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Everything posted by Moiraine

  1. Didn't ShaggyOrangeBevoBlood.com say that ND was flipping from Big East to Big 12 in all sports but football, but will play 4 to 6 football games with Big 12 teams AND keep NBC as a third tier network? (I think that they also reported that all Texan farts don't smell and oil is good for all that ails you) Yes you are correct and 810 sports down here in KC yesterday is saying that the big 12 will get ND and FSU. I hate ND but would love them to join the big add syracuse and stop right there. Their source is orangebloods.
  2. I don't want it in a dome. I'd rather it be in the southeast than a dome. It's just so anti college football to me.
  3. I understand being annoyed at crap grammar, but people talk in slang all the damn time. That's all it is. It just happens to be the kind of slang that you likely don't hear in every day life. They aren't typing "ight" because they actually think that's the correct way to say the thing. Jason doesn't actually think that brother is spelled bruh. I get kind of annoyed at people bringing this kind of thing up over and over again like it actually reflects on the person's intelligence. (Not trying to single you out by I see this post all the time). The only thing that bothers me in the tweets is that "its" doesn't have an apostrophe Now if this was an essay or a professional letter, then it would be bad.
  4. Where did you find that? I found it on the the Southern Miss - Nebraska "conversation" on espn. Those forums are sometimes fun. It's disappointing though... UCLA fans are not nearly as entertaining as Washington fans.
  5. I was accidentally a vegetarian for awhile after I gave up fast food and I really didn't miss it. I was still eating eggs and cheese though. (I should probably add that I've never been much of a hamburger fan, which is probably what would be the hardest thing to give up for most people. That and bacon). Just a snack idea. Maybe I'm slow but I'd never thought of it before. I was eating cottage cheese regularly already when it dawned on me that I could trick myself into eating more vegetables by using it as a dip, and it's pretty good. Unless you hate cottage cheese. I just don't like buying dip with added sugar/corn syrup/weird ingredients, so cheese works well. Gonna try it with cucumbers and bell peppers next.
  6. Just saw this for the first time...
  7. Oh Jenna Marbles... and she's hilarious
  8. I agree. As I pointed out in another thread, it's like Texas A&M fans bragging over beating us.
  9. Hollywood is a dump man, go with the latter. K, I'll just convince my friend to move. I'm not really asking which place is nicer. I've been there several times. I'm asking where I'll find more Nebraska fans. Edit: Also, I'm not asking where I should stay. I suppose I worded that badly. I'm staying at someone's apartment, not travelling there with someone and staying at a hotel. I'm asking where Husker fans hung out last time.
  10. Anyone know where Nebraska fans generally hung out the last time we were at the Rose Bowl? If I go I'm going to be staying with someone in Hollywood. I wonder if most people stay around there or around the Pasadena area.
  11. I want all sorts of stuff like this to be printed leading up to the season, because this team is awful when they think they're good.
  12. Tom Osborne has already spoke about this a few times. They did the math and everything's going to be okay. /comfort Just think of the brightside, if the ticket holder starts to become in danger they might lower the levels of donation for the waiting list! I wish you wouldn't quote me until I've fixed my gramer errors
  13. I'm just waiting for him to break up with his girlfriend. He's been dating her for 45+ years though. I have limited patience.
  14. Tom Osborne has already spoke about this a few times. They did the math and everything's going to be okay. /comfort
  15. I love it when Osborne manages to diss people while still sounding as nice as Mr. Rogers
  16. I found this part amusing: "They lost three conference games -- at Michigan and at Wisconsin in spectacular blow-outs and vs. Northwestern in game that even Brady Hoke couldn't believe happened. Other than that they had the singular highlight of clobbering Michigan State." Alright, I realize Iowa went 7-6 last year, but it amuses me that our win against them was left out, since they beat Michigan
  17. You idiots ruined a perfectly good and thoughtful thread with your squabbling.
  18. If I could rep you 3,000,000 X pajillion times I would. And now I have an excuse to post the full video. Heisman pose at 4:45. There, I related it to this awesome topic.
  19. I seriously doubt there's any significant difference in under-graduate engineering teaching between any big universities. Just because he's from "Michigan" doesn't mean he knows more basic mathematical formulas and/or chemical/electrical/mechanical/etc theory. Of course you're right that he's had a fine and rigorous education but attending "Michigan" is not the deciding issue at all. His major is. Wow, you read way more into that than you should have. I highly doubt Blue wrote the "from UM" to imply that it's better than an engineering degree from somewhere else. It just happened to be part of his sentence. Obviously the engineering part was the key word.
  20. The writing was annoying but it was fairly in line with my thoughts. Except... "None of the Huskers receivers were that good last season, and it's pretty safe to say they won't be unearthing any new talent this fall." I have hope that they'll be surprising some people. I think our WRs have a lot of potential as long as Kinnie hasn't passed on the disease that Paul gave him.
  21. What about italics or underlining?
  22. I'll do it if you promise to come to my funeral when I fall after getting the picture. I'm guessing that climbing down is harder than climbing up. Only if I can sing the song Dust in the Wind by American progressive rock band Kansas. I would prefer that
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