morning Benning was floating Grad Transfers as a foregone conclusion. It's not a bad thing either, next years class has room for only 14-16 kids at this point. Plus it would be nice to see what Diaco and Donte Williams can do with a full year.
  4. Not picking on you specifically, but I feel like if I were to say something along those same lines about Trump, at least half a dozen other posters would ask me to verify my claims with proof of some sort... Which I think is the basis for most of the complaints from many people's within the p&r/ostracize thread. Trump is not the hero his biggest supporters make him out to be. Nor is he the villain his opponents make him out to be. Perhaps. I think part of his problem is that he is clueless on how to be an effective President so he does what people tell him to do. Right now the person that he appears to listen to the most is Steve Bannon who I believe is the villain that his opponents make him out to be.
  5. Trump himself calls it a ban. Bans can be temporary.
  6. I don't understand why some want absolute safety when it comes to immigrants/refugees but are willing to accept a much greater level of risk in other aspects of their lives. 150,000 people die every year due to lung cancer, 30,000 die in gun related deaths, and 10,000 die due to drunk driving. Why not ban cigarettes, guns, and alcohol? Or at least temporarily ban them until we can implement new measures to deal with them?
  7. Quote taken from Reddit that seems pretty relevant: ― Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and Writings, 1832-1858
  8. If we cannot put the safety of the United States first (for 90 days) so that the freedoms that we all celebrate can continue to be celebrated....I really don't know what else to say. The world has changed, and the gov't we elected to protect our safety and freedoms has to take measures to ensure our safety/freedom. Military members fight (take a vow) to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, not what is written on a plaque placed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. edit: i see BRI already addressed some of this as well... Do these bans even make us safer? One of ISIS's main goals has always been to argue that America is at war with Islam rather than terrorism. This ban will certainly help them accomplish that aim.
  9. I did not make the claim that we are there already; hence, "approach". The intent is staring us in the face. The assault on the independent media has already begun; not with fact-based counter-arguments, but with calls for journalistic outlets to change ownership and for journalists to be fired. If support for the executive is not a requirement, then this is not a question that is asked of foreign immigrants. A world where we value a free-thinking citizenry is not one in which the American people are told to get their truth directly from the President. It has started there, and it will accelerate as far as we are willing to tolerate it. Niemöller is quite relevant. Exactly. The fact that the president continues to refer to the media as the 'opposition party' should be alarming to everyone:
  10. Another sign that Bannon is the one calling the shots: Link
  11. Hopefully this will push more Republican Congressman to speak out against it.
  12. He surely means stop world war III, right? I think he is projecting again.
  13. Ban even applies to those with dual citizenship with an allied country: Link
  14. I'm good friends with an Iranian working on a PhD in computer science. The possibility that she might be deported is sickening.
  15. Trump provided a blueprint for how to do that as well: Link
  16. My question would be how do we know who they are if we don't have proper vetting procedures in place. How do we determine if they are an innocent displaced refugee or a person using that as cover to come here and do horrible things? I don't claim to know the answers of how we currently determine this or what procedures are undertaken but I'm sure not opposed to reviewing them and making the process more stringent if required. Did you read QMany's post?
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