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Everything posted by commando

  1. Speaking about the position of the U.S. on the global stage, Putin celebrated the waning influence of what he described as America’s “monopoly” on power, saying it would give Russia the ability to exert more influence in the world. “Empires often think they can make some little mistakes. Because they’re so powerful,” Putin said, according to the Financial Times. ”But when the number of these mistakes keeps growing, it reaches a level they cannot sustain.” He admonished the U.S. for having a “sense of impunity,” saying, “This is the result of the monopoly from a unipolar world.” “Luckily this monopoly is disappearing,” he added. “It’s almost done.” And Russia’s time has come, he said, claiming that America’s downfall meant that Russia had an opportunity to establish itself as a major player on the global stage. https://www.truthorfiction.com/did-putin-say-influence-world-waning/
  2. why did russia meddle? and the GOP is in bed with this?
  3. have you ever heard of diplomatic imunity? that is what i take that phrase to exclude from being citizens....the kids of diplomats here in the country while serving their own countries interest.
  4. interesting thread. sounds like a catfishing expedition.
  5. i wonder how the new right wing courts would handle trumps EO? if he can pass an EO to strip 1 part of the constitution...couldn't he erase the whole constitution with his pen? wouldn't erasing the constitution make him....a dictator?
  6. the mayor of pittsburgh asked trump to stay away and the leaders of the jewish community in pittsburgh said they didn't want trump there....but trump wants a photo op so away he goes.
  7. these numbers don't take into account the national guard troops already posted on the border.
  8. hope they caught them on security cameras
  9. lol.....smallpox? thats been eradicated around the world...no one can bring that but fox news is stirring the base with that fake news
  10. does anyone remember when Donnie took the radical right extremists off the terror watch list? how is that working out so far?
  11. well...duh...they were radical liberal clergy since they spoke out against anything republican endorsed.
  12. what if the diseases wipe out the terrorists and ms13 members of the caravan?
  13. do we believe captain bonespurs or a former US marine and former DHS spokesman?
  14. there is more than a grain of truth to this
  15. i watched the video...but don't see where it was a moment of silence for the victims. the newscasters said nothing about them interrupting the moment of silence. and there was a big USA chant going on so they were also interrupting the silence?
  16. i can remember "many fine people" who were marching around carrying torches and yelling "jews will not replace us" trump called them very fine people. how that wasn't suppose to be a call to arms for the nazis and anti semitics i will never figure out.
  17. well...he says he has more indian blood that warren......so president sitting bull($hit)?
  18. reports from texas of voters hitting the straight democratic vote button which is suppose to fill in all dem choices on the ballot....but the votes for beto are going to cruz instead.
  19. not angry extremists...just angry trumpers
  20. i really hope this isn't the biggest thread on huskerboard...but i fear it may be someday in the next couple years.
  21. with the arrest of the magabomber...i wonder how hannity will cover hillarys e-mails tonight?
  22. i don't see how to read that and not think it was a threat.
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