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Ran into an avid Arizona Fan tonight....

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:) I am glad that we aren't sitting around this year whining and moaning the whole off season, calling for the heads of coaches to be whacked off in the public square, but...


I ran into an AZ fan tonight up here in Washington, he was a very good sport about the whole blowout thing, and commended our defense for a great game. The thing that I was impressed most about this guy was that he wasn't calling for someone to be fired at AZ. :cheers He had a very positive outlook on the future of AZ football, and I got the feeling that he understood that it is a growing experience, and that good things are worth the wait if you give them the time needed to develop.


We have been in the same position that they are getting dominated like that, and unfortunately the first thing that happens is there are people calling for the heads of coaches, complaining about who is starting at QB, etc. Hell, we couldn't even get through this season without people promoting the benching of Lee, or calling for Watson and Cotton's heads. And this season was, for 95% of all the other teams in the NCAA, an excellent season for the Huskers. (Even though, we as fans, who watched our offense knew it wasn't up to our standards, and knew that the defense truly saved the season - but the team wins as a team, and loses as a team.)


give us good reason over the course of several seasons We need to get back to the point, as fans, where we stand behind our team, and the coaches, at least until they asons not to be in their corner. We used to be like that, before Callahan's reign...and it sure would be nice to be there again.


Whether we like it or not, other fans from other teams watch how we react when things aren't going real good. In the past people have always commented on what good sportsmanship we had, and how we supported our team in good times and bad. Can they still say that? Can we still make the claim that no matter what, we are true Husker fans?


I guess that means you wanted Cosgrove back since he only had one bad defensive year and the year before they won the north. <_<


Were fans supposed to be giddy all year watching the offense do nothing game after game.


Can't wait for next year to post all positive stuff no matter what happens in a game, just so other teams fans can think what a great fanbase they have here.


I'll leave on a positive note. It was great that this offense almost beat texas by settling for fg when they were on the ten yard line.


Let's start another true fan post. :sarcasm

Cosgrove was part of the whole Callahan package and it needed to be dismantled. One of the main problems with the Callahan era became attitude...attitude of coaches, attitude of players, and even the attitude of the fans. There had to be a house cleaning of sorts...keeping Watson was even in some regards a gamble, though I admit that I supported it, mainly because at that time the offense was the only part of the team that seemed to be functioning at all on the field.


I have never seen Nebraska fans turn on the home team like I did with Callahan here...and I never would have dreamed that it would have happened before he was here. What happened with the fans attitude was like a virus, started in one section and continued until it consumed almost the entire fan base. Once it got to a certain point, you knew that the only way to heal the problem was to dissect the offending party - the coaching staff. It got to a point that nothing BC and staff did could have cured the fans viral hate for them. Who ever would have thought there would be death threats on a coach here? I hope we never see another episode like that one.


As far as the offense goes this year...I didn't like it either. But I also wasn't one of the people calling for Watson's head or the benching of Lee. Anyone that knows football knew that there was a problem with the O-line, and without it working, nothing was going to work. If the QB don't have the time to throw, then passes won't be caught. If the running backs don't have a hole to run through, they will probably be tackled at the line or for only a short gain, if not in the backfield.


There are some on this board that are quick to call for a coaches head when things aren't going well. They don't look beyond the coach to see exactly where the problem is. It is like they think the coach can just dial in and fix whatever the problem is. The coach is not on the field, and isn't playing...so he has to rely on what talent he has to put on the field, or lack of talent. You can't teach a kid that don't have the basic skills to be a football player, and if he does, sometimes it takes a while to develop them. Some kids catch on fast, others don't. And anyone that thinks firing a coach mid-season is wise needs their head examined...and those that did never could answer the simple question of who do you replace him with that is available and willing to consider coming to Nebraska after we have gone through so many coaches in the last 6-7 years? Especially mid season.


Anyone can point the finger at recruiting for now and give these coaches an out, but in a couple more years that won't be the case...the players they will have will be their picks of the litter...and they will have no excuse for not developing them into a good football team. If they don't, then they should be held accountable.

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20 years living out here and I still have yet to meet an "Avid" Arizona fan.. :dunno




Although I did find someone to bet with on the Holiday Bowl..He's a fan of Arizona mainly because he hates ASU.

The day after the game I was on Arizona's forum, there were people there calling themselves things like "Cornhusker" just really ragging on them hard about getting beat so bad. I had to wonder, as did the regulars on that board, whether it was a troll from ASU. I would hope that a real fan for Nebraska would not bend so low as to do that #1, and anyone that has nothing better to do than try to sow hate and discontent on someone else board needs to get a life #2.


In one regard the cross-state rivalry would be fun, but then you would also split the fan base, and constantly have the trolls to weed out.

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The day after the game I was on Arizona's forum, there were people there calling themselves things like "Cornhusker" just really ragging on them hard about getting beat so bad. I had to wonder, as did the regulars on that board, whether it was a troll from ASU.


That's the same person* that posts here under the same name.




* - "person" isn't what I originally wrote, but I'd rather not get banned for saying what I really think of that person's behavior.

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Yeah I like to lurk on other boards and see what they have to say after they play Nebraska.


What I don't understand is why someone feels the need to get on a teams board that just got beat to tell them they got beat? Other then trolling I don't see any other reason. Even if your trying to be nice it's seems condescending which is probably just as worse to the other teams fans.

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20 years living out here and I still have yet to meet an "Avid" Arizona fan.. :dunno




Although I did find someone to bet with on the Holiday Bowl..He's a fan of Arizona mainly because he hates ASU.


U of A fans hate ASU more than they like their own team. <_< Same goes for the other way around.

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20 years living out here and I still have yet to meet an "Avid" Arizona fan.. :dunno




Although I did find someone to bet with on the Holiday Bowl..He's a fan of Arizona mainly because he hates ASU.


U of A fans hate ASU more than they like their own team. <_< Same goes for the other way around.

I don't know, when you have two schools that compete in the same state for the fans it just seems like you have one school that looks at themselves as the upper class, and the other school has a chip on their shoulder about it. For Example: USC/UCLA, North Carolina/NC State/Duke, Georga/Georgia Tech., Florida/Florida State/Miami, Michigan/Michigan State, etc.

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All the fans here in Tucson seem have the same take on the game. Arizona wasn't ready to play because they were partying to much, and Stoops didn't do his job preparing them. I tried to suggest that maybe they just played the best defense in the country, at this point of the season, but they didn't want to here that. They still think they would have beat the Huskers if only they had come to play. Not going to change their minds down here.





I find this to be insulting to the Husker Football Team. If they can't give credit where credit is due then they can live with their insecurities. I remember years ago when Thomas Lott, Kenny King and Billy Sims played for Oklahoma. I 'hated' them with a passion but I also knew they were just really good football players it was then that I coined the phrase, "I 'hate' them so bad because they play so good."



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...We used to be like that, before Callahan's reign...


Not to be a naysayer...but...


I remember in the mid to late 80's when poeple where calling for TO's head because he couldn't win the bowl games.


I guess my point here is that there will always be those who feel they are serving a purpose by calling for firings. Not saying I agree...just sayin'...

It was not so much TO, but they were usually calling for McBride's head, especially against the Florida teams.


No..I remember having to defend TO to my old girlfriend's Dad (A Booster) because it took 7 or 8 tries to finally beat Barry (OU).

I also seem to remember reading where he was close to getting fired just before he squeaked out a win against Houston? in a Bowl game.


His play calling was sooooooo predictable durring his first decade as HC.


Eventually...It didn't matter.

I was just responding to the late 80's post, and yes, I remember TO was close to being shown the door if he didn't win the now defunct Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl against Texas Tech in 76.


TO finally got over the OU bugaboo in 78 to only lose the next two games (Mizzou, and OU rematch at the Orange Bowl) That was almost enough for TO to resign and take the HC job at Colorado.


Don't know that I will ever forgive the Orange Bowl selection committee for doing that to us. The only thing that even comes close was having to play Miami on their home field in 1984. They basically screwed us twice.



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