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Everything posted by It'sNotAFakeID

  1. So, hear me out: "putting limitations on how much speech someone can engage in is a violation of the First Amendment." It's no shock that corporations, special interest groups, lobbyists have the ears of lawmakers. They're able to have the ear of lawmakers through political contributions. Doesn't that, in some way, limit the free speech of those without $? I would think, legally, as the law is interpreted and written, the answer is no. But practically, peoples' free speech is being limited. I can't get the attention of a politician because I don't have $25,000,000.
  2. I don't intend this to be crass or harsh, but just a blunt reality. This country will be better off when some/most of the 65-70+ legislators aren't around. They are the f#&%ing worst people.
  3. Even if Trump was not being serious, do you think that his words may be interpreted as being serious by some?
  4. Self serving bias on a national level, I guess.
  5. Does Ben Shapiro attmept to understand anything that might be mired in grey?
  6. So we're back to show me his birth certificate, I see. Being proudly and willfully ignorant is a bad look.
  7. We ever think why people want to come to the US? Do we even care that people who are born into circumstances beyond their control are powerless to change their circumstances in their country? Have we even stopped to think that the floodgates might not open if we help these folks? Coming into the US is the last hope for some, most, of these people. The US represents an escape for these people from the dire circumstances of their lives that are beyond their control. It seems heartless to just say, "turn around, we don't want you here", without much justification behind why we can't support them.
  8. So there shouldn't be folks saying this was perpetrated by the left to benefit the midterms?
  9. The term snowflake is so funny because the people who use that word get similarly upset over tiny things. It's odd, as if they're projecting their own insecurities onto other people.
  10. I mean, ruining one's dinner because they've shamelessly and actively played a role in ruining lives is pretty similar to trying to murder someone.
  11. Well. Don't want pipe bombs, don't disturb Mitch McConnell at dinner! Pretty tit for tat, tbh. George Soros probably planted the bomb himself. :rollseyes:
  12. We watched what happened at Northwestern last week. We'd be silly if we don't think that's perfectly capable of happening again. Hopefully they, players and coaches alike, learn from last week and see out the win.
  13. What are the qualifications to be President of the United States? What skills must one possess? What experiences must they have had?
  14. Who says he isn't the brightest bulb? Who says pothead slackers can't be intelligent? I know a fair amount of "pothead slackers" who are very smart people. I also know a fair amount of people who don't do drugs at all who are really dumb. You're making a pretty big leap by assuming that something must be amiss because he won't release his records. Did Donald Trump have shady business dealings because he never released his tax returns?
  15. I like efficiency ratings that consider both yards and points.
  16. Why did Obama have serious questions raised about how he got into a particular school?
  17. Total yards has sort of an inflated status in terms of statistical importance.
  18. Well, duh. We have the 3rd toughest schedule because the schedule includes teams that have beaten Nebraska!
  19. I don't know - I think he might be an Arab.
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