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Everything posted by commando

  1. has hagel been saying anything about trump before this. i haven't noticed. but he seems to be late to the party if he is just now starting to question trumps "competency of leadership."
  2. when you have an indefensible position (to everyone but white nationalists) you get angry and ignore the questions.
  3. how long till some trigger happy trumper shoots someone at the border?..Trump is saying that he has ordered personal to shoot if anyone throws a rock.
  4. where does the republican party dig up all these racist? kk...not the entire party is responsible for them....but there is a large cabal of them embedded in the party. how can i support a party that welcomes these bastards into their ranks?
  5. 2 years into the trump administration and now we have a border invasion. 2 years of trump, 2 years of republican controlled congress and senate, and republican dominated judicial system....and it's the dems fault. i wonder when donnie and the republicans will take the blame for their screw ups?
  6. you should also put this in the angry violent right thread
  7. jews and muslims can have peace...but those damn liberals can go to hell!!! and by liberal i mean anyone who even thinks a negative thought about our president pinnochio
  8. i think scott will have a long talk with him if he uses that move in a game.
  9. good lord....not sure how anyone could get much lower. and as i say that trump probably says "hold my beer"
  10. riiiggghhhttt.....this is north korea here. talk about hyperbole. ^
  11. the vast majority think it's very clear. some extremists argue that it isn't so clear.
  12. how snowflaky is fortenberry? waging a war over a "like" on facebook seems to be the ultimate snowflake https://journalstar.com/news/local/education/fortenberry-complains-about-facebook-reaction-to-vandalized-sign-unl-professor/article_ddfa4b2a-ffcf-594d-9417-502f0f01cb3d.html?mode=nowapp
  13. trump wants the dems to win the house. it will give him someone to blame for his failures.
  14. the libs, the mexicans, the jews, etc....
  15. and all the while the cons are empowering the nazi killers already here.
  16. lol...flipping through the channels and hit fox news. tucker carlson is talking about UFO's.
  17. that's just our normal everyday gun culture at work. no need to talk about that.
  18. lol.....so very true. but..... will we notice any difference?
  19. looks like bannon is settling down into his place in the dust bin of history
  20. Speaking about the position of the U.S. on the global stage, Putin celebrated the waning influence of what he described as America’s “monopoly” on power, saying it would give Russia the ability to exert more influence in the world. “Empires often think they can make some little mistakes. Because they’re so powerful,” Putin said, according to the Financial Times. ”But when the number of these mistakes keeps growing, it reaches a level they cannot sustain.” He admonished the U.S. for having a “sense of impunity,” saying, “This is the result of the monopoly from a unipolar world.” “Luckily this monopoly is disappearing,” he added. “It’s almost done.” And Russia’s time has come, he said, claiming that America’s downfall meant that Russia had an opportunity to establish itself as a major player on the global stage. https://www.truthorfiction.com/did-putin-say-influence-world-waning/
  21. why did russia meddle? and the GOP is in bed with this?
  22. have you ever heard of diplomatic imunity? that is what i take that phrase to exclude from being citizens....the kids of diplomats here in the country while serving their own countries interest.
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